An unexpected twist

When their chariot begins to roll into the long street towards the city circle most of the crowd is still busy with looking at the large screens which still mainly feature the first few districts. They are most often the ones with the best things to work with like the production of jewels and general luxury items for the capitol for District 1. They are often the most pleasant to look at. A runner up might be District 3 with Technology, District 4 with fishing as long as the tributes have nice bodies as well as District 8 which produces textiles which makes it relatively easy to work with. After a few moments however a few manage to spot our chariot and seem to be a bit impressed. Normally every other District besides 1,3,4 and 8 aren't all to pleasant to look at and look relatively the same each year because of their individual Districts production. This year District 11 was entirely different. It was different from the usual farmers outfit and operated on a whole other scale, capturing more and more screen time as they moved forwards. Soon many cheered for them while large screens showcased Aster's slight lively blush as well as Kaiser's cold and reserved expression.

To their surprise Kaiser however turned towards Aster and bowed towards her until his mouth was only a few centimeters away from her cheek, causing Aster to blush even further, tightening her hold on the crook of his right arm. A slight whisper was all she received before Kaiser straightened himself once more. "Can you dance?" Was all he had asked. "Yes. My parents taught me how so as to not embarrass our family whenever guests from the capitol came to visit." was all she managed to get out with a quickly beating heart, nervous as o why he could have asked such a question now of all times. For a moment Kaiser broke his serious and stern face once more to reply with a slight smile: "Then how about a dance with death Milady? If you dare that is."

She laughed happily, which even the loud opening music can't stop from reaching Kaiser's ears, before answering: "I wouldn't miss it anything in my life," before quickly separating from his arm which she had held previously. Turning towards her Kaiser smiled slightly once more before moving towards her a bit more until they could feel their bodies touching one another. Soon after the crowd got to witness a scene like they had never seen before. On top of the slowly moving chariot a pair danced beautifully. Sometimes tightly yet sometimes they couldn't be further apart, separated by the large scythe in Kaiser's hands which at times pushed them away or pull them closer. At times they even danced outside, besides the chariots which was possible due to their slow movement. However once they entered the city circle they stood like they had previously, in the same positions as though their dance had been but an illusion, the only evidence being the flushed and out of breath Aster while Kaiser didn't seem like he hadn't worked out at all. Not even a drop of sweat could be seen on him.

As soon as their chariots stopped in the circle in front of the president's mansion president Snow comes to the front of a large balcony above them where he gives his traditional speech. As soon as the small old man finishes the traditional speech the chariots go once more around the city circle before entering the training center.

The doors close behind the last tributes from District 12 that rolled in after them after which their prep teams and stylists arrive and begin to praise their display as well as their own actions. With a way of his hand and a few stern gazes Kaiser manages to quiet them down. Aster simply smiles as Kaiser, being the gentleman helps her down to the ground in her dress. Despite noticing the judging and curious gazes of the other tributes Kaiser just ignores them and continues to escort Aster to the elevator, followed by their stylists and prep teams. Once they are inside Kaiser presses the button for the eleventh floor before watching the other tributes that still slowly climb from their chariots or are still discussing things with their prep teams and stylists. "It was a good decision we made in going first." Kaiser said to break the silence that had been present in the elevator since the very beginning. "Now no one really knows us. No one questions us. We are unpredictable. I think this is a good strategy for us. We can reveal only what we want to know others to know about us. That is if you agree with me Aster?"

"I do." She smiles before joining him, watching as the ground of the large entrance hall and the people shrink more and more at a fast pace. "I'm quite a fan of mystery myself. I think the viewers will enjoy trying to unravel every little thing about us. Why did they choose these outfits for us. What was that about owing a life? Why did I go instead? What did you get in return which in your eyes was as valuable as a life?

