Sassy Snake

Close to 5 weeks passed after the incident, where he had gotten in trouble afterwards because his dog had almost ripped off a leg and some annoying woman had though she could sue him for saving her life, and contrary to what someone would expect from someone that had finished school so early in his life he still had much to do. Additionally to his seemingly infinite lessons on manners, dancing or learning foreign languages from Mrs. Alby the principal of his former home where he was always told to sit a bit straighter, be more fluent in his movements and even more so in his pronunciation.

By now in everything but language where he learned something new almost every day he had almost no idea what he did wrong though he did not question her on it as he had tried once and bitterly regretted it afterwards as he had to listen to over an hour of complaints of which many were not even relevant for this topic and sometimes got really personal with threats of embarrassing baby photos and guilt trips. From this day onward he decided to just put up with it as it seemed to him that she just needed someone to accompany her and talk to her.

In the many years that he had been taught by her never once had he seen or heard anything of her husband though he remembered seeing her cry about two years ago which had shocked him immensely as she had never been an overly emotional woman. Although she hadn't told him anything that day he somehow still suspected that it had been related to her husband. Despite that he had tried to set up a relationship between Allmight and Mrs.Alby but so far he hadn't succeeded although they saw each other regularly to talk about his education which might be a good first step.

Speaking of Allmight he had begun to train with him in the gym and had done some friendly sparring where Allmight limited himself excessively. As Allmight had to do a lot of hero work almost all housework fell to Hermann who decided that it might be enjoyable to invite Mrs.Alby over to dinner with everyone. Who knows...that might bring a bit of development and make for a lovely evening.

Yes, it had truly become interesting around him. Just a few days ago a rather...interesting thing had occurred. Allmight had offered him One for All and he...he had refused.

--Five days ago--

After a long and tiring training session in the evening Hermann stood under the shower while Allmight prepared something for dinner as he did every second day. Hermann was enjoying the wonderfully warm shower when he heard Allmight say something about him. Reluctantly he turned off the water and began shouting through the house.

H: "What was that about me?"

The only reply he got was

Allmight: "We'll talk about it once you're done showering and sit at the table."

After Hermann finished about 10 minutes later and after they had sat down Allmight finally decided to repeat what he had said earlier.

Allmight: "I have decided to pass One for All to you. After observing your training and your will I think that you are the most suitable candidate for it. Will you take it?"

Surprised and pleased Hermann wanted to accept until he heard the systems evaluation.

H: [Is that always the case? Is it impossible for me to use the powers of protagonists?]

H: [Aren't you bound to my knowledge? How could you know about something I don't know about?]

After a long pause and a deep breath Hermann replied:

H: "No. I think you should wait for longer. Who knows? There might come someone even stronger and better after me. I am already strong enough even without it. Besides you would loose your ability even before your retirement. Keep it longer and stay the hero you are."

--End of Flashback--

Well, there had been nothing he could have done so it was better to just accept it as it was. Now there were more important things to do like shopping for groceries and going to a museum to check up on new armor he could wear in his fight against All for one. History was always inspiring. However shopping by oneself was always boring so he decided to take his familiars with him. The first one he came across was Tiamat who laid on her usual spot on the windowsill that was getting heated from the sun that shone upon it in blinding rays.

H: "Hey do you want to come shopping with me? We can also go to the museum and look at depiction of dragons in various cultures and some awesome armor and weapons."

Tiamat: "Leave me, today I don't feel like doing anything."

H: "Are you sure? You're missing out on a golden opportunity here..."

Tiamat: "Yes, just go and wake me up when it's all over"

With a light smile on his lips Hermann replied in slightly sarcastic voice:

H: "And when will that be? When you're wiser and you're older?"

Without even a second of hesitation Tiamat replied while taking only a short glance at him:

Tiamat: "Just do your stuff or are you too incompetent to fulfill such simple tasks? How much time do you think on spending for this? Begone for I need my beauty sleep."

Surprised at the amount of new human words and expressions Tiamat had learned in this short time as well as her overly excessive obsession with sleep he turned away and looked for Gaia or Orion to accompany him.

In the end he succeeded in convincing the both of them, though he had to promise Orion a juicy steak and a tasty bone as well as an extensive visit in the museum of all places that were connected to wolves and dogs which was practically everything and when Gaia heard that she wouldn't settle for anything less although she demanded many different kinds of nuts in great quantities. And so with this escort he decided to visit the museum first before going shopping as he knew that Orion would spend countless minutes on deciding what to take, debating size, quality, freshness, smell, origin and more until finally settling with what he deemed perfect for a moment. And Hermann knew that he had to take that opportunity else Orion start anew with his ranking. Although Gaia was easier she always wanted to much and ended up gifting a lot of it to the rest of them although both Orion and Tiamat had absolutely no interest. So everything came down to Allmight and Hermann. To combat this problem both had called a producer and ordered special nut bags. Similar to many other product they ordered them to be mostly filled with air and only the normal amount of nuts, resulting in a way bigger package, especially made for the nut craving Gaia. Normally such a thing wouldn't have been possible for normal customers but since Allmight had good connections almost everything legal and even some illegal things were possible for them. After he finished everything and went to his "special classes" with Mrs. Alby and did his daily training with Allmight he fell into bed and slept soundly.