
Third person POV


In front of the door Jeremy Thompson and his partner Fred Spencer were standing guard as usual. As it was currently around 8 he just had to wait for two more hours until he could go home to his wife and three children. He had never been involved with any real shady business but was working in a security company that cared little about their clients. Although he didn't share the same view as the company they payed very well and so he just worked without question.

As his shift was boring as usual, which might be because they were stationed far away from the exits, he had brought a newspaper and a few card games with him to ease his boredom. Fred was a big fan of the game Uno but Jeremy knew that Fred always cheated would start to insult him if he ever lost so Jeremy made sure to hold back to not destroy their partnership. Today's newspaper was really interesting. Some kid had managed to stop a truck with his bare hands and almost killed the driver accidentally. However the most concerning article was about the "Demon of the Void". He shared many similar traits with the villain "Blood Shadow" but the Demon used a sword while the Shadow was using a knife. Although many suspected them to be the same others told tales of an organization that specialized in assassination. In the last year the demon had raided many bases of various gangs and killed almost all residents in the buildings. Various small gangs went extinct and very few gangs started because of him. The Black Panther Gang, The Red Snake Gang, The Pink Rabbit Gang were razed and disappeared. More than 40 hideouts were raided and this year wasn't even finished. This time was known among Gangs as the Dark Ages that started with the Blood Shadow. Having finished the article he called out to his partner:

Jerome: "Hey Fred look at this. If this continues I'll quit. I'm not a big fan of death. People die if their killed, you know?"

Fred: "Yepp, I can totally understand you. Especially since you have a family to take care of."

Jerome: "But I have to admit that that demon in a real badass. Even though he raided multiple Gangs nobody has ever seen his face. Do you think he's disfigured?"

Fred: "Hahaha, that would be funny."

Jerome slowly turned away to search for the lunchbox he had packed this morning. Rummaging through his backpack he asked his partner:

Jerome: "Hey what should we do after our shift ends?"

Suddenly he heard the sound of a loud crash and as he looked up from his backpack he saw the two wings of the door burst open from the inside, the door hinges broke and in a loud explosive sound they collided with Fred and shortly after the wall. After a second of blank staring Jerome looked away from the meat paste on the wall that formerly formed the body of his partner. In the now open door frame stood a completely black but small figure with a silver and golden colored sword and a black and red shield. With a slightly childish voice the figure exclaimed:

H: "1 down, 23 to go."

With shivering hands and weak legs Jerome dropped the newspaper and slowly walked backwards. The void-black figure walked forward, sheathed it's sword on it's back and picked up the newspaper and looked at he articles.

H: "The Demon of the Void, huh! It doesn't sound that bad."

Disbelieving Jerome watched as a red face mask with black curly demon horns formed inside the shadowy hand of the person he believed to be the Demo of the Void. Slowly the Demon placed the mask over his face. Interestingly just with his weapons these objects were visible although the Rest of the Demons Body's was shrouded in Darkness.

H: "With that out of the way let's get back to business."

Suddenly the Demon's silhouette blurred and suddenly his field of vision started to spin and shortly after his vision went blanck. The last thing he heard was:

H: "2 down, 22 to go."

His last thought was that maybe he should have stayed home for today and taken care of his family. It wouldn't have led to this outcome. And with that his live went out like a flickering flame.


End of POV