It Was Judgement

***TRIGGER WARNING: Mentions of Sexual abuse and rape********

.. (January, 2076)

Myriah weakly blinked her eyes as she overheard her tormentors of the day idly discussing the holiday.

'So it's already January….' Lavender eyes closed as one of them approached her with an oversized needle. 'January was always my favorite...winter days, snowball fights, warm music and tender moments by the fire...'

All replaced with tortured agony, broken limbs, and forced advances. 'It looks like this year winter has lived to its name…'

Myriahs eyes slowly opened again as the needle was torn from her body. 'I loathe winter…' She sighed as she felt the heaviness of her chest. '…winter…' She may no longer be able to speak above a whisper… but her mind ran rampant.

'… this year you left my heart ice cold.' Myriah thought on a forced inhale, '…and now … I loathe all things ... especially people in white... people in army green camouflage that carry guns...I hate this place...and most of all I hate the man I once called father.'

Her eyes, once light and gentle were now dark and lifeless. Alexander Whitman watched his staff experiment on Myriah with keen interest. Regardless of how much of the medicine is put into her, it's always burned out of her system the next morning. '#33010130…' he corrected internally as he allowed his mind to take him to another time…

'… Now that I think of it: it was the desperation to leave my fathers madness that lead Samantha to adopt Myriah and claim her as her own...' Alexander Whitman thought as he recalled his childhood….

'I didn't think it would be this hard…'

He watched Myriah from the cameras with a twinge in his heart. 'Perhaps because Myriah is the reason why my son and wife are alive to this day….' He watched her watching him. 'She always seams to know where I am… I pray she understands the value of her sacrifice…'


It was one night, at the end of January, Myriah would never come to remember the exact date or time....she was snatched from her bed in the middle of the night...

Frightened and drained, Myriah watched the men taunt and grope at her. She weakly tried to fend them off, but nothing seamed to stop them.... 'why won't my body cooperate…' she could feel their hands all over her body, she would recall a needle being poked into her arm and as the cold medicine was forced into her veins her world became hazy and slow moving...


Myriah couldn't form a thought or make a connection... she would try to move but her body would not comply… it only served to increase her anxiety.

She woke a little when she was thrown onto a cot. Violent memories attacked her drug induced mind. Cries and pleas and broken sobbing rang in her ears. She couldn't tell if they were the echos of haunted memories or if she was actually hearing her own cries and pleas.

Everything blurred together and she had no real control over the situation. She couldn't move, couldn't fight back…

'I cant… '

Ice wrapped itself around her heart. Cold. Dark, nothing… It was fear... raw, indescribable fear that gripped Myriah's heart with burning cold fingers that sobered her drug induced mind...

Many others younger, older, innocent girls were brought here... they were drugged...

They were raped, and sexually tortured. The images that plagued her mind would surely haunt her for the rest of her life. The thought that filled her with dread was her lack of coherence… part of her wondered if she was one of the girls tormented in this room while another part of her wondered why.

Before she could get lost in her spiraling thoughts, Myriah clung to the little sobriety that she had. 'Wether or not I have been brought here too isn't what's important. Many young ladies were forced into this room and tormented past their breaking point... and he just watched.' Myriah looked into the blinking camera with growing horror, 'That man allows this to happen.'

Another man mounted her… she couldn't tell if it was another man or the same man or if it was even a man to begin with… 'have I finally snapped and lost my sanity?' She allowed her eyes to flutter closed, she wanted to be anywhere but beneath this man or woman or whatever it was… 'I just want to sleep now… no more reality…' Myriah was about to enter her dream world, when a flaming hand lashed out from the darkness and slapped her across her face, waking her up.

'Itu oru arakkaṉ! Eḻu! (It's a monster! Get up!)' The musical voice inside her mind cried. Though her mind was waking up, her body wasn't as fortunate, though she pushed as hard as she could, her blows and struggles were still weak. Myriah weakly struggled as the man on top of her groped at her bare chest.

And like that, Myriah felt something inside of her snap. A surge of anger overcame her. It was consuming, powerful. Myriah felt herself inhale and she gave herself to the surge that was raging through her battered body. The man on top of her drew back when she looked at him with lifeless, purple eyes instead of the usual gentle lavender.

Myriah snarled and the mans blue eyes widened in fear. Her chest felt weighed down by sand bags. Her lungs burned with every inhale.

'I am tired of being at their mercy…'

The man barely had time to try to shield himself before Myriah extended her hand… and he exploded. The purple eyed girl stared wide eyed, unseeing, as the carnage of her attacker covered her partially bare body in red.

'Red… Just like my dream…'

The purple eyed girl slowly sat up, uncaring of the gore that covered her partially nude body.

Uncaring of her nude state.

'I don't want to be a murderer…'

The other men in the room came toward her with tasers that were ripped from their hands,

'Why should they live with the sins they have committed?' Myriah paid little mind to the lack of control in her vicious attacks that tore limbs from bodies. 'Why should the insignificant, lives of cowards who torture and rape others matter to me?' The men begged her to stop their torture as she burned the images and cries of the many girls they tormented into their minds...

"Did you stop…" Myriah asked in a low, ice cold voice, "Are you so moved now?" She asked again as she bombarded them with the pain and hatred of the many victims before her. The sight of these men begging and sniveling before her only fueled her anger. 'Are tormentors really nothing more than entitled cowards?' Myriahs purple eyes darkened further with her growing anger, "Mercy has kept me here for far too long…" Myriah ground out, pouring her own anger into the mix, adding her memories, her pain. "no more."

'I don't want… to kill people…'

Once the room was silent of the men's sniveling, crying, and begging, Myriah wove her fingers and watched as the men blindly took their own lives. 'It's thrilling… this power… So why does it hurt so much?' Covered in blood and gore, Myriah walked from the room, slowly... deliberately...

'It hurts my heart…' she could hear the thick sobs and pained thoughts...'it burns my tongue…' she could feel the life slip away from some... 'it makes me want to end it all…' and she felt the light escape most....

'It's heartbreaking…'

Myriah stopped when she was surrounded by soldiers and scientists.

"#33010130! You're surrounded. Put your hands where we can see them."

Myriah looked at them with wide unseeing purple eyes.... there was a moment of thick heavy silence.

Until the soldier at the head of the crowd spoke again: "Lift your hands or we will shoot. #33010130!"

His order was met with complete silence. It was a moment of calm... the soldiers watched the girl closely as she showed them their most violent memories. They faltered as the purple eyed girl showed them their worst heartache.

'That's right…. See yourselves as the monsters you really are…' Myriah thought vengefully as she proceeded to show them each and every one of the victims this place has claimed. She showed them the many deaths, rapes, tortures that these walls have born witness to. The soldiers started to breakdown, as Myriah showed them their futures.

It was judgement, that left the air thick with sadness, heavy with anger and raw with adrenaline.

It was a moment of complete silence to which the quietest of noises could be heard.

A moment in which time seamed to stop...

'Today this ends.'

Mariah's head snapped back and she screamed as she let the burning bubbling over flow of energy release itself from her body. It was a ripple that escaped her and destroyed the men around her, similar to the effect of an atomic bomb, they were turned to dust as the ripple rushed through them.

The titanium walls bent and cracked, the electromagnetic field surrounding the facility exploded, many gadgets and rooms were destroyed as the power was completely shut off...

Myriah's scream, that seamed to last for hours ended on a sob. She collapsed onto her hands and knees.

'Muṭṭāḷ kuḻantai (foolish child)'

With those final words from the musical voice inside her mind, she gave into the darkness that was creeping into the corners of her eyes....