Weapon adjustments and weird troublemaker Gaia

The next day after he had eaten breakfast and made sure that Allmight had left the house and wouldn't return for a long while he once again delved into the building he had created in his mind and once more stood before the large gateways leading to certain parts of his memories. Over time he had changed the names of the gateways in front of him to other ones he deemed more fitting. While the Life and Ability sections had stayed the same he had decided to change the "real world knowledge" to a science section and the fantasy knowledge had been sorted by world in different categories such as general knowledge, abilities, physics etc. However for the moment he was more interested in his recent experiences. Originally when he had created his Sword of the Beginning he had planned for it to be used as a two handed great sword. Now however that he had fought with it together with a shield and had visited museums and analyzed the pieces on display and what was kept in the archives and gone over it once again by watching his memory orbs he decided to change it's structure. After all if he would decide to fight without a shield one day he could simply change it back, that was what his abilities were for after all.

As soon as he came to that conclusion he took out his large sword. Although he had made it like a Greatsword when he was young it had become more of a Longsword for him by this point. However he decided to condense it down to a size from around 80 cm around 60 cm while making sure not to destroy the runes. Additionally he made it broader in the lower ¾ ths while keeping it's width the same resulting in a better cutting ability and slashing capability. Furthermore he made the last ¼ more pointy towards the tip to enhance it's piercing ability. Finally he decided to erase the fire runes on his swords and instead focus completely on ice while carving the fire runes on his shield by hand. This way his sword could be made of diamond, adorned with gold and silver while his shield would be able to give additional scorching debuffs to anyone trying to damage his shield.

Speaking of his shield although it looked awesome the strange bumps all over gave him lots of opportunities to catch his own sword in it or limit his own motion. Because of this he changed it to a much smother kite shield that went down to his feet and was able to protect his head. This would help against opponents trying to pull down his shield to hit him in the face. With this the problem should be solved

Once he had figured out what he needed to fight effectively from now on he came to something he would most definitely need in his next fight. Armor. And as much as he could get. While he had his shield to protect him against punches and had the ability to inflict debuffs ans well as a sword that could freeze the opponent he wanted to get as much protection as he could. As a result he decided to not only wear a full set of gambeson, a full set of mail above that and as an exterior protection a set of plate armor. As he had strengthened his body way over what can be considered normal by humans he had no problem to move fluently in it and it posed almost no hindrance to him.

Additionally he decided to wear a large belt above his waist that would hold his sword and scabbard. Once he enters a fight he can simply put his scabbard into his inventory but if he wanted to appear like a demonic knight he would need something like this.

With that in mind he decided to create mail and the plate armor before trying to make the gambeson by hand. After all he could not build a large forge into his room but sewing many layers of linen and comfortable wool or cotton together sounded plausible and should not raise any questions. He decided that from now on he would make use of his production skills as much as possible to achieve maximum advantages. After all he could only so many runes on an object. If the object could have advantages from the beginning why not do it?

As he began created the mail he soon realized it would be an extremely tiring job, after all who likes to create many rings in already existing ring structures. To make it easier for him he decided to create the rings first before putting them in the right order. Chain mail should stop slashes and to a certain extent piercing. However as All for One is a physical type piercing or punching would be more probable. For this matter he would use the shield against the punches and the plate armor against piercing attacks. The gamberson and the mail would be his last line of defense. Because of this he decided to create the tiniest rings possible out of titanium with as many durability enchantments as possible. As he could simply force atoms to separate, bend and connect the rings wouldn't have weaknesses in their form.

His plate armor would also be made out of titanium which he compressed to the maximum. Due to it weighing less than steel while being just as durable he could make a stronger and slightly thicker armor. Finally he designed it fully. He decided that his armor should combine the design of his sword and shield. With that in mind he thought about coloring it black but with the wonderful silver color he decided to color the edges golden. However to keep his image as a demon he decided to add silver horns that originated at his forehead and curved upwards and to the sides and ended shortly before they reached the back of his head. Then he carved on every piece of armor possible runes of durability and shock absorption.

After he had created that which already took him until the late afternoon he sewed until his fingers bled. The following days he focused on the gamberson where he made every material as dense as possible. In this time he assembled all of his companions and played with them or made attacking plans to entertain himself while sewing this armor. In these times Tiamat mostly asked him to take out his shield whose outside layer was extremely hot. Had Hermann not temporarily turned down its output drastically then she would have gained massive burns. Orion was meanwhile completely content with being petted on his big head from time to time. Gaia meanwhile had taken up the strange habit of relaxing in Orion's mouth. At first Orion had protested, claiming it to be too dangerous but Gaia had asked repeatedly to try it out until Orion finally relented. Interestingly both found it really interesting. Gaia claimed that it was like a massage and would help her get rid of things that remained stuck in her fur while Orion stated that she helped clean his teeth and helped in exercising his jaw muscles.

Although Hermann did not fully believe them he decided not to interfere. Of course he could have checked by using their connection to view their memories but all of them had decided that such things should only be done in emergencies. Normally for communication they only touched each others outer layer of consciousness.

For Hermann that was the large field outside the building which contained his memories. There his mental avatar materialized and could talk to the connecting territories. There their own avatars stood in their own territories. Gaia's was filled with large and strong trees that blocked out all light. Orion's was an open forest with an small clearing towards them where he sat upon a hill. Tiamat's was a large stony hill with the scorching sun above while a small river ran down from the top where she sat on a large rock basking in the strong sunlight.

While Hermann had once again become lost in thought Gaia had tried to push the sleeping Tiamat from the warm shield to try it once for herself against the warnings of Orion. Unfortunately for her Tiamat was very passionately about her sleeping time and spot and began to quickly chase her. Running like crazy Gaia decided to find rescue by hiding in Orion's mouth only for Orion to bite a bit stronger to lock her in place although he did it carefully to not hurt her excessively. Tiamat however felt that this punishment was far from enough and curled around Orion's mouth to forcefully squeeze his jaws even stronger together. Just in time Hermann was there to stop everything before it escalated even further.

Once he finished this set of armor the only thing left would be to train. Although he could wait until the fight between All for One and Allmight, where would be the fun in that? And I he did all this training for nothing where would be his sense of achievement? He had to admit that it would definitely be the smarter option to wait but he was somehow just getting so impatient. Strange...normally he would never do something so foolish and unsafe. So why?

With these thoughts in mind Orion returned to the situation at hand to stop Tiamat from killing Gaia with either poison, constriction or both.

H: [It seems as though I need to teach Orion to handle the quarrels by himself so that they don't kill each other by accident one day.]