Chapter 1221: Return to France

Hai Yue's lips twitched weakly as she asked in a low voice, "is this important? "

Without any hesitation, Shi Qinuo said, "it's important to me! "

Hai Yue was stunned and her heart palpitated. However, this feeling was quickly dispelled by her.

"Shi Qinuo, you still have the shadow of a woman in your heart, yet you're here flirting with another woman. Do you have any shame? " Hai Yue said sarcastically and turned around to continue upstairs.

Shi Qinuo was silenced by her words. He quietly watched her back as she walked away, step by step. He actually didn't know how to reply.

She was right... ...

The current him was indeed like this.

Hai Yue glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. A trace of gloom flashed across her eyes as she quickened her pace and rushed upstairs.

Shi Qinuo watched her back as she disappeared. He stood rooted to the ground, lost in thought for a while, then turned around and left the house.

On the way back, Hai Yue's last words echoed in his ears from time to time.

Indeed, he still had the shadow of Zhixing in his heart. He had let her go, but he had been obsessed with her for so many years. It was almost impossible for him to forget her... ...

After Shi Qinuo left this time, Hai Yue hadn't heard from him for several days.

Three days later, absolute night held a large-scale Party. Hai Yue didn't know what the nature of the Party was. Two hours before the start, Mo Ling excitedly brought seaweed and Hai Luo to urge her to get ready But she never mentioned the purpose of this time.

Hai Yue sat in front of the Makeup Mirror and allowed Mo Ling to dress her up. Her gaze suddenly swept to seaweed beside her. "Tell Sister, who organized this party. "

"Guess? " Seaweed cleverly played Tai Chi with her.

Hai Yue rolled her eyes at her, then turned to Hai Luo. She pulled him into her arms and ravished him. "Hai Luo, you and sister are the best. Tell me. "

"really? " Hai Luo seemed to be very excited when she heard her words. Her eyes curved into a smile. "since sister Yue and I are the best, then yesterday and the day before yesterday's homework, help me solve it together? "

Hai Yue was choked by his words and slapped his head. "Don't change the topic! "

Hai Luo hugged her head and rubbed it. She said, "won't we know when we go there later? "

Hai Yue thought about it and felt that it was the case, so she didn't continue to ask.

It was just a party, and it was jue ye's group. It would be the same no matter who held it?

Mo Ling continued to help her with her hairstyle. Her hair was slightly longer than before and it was easier to deal with. In the end, it was made into a hairstyle similar to Wanwan's.

Hai Yue's face was too exquisite. As long as her hairstyle was slightly modified, the heroic aura on her body would be replaced by gentleness.

It was already past seven when the family arrived at the large garden where the party was held.

Shi Qinuo stood in the middle of the crowd. He was surrounded by a large group of people, and no one knew what they were talking about.

When he saw her entering the venue, his handsome face tilted slightly. He glanced at her from the corner of his eye and saw her wearing a long dress as she slowly walked into the grass. The corners of his lips curled up slightly.

Hai Yue's gaze exchanged a glance with him through the air before she immediately averted her gaze.

She turned around and was about to fetch some food for herself when Sha Zhixing's voice suddenly rang out beside her, "master, why are you thinking of returning to France? Our entire family will miss you so much when you go! "

Her voice was neither high nor low, but Hai Yue's body stiffened when she heard it, and her head exploded with a buzzing sound.

He was going back to France... ...