Outside chapter 1213, the Little Bun was alone

The blanket was pulled up, covering her naked body. Her delicate little face slowly lifted up, and her gaze met his eyes. She ridiculed him without holding back, "have you seen enough? "

When she said this, her face was very uncomfortable at first, and there was a touch of red, but it was quickly calmed down by her.

These few simple words were undoubtedly the most powerful counterattack against Shi Qinuo, and even crushed his previous words.

He said that he was not interested, but his eyes were more loyal than his body. Even he looked down on himself.

Hai Yue took the opportunity when he was distracted to push him away. She wrapped herself in the blanket and stood up. She pretended to be calm and walked past him. She wanted to find some clothes to change into, but when she brushed past him, she suddenly stepped on the long tail of the blanket.

Hai Yue's body leaned forward and fell straight to the ground.

"Shi Qinuo, help me! " Hai Yue panicked. She did not care about the blanket that seemed to be on the verge of slipping. Her hands carelessly groped his arm.

Shi Qinuo's hand nimbly hooked around her waist to stop her from falling down. However, he didn't pull her up.

He glanced at her from the side and asked unhurriedly, "help you with what? "

"PULL ME UP! " Hai Yue was afraid that he would throw her down if he said something wrong. She wrapped her hands around his arms and used his support to stabilize herself.

Shi Qinuo's gaze swept across her chest. He saw that she had already slid down and revealed a large piece of the bed sheet. His thin lips lazily said, "the bed sheet fell off. "

His voice was light and breezy. It felt as if he was talking about something as easy as breakfast. However, Hai Yue's face turned hot when she heard his words. She pretended to be calm and was completely confused by his simple words.

His gaze moved down to her chest at an extremely slow speed. Hai Yue was stunned. After frantically wrapping the quilt, she stood on the spot and did not dare to move.

"32A? " Shi Qinuo glanced at her from the corner of his eyes. He calmly admired her flushed face and leisurely said a sentence. The corners of his lips curled up and he turned around to leave the house.

When he reached the door, a sentence floated from behind him, "what's so interesting about a little bun? "

The slightly contemptuous words made Hai Yue angry, dumbfounded, and indignant.


A pillow was thrown at the door.

Shi Qinuo reacted quickly and pulled the door shut before she could raise her hand.

"So, remember to close the door at any time in the future. " A slightly smiling sentence floated out of his mouth. The corners of his lips curled slightly as he turned around and went downstairs.

Hai Yue stood there in a daze. She stared at the door for a long while before she went to the wardrobe.

She found a casual home outfit to change into. When she came out, Shi Qinuo was still there.

A tall figure walked around the hall and dining room downstairs. It was as if this place was his home.

Breakfast was placed on the dining table. It should have been brought over by him. A Sandwich and milk. It was a very simple combination, but Hai Yue was delighted to see it.

She was used to living alone. It was rare for her to see such a warm breakfast when she woke up in the morning.

In the past, Hai Zhu and Hai Luo would help her bring it over, but she felt that it was troublesome. When she woke up, she could just go to the two people's House next door to settle it, so the matter ended.

Now that she saw it, Hai Yue felt very warm.