Carry me

After being awakened by the first rays of sunshine that penetrated the large window Kaiser soon joined his group after he had prepared himself properly and equipped suitable clothes that had seemingly been prepared for him to be worn this day. Perhaps one of these Avox had picked them out for him? He had seen multiple at yesterdays dinner but hadn't really payed attention to them, having been immersed in the conversations. Black trousers, A dark blue pullover. Simple but exactly to his liking. Perhaps his stylist or mentors had informed the Avox about his preferences?

Enjoying a tasty breakfast with fine white bread, butter, marmalade, honey as well as a few cereals worked wonders in helping him to get ready for his first day. Refusing a final fill of his bowl he shoves it away before leaning away to enjoy the wonderful bloated sensation. Seeing as though everyone had eaten Seeder and Chaff got to the point. The stylists and Asmodeus hadn't turned up so he assumed them to be busy with organizing or preparing important things. Seeder was the first one to speak up.

"First of all I wish all o you a good morning. Seeing as all of you have already eaten your fill I would suggest that we continue on the topic of your future training. We already know a lot about your capabilities and favorite activities so based on that we can now discuss your training. Aster has already been told what she should focus on in case she wishes to follow our plans. As for you Kaiser we don't really know what you should specifically focus on although we would advise you to learn how to fight with a knife. Besides all of that I'd like you to mainly and when I say that I ABSOLUTELY MEAN IT, focus on learning survival skills. How to find water, how to start a fire, how to built traps and generally everything else that could be useful in this regard. Now if you don't have any other questions you ca go to the elevator, press the button labeled -1 and go to the giant gymnasium you'll find there. There you can learn the necessary things and should you have any private questions the come to us at breakfast or dinner. During lunch you'll stay with the other tributes. Now you can go one you feel ready."

Glancing at the clock which showed 8 o'clock before looking at Aster questioningly Kaiser leaned back even further into the wonderful piece of furniture he was sitting on. Observing his behavior for a while Aster finally replied: "Well...I would like to go but seeing as though both of us are so full we think that it might be a good idea to stay at least until nine to make sure everything can be digested in the most optimal way." Nodding approvingly Kaiser heaved himself out of the cloud like pillows he had sat on and decided to lie down on a sectional sofa that had been conveniently placed nearby. Stretching all limbs away from himself before assuming a comfortable position in which he could relax on his back he closed his eyes only to be interrupted in his relaxation as he felt movement by his feet. Aster had decided to rest on the same couch as well, although on a different section of it in such a way that only their feet touched as she needed the same space as well. Watching her amused face as she enjoyed his startled expression caused him to lie down again, his head facing the back of the sofa this time. Although his feet were stubbed for a few additional times afterwards it soon ended. Smiling to himself Kaiser concluded that she must have gotten bored and most probably had relaxed herself as well. Not wishing to start the conflict anew he simply closed his eyes for a moment.

When he opened his eyes again and looked at the clock he was surprised to find it displaying 9:30. Unsure he rubbed his eyes and focused on it again. Still 9:30. He must have fallen asleep for a while. Moving into a sitting position he looked over to Aster who was still soundly asleep. She had relaxed completely. For a moment he was tempted to play a small prank on her but ultimately decided against it. At the moment it seemed a bit counterproductive as they had to hurry down quickly as well as remain presentable as the Gamemakers would be attending to watch how they were doing on their first day.

Simply shaking her he addressed her in a soft voice. "Wake up. We should be in the gymnasium before 10. If we want to get there in time we need to go now." Still sleepy she waved his hands away, mumbling: "Just a few more minutes. They won't hurt anyone." "Wake up now for the last time. We have to go now!" "Fine. Fine. Go on without me. I'll follow." she said before facing away, curling up once more. "I'll warn you. You have failed me for the last time. I won't be so gentle from now on." When he earned no answer he decided to grab her underneath her armpits, slowly dragging her of the comfortable sofa. Although she didn't do anything at first as soon as he had reached the point where her hips had already left the couch and her legs were slowly sliding off she almost panicked especially when Kaiser slowly lowered her upper body to lay her down in case she fell in her struggle.

When she was lying on the floor and didn't want to continue Kaiser simply decided to use his last resort. "If you don't want to go I'll carry you down without giving you the chance to get ready again and fix your attire." "Then carry me." Was all he received for an answer. Baffled for a moment a part of him was thinking about simply leaving her here while he went without, while another part of him was thinking about Mrs. Alby who had taught him at the orphanage to be a Gentleman and his promises to her, the training by the Head of the Peacekeepers Mr. Chips as well what he owed her and her father for replacing his sister as well as the arrangements for training.

With a large sigh he ultimately took her up in a bridal carry, which caused her to emit a slight sound of surprise. Luckily he had started puberty a few years ago and they were almost the same size although Kaiser was quite strong as he had worked on the fields and fought all day while she was slim and wasn't that heavy. Disappointed in her as well as his own behavior he began muttering: "It seems this is my last resort. I just want to get this over with. This conversation is tiring me out too much. Don't try this again please or I'll be less gentle next time." With her face pressed slightly against his chest she simply smiled slightly before whispering to him when they reached the elevator. "To get carried by you I'd do it every day and draw the time out until you have to do it." Smiling down on her he asked "Are you sure about that? Next time I'll chose a less comfortable position for carrying you." "How unlucky for you that I'd like it regardless as long as it was you who did it." she countered. Snorting disbelievingly he turned to watch the ground approaching through the large glass panels at the sides of the elevator.