And most importantly: What is in that boy you always carry around with you? We just need to be careful to drop a few hints like breadcrumbs along the way to make them even more curious and keep the tension up. It is a TV-Show after all. Although it is bloody and extremely questionable in moral aspects we are still there entertainment. Being interesting characters is what will keep us alive in the arena." "That is true..." before he can continue the door opens behind them revealing their new temporary home. An entire floor just for them as well as their mentors.

Stepping inside they decide to have dinner first so together with Asmodeus, Chaff, Seeder as well as both of their stylists they began eating. The prep teams had left, probably to tell the rest of the capitol how great their tributes were. Before they left they had been ordered to keep any and all information about them secret. Should rumors based on true facts start to circulate everywhere all of them would get a lot of problems or that was what both of their mentors, stylist as well as both of them promised both of the teams.

A wonderful meal with a bit of laughter and a lot of joking around followed as they had decided to talk about more serious matters on the next morning. About two hours later all of them slowly went their own ways. Both Aurumia as well as her male partner needed to prepare and alter the costumes they had already prepared for the interview. Asmodeus needed to leave to present himself to speak to a few possible sponsors without giving away to much information while both mentors simply needed rest and finish their plans for the training sessions they were going to conduct in the near future. Meanwhile Kaiser and Aster merely decided to leave to get some sleep when everyone else had already left and it had already gotten late. In the hallway that finally split to their individual rooms Kaiser decided to lean on the door before going inside. Surprised Aster stayed as well, hesitating. "I really hope that I won't have to kill you. You are a very nice girl. I hope you won't be my last opponent that I have to defeat in order to win." Aster smiled before opening the door to her room. "Don't worry. Although I also hope that I won't be the one that will need to kill you I know that I'll win. I'm sure of it. Please go down earlier down the line."

"I'll most certainly live longer than you, crazy girl. I'll bet on it." "What could you possibly bet? Your life, the most important part of you is already the property of the Capitol." "Let's bet other things. We'll surely find something." She merely laughed in response before closing her door behind her as she entered her room, bringing an end to the conversation. Moments later Kaiser entered his apartment as well, locking his door behind him. A warm relaxing shower as well as a bit of extra hygiene later he sat on his large king size bed wearing a comfortable pair of pajamas. Fluffy covers and pillows behind his back, underneath him as well as covering him from the front he decided to relax a bit more before going to sleep. Watching the large moon outside and the countless twinkling stars outside the window that were somehow still visible despite the large amount of light produced by the large city.

Finally a though came to him. Although he had thought about a lot of things this was something that now that he thought about it was getting even more important. [System?]

[Master? Anyways can you tell me how skills work? Somehow I've always been to busy living my life to ask you this.]

[Yes but how do they work?]

[I mean where do they come from? How are they formed? Where does the additional power come from? What are the levels based on and how do you evaluate them? Can their level drop or can they completely disappear? The more I think about it the less it makes sense!]

[But why only in fighting etc. and why are my skill levels restricted until I reach a certain age? When they are based on my abilities they should either remain constant or change depending on my age and physical capabilities! And how do you evaluate the skill level. How are you measuring it?]

[Ok, go ahead.]

Active Skills must be willingly activated to work and need to focus of possessor to work.

Passive Skills work on their own in the background and do their own thing.

The next factor are different skill types like Control Type, Enhancer Type, Stat-Boost Type or in some cases Suppression Type. Everything clear so far?>

[Yes? Continue.]

Enhancer Type would be adding boosts to your attacks like greater power, easier penetration, easier aim etc.

Stat-Boost Type Skills as their name suggest simply add additional stat points to your status for greater power and more.

Suppression Type suppress either you, your opponents or both in specific aspects like movement, power, sensory information etc.

There are also a few others but these are the most important for now. As you can see most are a combination of multiple categories as all of them also give you a few tips on how to improve.>

[You still have things to explain. We aren't done yet.]

[But didn't you say you were limited by my memories? And where does the power come from?]

[Fine I'll let you off the hook this time. Good night.]