Chapter 1220, do you like me

A sentence exploded in Hai Yue's mind. She stared at him in a daze, not knowing how to respond.

It was only a look, but Shi Qinuo understood.

She was not good at hiding her inner thoughts. Her guess just now had hit the mark!

"Who did you fall in love with? " Shi Qinuo sat down beside her. His gaze fell on her, and his voice carried a hint of mockery.

Hai Yue came back to her senses after his words. She looked away awkwardly and did not answer his question. Instead, she turned around and walked upstairs. "If you don't want to go back, then stay downstairs by yourself. I don't have time to accompany you. "

She walked very quickly and her steps were flustered. It was as if she was running away from something. Shi Qinuo could not help but frown when he saw her.

He stood up and caught up with her before she was about to go up the stairs. His body suddenly blocked in front of her.

He lowered his gaze and quietly looked at her face. He carefully read her confused eyes. Shi Qinuo thought for a while and suddenly said, "could that person be me? "

"SCRAM! " Hai Yue growled at him very roughly. She glared at him and mocked him word by word. "Who do you think you are? Jin Chengwu or Liu Dehua? Are you so handsome? Why would I like a man who has someone else in his heart? "

Her tone was sharp. When she said the last sentence, her eyes suddenly flashed and she avoided him in a panic.

Shi Qinuo was a meticulous person. How could he miss such a change in her? He looked at her without batting an eyelid. He thought about the meaning of her eyes and suddenly said, "you know that I have someone in my heart? "

Her words stunned Hai Yue. She turned her eyes and was a little stunned.

Shi Qinuo looked at her eyes and the corner of his lips twitched. He said slowly, "if I still have Zhixing in my heart, Xi Chen will not have the chance to get her back! "


Hai Yue looked at him in a daze and her mind was in a mess.

Shi Qinuo's words were true. Not to mention whether Sha Zhixing liked him or not, he had taken care of her and her two children over the years, and their relationship was closer than family. If Shi Qinuo did not let go.. Sha Zhixing would not have the heart to hurt him.

Moreover, after Luo Xichen returned, Sha Zhixing hated him very much for a long time. During that period of time, it was easy for Shi Qinuo to get her.

But he didn't.

She liked Luo Xichen, so he let her go. He had always been like that.

"take a good rest. I'll come back later. " Shi Qinuo didn't explain further. He turned around and walked straight out of the door.

Hai Yue stared at his back in a daze. Just as he was about to enter the garden, she suddenly blurted out, "so, has zhixing completely walked out of your heart? "

Shi Qinuo's back stiffened after she said that. He suddenly looked up and his eyes fell on the garden.

Had He completely walked out?

This question should be very difficult, right?

Hai Yue silently observed his reaction. Her eyes dimmed once again and she turned around to head upstairs.

She understood his answer... ...

Shi Qinuo turned his head and glanced at her from the corner of his eyes. When he saw her dispirited back, he suddenly called out to her, "Hai Yue! "

Hai Yue's footsteps stopped after his words and she looked at him stiffly.

Shi Qinuo looked at her fixedly. He considered his words and suddenly asked, "the topic that we discussed previously, does it have anything to do with me? "