Nightraid (II)

Authors Note: I forgot to include the passive skill of swordsmanship in his status. I will change this in the next post of the status. Which will most likely happen after the raid part is over.


A few seconds prior – Hermann's perspective


After he had kicked the door open and accidentally killed a guard by smashing the door with him at a wall he looked around. This new room was about the size of a slightly bigger room and only possessed two doors. The only source of light were a few lamps at the ceiling. The only objects in the room were two chairs next to a table, one of them was knocked over and laid a few meters away. The guy that crashed against the wall probably sat on this one. On the other one was still seated and looked at him with a scared expression on his face.

H: [He's probably thinking of me as a child. Let's give him a short lesson.]

H: "1 down, 23 to go."

As soon as he said that the guy started trembling and began to stumble backwards towards one of the doors while dropping a newspaper he had held in his hand. With slow strides Hermann advanced while sheathing his sword on his back. With the now empty hand he bent down and picked up the news paper.

H: [It seems as though today's newspaper is all about me. Both as a civilian as well as a "cleaner". But the name ...]

H: "Demon of the Void, huh! It doesn't sound that bad."

H: [But there is something missing]

In his mind he remembered about the masks he had seen some people wearing for carnival in his past life. As such he deemed a plaster mask with a demonic appearance a fitting touch to his image as the Demon of the Void. After he had equipped the mask and made sure to stop the absorption of light on the mask and only absorb what got through he looked at the shivering wimp in front of him.

H: "With that out of the way let's get back to business."

As he wasn't a hero and a wanted man it would be best for him to leave as few witnesses as possible. The only time when he would allow a few people to get away was when heroes were approaching the location of his raid. Lucky for him most were to traumatized to report on his small and child like appearance. Additionally he had never talked to most of the people so his voice was not recorded as far as he knew. To make sure that that won't happen in the future made sure to put a small piece of cloth between his mouth and the mouth opening to slightly alter it. After his preparations were complete he activated his sneak skill, his internal energy enhancement as well as quickly drawing his sword and activating energy coating to eliminate his enemies without mercy and avoiding to die due to carelessness. Within a second he arrived behind the pathetic man and beheaded him with a large swing of his sword. With an emotionless look on his face he watched the head bounce and roll around all while his body still remained standing for a moment while blood leaked out from his now headless body until it suddenly collapsed on the floor and began to twitch uncontrollably.

H: "2 down, 22 to go."

Shortly after the movements stopped and unlike normally on his raids where nothing else happened, this time a slight flicker became visible and slowly moved towards him. At first he was highly on guard but after he remembered the effects of his weapons he relaxed and held his shield in front of him. Curiously he awaited the arrival of the flicker. When it came close to the shield and touched it's surface … nothing happened besides it's disappearance. Lightly let down he took the shield back to his body when he suddenly felt something. A thought, no an emotion, no the vague feeling of happiness? Yes happiness. Intrigued Hermann looked at the shield.

H: [Is it somehow developing an intellect? Or was it merely my imagination? Let's ask the System]

Suddenly he felt a pull in his right hand that still held his sword. As he looked down on it he saw that somehow all the blood on the blade had vanished and in the direction it softly pulled laid the corpse. Still in thought about the earlier he stabbed the sword into the still bleeding corpse in front of him. Shortly after a notification awoke him from his untimely pondering

H: [Fine. Let's go!]

With his empty right hand he grasped his sword once again and moved towards the door to his left, leaving a dried up corps behind. As he opened the door he saw about 10 individuals with clubs and knifes in their hands running towards him.

Dude 1: "There he is! Get him!"

Dude 2: "How did he get in here?! If we don't catch him we'll get fired!"

Without a bored expression he activated his helpful active skills once again. Like a shadow he appeared from the right behind the first one and with a twist beheaded him while swinging his shield to the other side of his body to protect him from the rest of the attackers.

H: [One down!]

While he was turning the shield he accidentally bashed it against the head of one of them. While the guy stumbled backwards holding his bleeding face with a mushy nose the others quickly closed in.

To avoid being surrounded Hermann retreated into a corner beside the entrance to the room behind him. Then he began to use a new tactic he though of. First he bashed against the ones that stood in front of him and after the left an opening after retreating he stabbed his sword forwards into their throats.

H: [Three down!]

While it went well the first time when he wanted to try it again they quickly retreated further where they were outside his reach. Some in the back took out handguns and called their companions to come back.

H: [Shit! I can't let them get away. If they manage to get out of the line of fire the others will start shooting at me. I have to get closer while trying not to get surrounded.]

Quickly he rushed forwards towards the retreating men and moved as quick as possible. He managed to stab two of them, one just beneath his rib cage and another one in the chest. If he manages to drag the fight out long enough they will quickly die. The one with the pierced chest was already on his last leg but the other one could still fight for a short while. Bashing his shield against the weapon arm of another he managed to get another good stab at the wide open opponent. With a slash at the guys neck he made another head roll.

H: [Four down!]

Next he bashed the corpse towards the three holding guns and ran after it to use it as a cover. While the people holding guns were still surprised and stunned he manged to stab another ones chest and slash the second ones neck before he had to hide his head and upper body behind his shield to avoid the panicked shot of the third. After six loud shots fired and four loud {clang}'s later he lowered his shield and stabbed the last one before turning back towards the rest of the melee fighter.

H: [Seven down!]

Until he saw the one with the stabbed chest and his buddy stabbed lower torso lying on the ground.

H: [Make that nine]

The only one left was his special friend "Bashed Nose".

H: "Hey there!"

Shakily holding his knife in front of his chest the other one stared at him with wide eyes. To avoid any problematic situations that might come to stab him in the back he cut of the guys arms and legs. To stop his "friend" from dying in him he used his Energy & Matter Control to close of the open bloodstreams, thereby stopping the blood.

H: "I just want you to answer a few nice questions of mine? You don't mind do you?"

After seeing the bloodbath the person/thing in front of him caused he decided to simply nod his head in hopes to survive. This caused Hermann to smile slightly.

H: "How nice of you! Now tell me. Why are you all not accustomed to seeing blood and teammates dying?"

Bashed Nose: "We were just hired to stop intruders and are members of a security company. We aren't the mafia after all."

H: "Well, interesting answer. Unfortunately you are working with gangs. How unlucky for you. Now my last question. Did. Anyone. Of. You. Inform. Your. Boss???"

Intimidated the last survivor simply shook his head. Without any warning Hermann cut of his head. As he stared with an unbelieving expression his head rolled away.

H: "Sorry, but this is the most I can offer you as a potential threat. A painless death. At least you will never be truly lost. Your soul will live on in my shield and your blood in my sword."

As if to support his words he stabbed the chest of the corpse and all around him flickers rose and traveled to his shield. After they had entered the shield he once again felt the feeling of delight from it but stronger this time. Shortly after the soul shard present in the sword sent him a feeling of greed. As he looked at the corpse in front of him he saw that it was completely dried out. With that being the case he drew it out of the now mummified corpse and began to first stab the cut off body parts followed by the other corpses. A minute later only dried mummies were left. After everyone was fully emptied out he sheathed his sword once again and got ready for the next wave of enemies by hiding in the corner close to the door.

H: [12 down, 12 to go]