The last dance of Chapter 1223, dance with me

"I made a last-minute decision to return to France these two days. " Shi qinuo paused for a moment before continuing, "I've thought a lot these two days. You're right. Before my own heart is settled, what qualifications do I have to be liked by others? "

His tone was very gentle, without any of the previous incisiveness and teasing when the two of them spoke. There was even a hint of sadness in it.

Hai Yue raised her head and looked at him blankly. She didn't push him away.

"Give me two years. If I have completely sorted out my feelings by then, I will return to everyone's side. " Shi Qinuo's gaze slowly moved down, and he wiped the tears off her face with his fingers His deep eyes rippled. "when the time comes, if your feelings are still the same as now, you are not allowed to run away! "

"What if you still can't do it after two years? " Hai Yue asked hoarsely.

Shi Qinuo's gaze dimmed after her words. He slowly said, "then let me die alone in France! "

His last sentence was very serious, but it made Hai yue burst into tears and smile.

Such a loving Shi Qinuo made her feel that she did not like the wrong person. If she could exchange for such a man in two years, Hai Yue felt that it was worth it!

Shi Qinuo quietly looked at her smiling face. The corners of his lips curled up slightly.

"Let's go back and gather with everyone. " Shi Qinuo gently wiped away her slightly bruised face. Shi Qinuo held her hand and led her out of the House.

His hand was warm and much bigger than Hai Yue's. He could wrap her hand completely and he was much taller than her. Hai Yue looked especially petite beside him.

When the two of them returned to the party, Shi Qinuo did not avoid it. He still held her hand and led her in.

Jue Ye's people were not surprised by the intimacy between the two of them. The News of them having sex for a whole night had already spread. What was the point of holding hands?

They only looked at the two of them meaningfully before turning their heads and talking about themselves.

Shi Qinuo held Hai Yue's hand and walked around the scene. He helped her fetch a plate of food, but he didn't eat it himself. Instead, he watched her eat from the side.

Hai Yue didn't know about his feelings before and had been avoiding him for the past few days. Now that the two of them had opened up their hearts and chatted, their appetites had become much better.

Shi Qinuo also had feelings for her, but he felt that before he completely dealt with Zhixing, he wasn't worthy of the love of other girls.

Shi Qinuo accompanied her by the side. When she was almost full, he suddenly held her hand and came to the center of the lawn.

"Miss Hai Yue, before we part, would you like to have the honor of dancing with me? " Shi qinuo placed a hand on his chest and smiled. He elegantly bowed to her.

Hai Yue was amused by his manner and extended her hand to him.

Shi Qinuo smiled and hugged her waist tightly. He led her to slowly move the dance steps on the lawn.

The music at the venue was a very romantic waltz. There was a faint sadness of parting, but there was also a strong reluctance to part. The two of them had an unusual rapport, and it was just right.

This discovery surprised both of them. They looked down at their footsteps and smiled at each other.

The party tonight lasted for a very, very long time. Ever since Hai Yue appeared, she had been dancing with Shi Qinuo. The same waltz was repeated over and over again until the party came to an end... ...