The Primus’s First Phase

Alexander shook his head as exhaustion seamed to weigh heavily on him. Shoving the phone into his pocket, he ran a tired hand through his hair. " I will be in my office. do not disturb me.,"

The occupants in the room nodded with a stiff salute. " Sir. What about-"

"I said not to disturb me." the scientist snapped. The young scientist who had spoken nodded and offered a bow of apology. Ocean colored eyes observed the people around her as she watched the brown haired male trudge from the room, before closing again as exhaustion set in.


Atoli burst into Angalos' study where Angalo sat behind his desk, like a king with his fingers tented at his nose, hiding a smile while Axel was pacing.

Both looked at her one amused the other annoyed until Anglao took in the expression on her face.

He stood, amusement morphing to stoic concern.

"Its happening." Atoli gasped by way of explaining why she had interrupted their conversation.

"Where is Kain?" Angalo asked, breezing past Atoli who was hot on his heels while Axel followed.

"Tyler knocked him out already." Atoli whispered, "He was the first to notice Tyler getting out of control and almost succeeded in subduing the boy." "Why did he fail?" Axel asked. He was met with Atoli's shrug, "This is my first time-" Angalo nodded, signaling for Atoli to be quiet, stress would not help them at this moment. He stepped into the living room where a half changed Tyler was advancing onto a frightened Mika with an unconscious Jasmine in his left arm. Anglao and Axel took in the scene: Kain laid across the room bleeding from his head and his stomach, while Mika was bleeding from her right ankle and her neck. "Stupid girl. Why didn't you come for help sooner?" Axel ground out as he came between Tyler and his brother in resemblance of a shield.

"He tried to protect Jasmine and me..." Mika whispered, "He's bleeding out." Angalo observed as he took survey of the disarray that his home was in. "Then we will need to do this quickly," Axel cracked his knuckles. "Its the full moon." Mika gasped as she put a hand to her bleeding neck and tried to stand up again.

"The Primus's first phase is guided but the turn of the full moon." Axel nodded and advanced on the boy. "Please, becareful-" "You should have been careful girl." Axel snapped without looking at Mika who managed to stand and and make her way to Angalo. "This is the weakest he will ever be." Mika sighed, "Any damage done to him will set for the rest of his life."

"While you're at it, don't needlessly damage my home either." Angalo muttered.

His order fell to deaf ears as Axel kicked Tyler in his stomach, forcing him to release Jasmine. He watched Jasmine fall in a heap on the floor just a foot away from the raging boy. "Get her out of here." Axel ordered, keeping his eyes on the changing boy before him. The boy was lost to the animal, he was gone with the magic coursing his veins, and compelled by the moon. Axel tried not to let his anxiety show, this type of situation could turn very deadly very fast. Atoli stepped forward when Angalo came to her with Jasmine in his arms. "Get her to her room so that she can recover." Atoli nodded and took Jasmine from her mate. "Mika, there is little you can do at this point. Leave it to Axel. He will ensure Tyler's safety." Atoli murmured to Mika who eyed Axel warily.

Looking at the younger blonde vampire, MIka did not feel assured. She had heard stories of him, the youngest of the ancient vampires, from her people's elders. He was a cold blooded killer, who resembled ice, aloof and cold. Seeing Axel in action did little to calm her growing anxieties. Axel could easily kill Tyler, even at his best, the young alpha male was no challenge to the vampire. It was rumored that Axel could best the eldest of the Vampires on any given day.

Surely he would destroy Tyler should he so choose.

"Axel, he is spiking dangerously." Angalo's baritone voice pulled Mika from her growing worry, "Without Jasmine's magic the soldiers will be alerted any moment." Angalo ground out as he pulled out his phone. Atoli helped him to spy on the the people he worked with so that they could stay one step ahead.

"He's too far gone, there's not much I can do without permanently damaging this boy."

Axel tilted his head as he punched the howling Tyler who was more beast than boy at this point. His face was covered with pitch black fur. Nails were claws, arms were a ghastly length as well as his legs. By this point, Tyler was taller than Axel who stood at a solid 6'1. Axel narrowed his eyes, he could only keep the boy at bay.

"He's too far into the change to be knocked out too..." Mika called, Axel growled as he dodged another of Tylers swipes. "I can only dodge him for so long. We need a contingency." "He has to be in an unbearable amount of there nothing that can be done for him?" Atoli whispered as she had since returned from putting Jasmine to rest. "And Kain..." Angalo looked at his mate whose chocolate colored eyes were wide in concern. She had brought a hand to her mouth and she unconsciously took at step toward the unconscious male.


"He's bleeding out... " Atoli sighed, "The phasing of a werewolf is a rite of passage." Mika murmured, "My clans elder told us that the werewolves were pure creatures in that they only take one form and their phasing is guided by the moon. The Primus clan is directly descended from the very first were wolves that were created by the Pure Ones. As such they are the rightful Alphas to the shifter clans such as my own." Atoli tilted her head while Mika continued to speak; "As children the wolves are taught of their heritage. And once their tenth year passes, they begin to train. They are taught to hunt and to survive the wilderness. The children are trained rigorously so that their bodies will be strong enough to survive the first phasing." "What happens-" "We usually have a healer on hand who will sit beside the one who is changing to help them ease into their animal form. We are usually under the moon in a field or a forest... our clan would transform with the changeling to show them that they are home, they are accepted, and they are one."

"So you're basically saying that we need a way to contain a creature that cannot be contained..." Angalo muttered, putting an end to his and Atoli's discussion. He stood slightly in front of her, silently telling her to stay put.

Atoli bowed her head and she did her best to focus on the issue at hand while she silently prayed for Kain to hold on. "A primus doesn't usually take so long to phase..." Mika whispered, concern gripping at her chest once again, "When the moon is at the highest point in the sky, my elder said that the Primus would howl to the moon, and all of the clans would know that a new Alpha was born."

Angalo cursed under his breath and he glared at the unfolding chaos before him,

"I will do the cloaking spell." Myriah murmured from the entrance of the living room. Tyler's frantic glare locked on Myriah and He dashed toward her only for her to raise her hand and trap him in a bind.

"That's enough of that." Myriah whispered, "Now. What is the spell?"