Nightraid (IV)

The moment he pressed the handle down and pushed the door open he was met with a rain of bullets. Cowering behind his shield, he retreated and hid behind the corner. After the shots stopped he quickly peaked around the corner and assessed the situation. Four of the five remaining stood in front of two doors, one of them barricaded by rubble that had fallen from the ceiling and littered the room. The other was closed and was seemingly intact. All of the four stood orderly protecting the free door with guns in their hand.

H: [I might have to repair my weapons quite a lot after I'm done with this. The shots are really wreaking the durability. But for now, I'll just rush them, finish this and look for the last one.]

Tightening the grip on his sword he activated his skill and vanished in a blur of speed. In the blink of an eye he had traversed the distance between him and with slashed the throat of the first one from below followed by a downward slash at the head of the next. As blood sprayed around him he bashed his shield into the next one throwing him towards the last one to stop him from shooting his gun. With a strong stab he managed to skewer both of them in the chest area, injuring both fatally. Pulling out his sword from both of them he retreated as blood flowed from the now open wound to not dirty his clothes. With despair filled eyes and bloodied lips that revealed the severity of their internal injuries they collapsed never to stand up again. After another short harvesting of souls and blood he turned towards the only free door.

Pushing it open an office presented itself to his eyes. Behind the desk the leader of the headquarter sat with his legs crossed and his back reclined in an office chair. With one hand on the armchair supporting his chin in a thinker pose and a glass of wine I his other hand, he said in a low tone:

Boss: "Welcome, young killer, I have been expecting you. You have come here to join the league of villains?"

H: "You're gravely mistaken. I have not come here to join you, I have come to annihilate you."

Boss: "Do not make the mistake to sort me in the same category as those you killed in this base before arriving here. They are but quirkless humans that seek to earn money for their family to survive. But I don't do this job solely because of the money, I do it because I can do whatever I want without anyone being able to stop me!"

H: "Let us end this fruitless talk. I want to go home so stop bothering me."

Crushing the fragile glass in his hand the boss shouted:

Boss: "YOOOUUU! Insolent brat. Once I am through with you you will be begging to join the league. I will not kill you as you have potential but that won't hinder hinder me from spanking you a bit."

As soon as he had finished he stood up from his chair while Hermann had already readied himself and rushed towards his last enemy. Contrary to the people before him he was able to see and react to Hermanns blade. Shortly before the blade impacted the bosses throat it was blocked by a wooden shield that had extended out of the bosses arm and deflected the blow.

Boss: "Reckless. But no matter. Once you have joined us I will make sure to engrave the meaning of cautiousness deep in your very being."

Silently refraining from answering Hermann drew back his sword and focused on his opponent. Raising his shield he rushed forwards to bash his enemy. And so the clash began. One side death, the other servitude. What would be the final outcome?