Chapter 1224: Stay until your hair reaches your waist, and we'll be together for the rest of our lives

After that, Shi Qinuo left. Hai Yue went to see him off personally, and so did the rest of Jue Ye.

After he left, he stayed in France.

Sha Zhixing dragged Luo Xichen and the two children to visit him once every few months.

Except for Hai Yue, no one knew the real reason for Shi Qinuo's return to France. So every time they went, the baby and Noah would cooperate with Sha Zhixing to persuade Shi Qinuo to go back.

Shi Qinuo just smiled at them and did not do anything.

Sha Zhixing did not give up. She felt that it was too boring for him to be alone in France. Moreover, she could tell that Hai Yue liked him. Both of them were suffering because of the separation.

"Master, I'll give you a piece of land for Rong Xi when we get back, okay? The land will never be exchanged for gold! " Sha Zhixing smiled and seduced them in the castle of Eli.

Luo Xichen's lips twitched when he heard that.

What happened?

Sha Zhixing pushed him aside and stood beside Shi Qinuo to persuade him. "Okay? Okay? "

"No. " Shi Qinuo rejected her without thinking.

"Why? I can't even get it if I want it! " Sha Zhixing did not give up. She thought for a moment and said, "if I go back, I'll let the baby and noah play with you for a month? "

The baby and Noah turned their heads at the same time and looked at her with disdain.

Were they going to throw them out?

Sha Zhixing completely ignored the eyes of the two children.

What did it matter?

Anyway, if he went back to the dead of night and everyone lived together, the two children would still be following him.

Luo Xichen agreed with the proposal and even looked at her with admiration.

It was a good thing for him to throw the two troublemakers out!

"Is it enough for the four of you? " Shi qinuo glanced at Sha Zhixing from the corner of his eyes and said coldly. Then, he turned around and went into the house.

"Master, you haven't promised me yet! " Sha Zhixing followed him and continued to persuade him. "What do I have to do to make you willing to go back? As long as you say it, I promise to help you do it. If you can't do it, there's still Xichen! "

Luo Xichen was lying on the ground, shot a sideways glance at her, and the corner of his lips twitched.

Shi Qinuo ignored her words and continued to walk on his own.

Sha Zhixing was not happy and continued to persuade him.

"Master, do you have the heart to reject us? "

"Master, don't you miss us? "

"Master, wait for me! "


The two figures disappeared from the outside of the House together.

Sha Zhixing followed them into the House and tried her best to persuade them. However, in the end, there was no effect at all. The last family of four returned to the country in defeat.

However, every two months, they would appear at Eli Castle again.

This was repeated.

Every time they came, they would come back in disappointment.

Two years later.

Today was Hai Yue's 21st birthday. The Hai family held a big birthday party for her in the dead of night. The venue was a cruise ship on the island. The official start time was 7 pm.

In the afternoon, Hai Yue was pushed into the room by two maids for makeup and fitting. Once she went in, she did not come out for several hours.

"Miss, is it okay to wear this gown tonight? " A maid raised the red gown in her hand and asked the woman sitting in front of the makeup mirror with a smile.

"Or what about this embroidered dress? " Without waiting for the other party's reply, the maid asked again.

"Or this nude dress. "