They’re Here for You

(2068) *Myriahs dream*

The soldiers knocked on the door really hard. An eight year old Myriah moved to open the door when her mother stopped her by grabbing her and holding her to her body. "Mo-" Samantha put her finger to her lips with what she hoped was a calm expression. Myriah followed suit and also put her finger to her lips to match her mother.

Samantha gathered Myriah into her arms and took a step toward the stairs when Alexander Whitman appeared in front of her. "I just want Myriah." He tried, calmly with his hands held out in front of him.

"She's not going to that place." Samantha promised as she cradled her child to her body. "I'll die before you take this girl from my arms." Alexander sighed, "You would leave Jason and Amanda without a mother for a child that isn't even your blood?" He deadpanned, "Just give me the girl and everything will be okay."

"Blood or not, she is my child."

Samantha took a step away from Alexander, glaring at him. "Please don't make me use force, Samantha." Alexander pleaded. He regretted his choice of words when instead of backing down, Samantha seamed to grow before his eyes. "I dare you." Samantha snarled.

Alexander audibly 'gulped.' Samantha was a martial arts champion trained rigorously under her brothers and father. She also had basic army training from the war.

"Myriah you don't let go of mommy, okay?" Samantha murmured. "Are we playing a game, mommy?" Samantha nodded and Myriah wrapped her arms and legs around Her mother's shoulders and waist. Samantha took a stance as four soldiers surrounded her. "Hold on tight, little monkey." Samantha murmured, at which Myriah nodded. "Do not use lethal force. That's my wife." Alexander ordered.

"You know the law, Whitman. Anyone who protects a Nillie is subject to lethal force, and detainment. Regardless of who they are." The commanding soldier intoned as he raised his left arm, gun in hand. "Mrs. Whitman. Hand the girl over-" Samantha launched herself forward and had the officers wrist in between three fingers. There was a crack, a snap, and three quick, sharp jabs. Alexander was astonished to see his wife standing over the unconscious soldier, holding his gun. The lads wrist was twisted at an inhuman angle. "Law or no law. Alexander Whitman. If you end up leaving with my daughter and I'm still alive… You will rue the day you made this choice." Samantha snarled as she faced the remaining three soldiers, gun raised.

"You all need to leave my home."


"The law also states that soldiers cannot come into my home uninvited with no evidence supporting the suspected child being a Magical Creature."

"I invited them." Alexander murmured. Samantha glared at him even harder if possible.

"Mrs Whitman, it is believed that the child in question has cured you and your youngest son of terminal illnesses…"

One soldier murmured, hoping to diffuse the situation. He eyed the child clinging to the woman's back, 'Surely this child must be scared out of her mind…' he thought, with growing concern, 'I could never subject my child to this.'

Samantha scoffed, "Even you know: there is no magical creature alive today that can cure a terminal illness or a dying child." She slightly lowered the gun in her hand, "My husband has lost his mind to his idiocies."

Samantha ground out, "Be that as it may, we also have video evidence of the child's eyes changing color-" "All of my children's eyes change color. Are you going to take my other two children as well?"

The soldier was relieved that he was getting the woman before him to see reason, it would kill him to rid a child of their mother… however he was duty bound to follow all orders given…

"Ma'am, while it's natural for eyes to change color, that is in varying shades. Your daughters eyes changed from purple to gold. Two entirely different colors-"

Samantha stopped listening when she did not hear the troupe of soldiers getting ready to leave, "The same way you all can use lethal force to take my child. I have the right to use lethal force to keep her. I am this child's mother, I spend every single day with her, and I have not seen or heard of such incidents." Samantha recited as she lifted the gun in her hands. "Now, If i recall correctly, I'm a pretty good shot…" she murmured thoughtfully.

"Mommy…" Myriah whimpered from behind her mother. Samantha shushed her daughter with a gentle bounce.

"Everything will be alright, little one." she soothed.

"Samantha, we have to bring her in…" Alexander tried again, but Samantha was having none of it. She wanted these brutes out of her house… and she wanted them out now. "You won't get near my children!" Alexander heard the emphasis on the 'my'.. In this moment his wife reminded him of a lioness protecting her Cubs from her mate. "They're mine too." He bit out as he tried to step toward them again only to be shoved by his petite wife. "I said to stay away!" Samantha yelled. Alexander flinched, "I just want Myriah." He tried to emphasize, but it only served to infuriate Samantha more, "You're not getting any of them." Samantha growled. "You take my daughter to that place, You won't have any more children or a wife to worry about!" Alexander flinched, "it will just be you and your familial madness in this house. You'll die a sorrowful, miserable death." Samantha ground out, "Just like your monster of a father."

She took the second fallen soldiers gun and appeared between the last two soldiers with a gun pointing at each of their heads.

"I will not repeat myself. Leave my home." The hazel eyed woman ground out. Myriah gasped loudly when another soldier slowly put a cocked gun to the back of Samantha's head. Myriah covered her mouth with both hands when she saw that it was the soldier who was talking to her mother.

'Please, ma'am." He tried for peace, "I don't want to hurt you or your daughter…" l


(Present: March, 2076)

Kain put his index finger to his lips as he watched the girl who was once across from him sleep in his cot. He silently guarded her while she slept. It was the least he could do. 'There's something different about her…' he perked up when he felt the air around him stirring, "Do you feel it, young one?" Kain asked in English, "It is our people." He whispered, wondering if she could hear him. "They're here for you." He murmured as he put a hand to the ground and started to pray for the first time that he could remember.