Nightraid (III)

Authors Note: This chapter is the replacement for the chapter on Saturday as I have some family stuff on that day. Nevertheless enjoy the early chapter. Until next time ; )


Not long after he had positioned himself he heard hurried footsteps from the other side of the door. As the room he was currently in was only connected to a few individual rooms whose inhabitants were already slain by him he didn't need to worry about a sneak attack from behind and could fully concentrate on the approaching group. Carefully he raised his sword to neck height and prepared himself. After the group had hurriedly arrived at the room they slowed down and sent one guy to open the door and peer inside the room. Hermann on the inside of the room reacted lightning fast by stabbing the sword into the curiously peeking eye.

Person 1: "Aaaarrghh!!"

Person 2: "Dude, you OK?"

Quickly Hermann grasped his sword tighter and pushed it deeper inside the eye until it penetrated the brain and the person died. Kicking the now dead body away he freed his sword and looked at the group of attackers. Including the now dead person there were seven people in front of him. Four of them stood close by, the other two stood close to the door he had smashed against the wall and had apparently been observing the remains of the one he had transformed into paste and pieces.

H: [Well, let's finish this, I'm getting tired and I have school tomorrow.]

H: "Let's get this over with, scum!"

With an angered expression the ones in front grabbed their weapons and rushed towards him. Seeing them rush towards him retreated back behind the door frame to avoid fighting multiple people at once. In his first fight he wanted to finish everything quickly before reinforcements arrived but now he had the time to play a bit with his opponents. He didn't have to wait for long before the first one rushed towards him. After a timely shield bash he received a most welcomed notification.

H: [More than enough!]

When he looked forwards he saw the person stuck in his attacking position while with a fearful look in eyes trying to escape from his current position. Still trying to free himself he felt a cold and sharp pain at his neck. As he looked at the masked demon in front of him he heard him whisper something:

H: "You are already dead."

With his worsening hearing and the pain he simply responded:

Person 2: "What?"

and fell down in the middle of the door frame, making it difficult to attack Hermann by rushing in as they could trip on the body. At moments like these he wished for a few longer ranged weapons but it was easier to simply learn one weapon after another. With a quick shake of his head he awoke from his thoughts and focused back on the situation. Luckily his enemies were still stunned from the strange situation their comrade found himself. Strangely no one of his enemies used any quirk. It was probably cheaper to hire quirk less people rather than famous villains that were mostly somehow mentally damaged.

To not lose this advantage of his enemies stupor he quickly stepped in the empty space besides his torso and rushed one of the remaining three. Before they fully snapped out of it he had already slit the throat of the one that stood in front and impaled the chest of another right next to the last one. Before he could he struck with an attack he pulled back his sword leaving both with unbelieving expressions and strongly bleeding lethal wound. To wipe out the last of the four he first struck the solar plexus of the enemy and while the man winced and held his belly he gave him a clean death by chopping of the head. With a blade still dropping of blood he stepped away from the small pile of bodies and advanced towards the remaining two. Shivering they tried to hide somehow behind the crashed doors.

Person 3: "Don't come any closer… You vile demon!"

With a slight chuckle he stepped closer while raising his sword. Fascinatingly no blood remained on the blade and in the light of the lamps it glowed with a divine like radiance.

H: "Beautiful isn't it. A tool in the color of holiness and purity used to spread terror, pain cruelty."

Slowly he infused additional energy into the sword. One after another the golden colored symbols lit up on one side coldness and clear pieces of ice, on the other heat and small flames materialized. On the border between both tiny clouds formed. After observing the phenomenon for a short while he quickly looked back up to the last two remaining people.

H: "Playtime is over. I've had my fun."

With these words he activated all helpful active skills, seemingly teleported behind both and with his sword cut through both of their necks like butter. While sheathing his now no longer empowered sword he spoke:

H: "And no I have 19. Five more and I can go home. I don't think that I'll do this again. It is becoming to suspicious and more and more people pay attention to the gangs nowadays. I have to let the situation calm down. It's like with a population of fishes. Excessive fishing causes many problems. As such it is important to allow the population to grow again to an acceptable level for long lasting gains."

Reaching a conclusion to his train of thought he began to absorb the soul fragments and blood. After he was finished he stepped towards the second door his enemies had entered from and he hadn't opened yet. Taking a deep breath he mentally prepared himself and cleared his mind. With the blade of his sword he pressed the handle down and pushed the door open.