From Boy to Man

Myriah's complete focus was on Tyler and keeping him within her bind. She listened as she growled and snarled. The lavender eyed girl did her best to tune out his raging, chaotic thoughts.

"Guys, I need a spell or someone to teach me how to cloak." Myriah whispered as she saw Kain laying unconscious.

"Kain..." At her whisper, her magic gave out. Axel became a wall between Tyler and Myriah. "The sooner we get this boy through his phasing, the sooner we can help him." Myriah nodded.

"What is the spell?" Axel and Angalo looked at one another then at Atoli who was looking at the transforming boy. Myriah's eyes danced between lavender and golden.

'Avaraic cuṟṟi oru pantaik kaṟpaṉai ceytu pāruṅkaḷ, peṇṇē. Enta maṉitaṉum avaṉaik kaṇṭupiṭikka māṭṭāṉ. Uṅkaḷil yāraiyum kaṇṭupiṭikka oru maṉitaṉum māṭṭāṉ (Imagine a ball around him, girl. Will for no human to find him. Will no human to find any of you).'


Myriah closed her eyes, the way that Kain had taught her. She centered herself and she visualized the ball around Tyler. She willed no human to find him, she also willed no human to find them. It felt heavy and light at the same time, similar to stretching a sore muscle when one was already exhausted. Part of Myriah internally berated herself for thinking that she could do this.... However, the soldiers finding them was too great of a risk...

Axel caught Myriah when her knees started to shake. Angalo and Atoli took their places in front of them.

Tyler's growls and snarls became more animal like. At this point his body was covered in black fur, as Myriah released him from the bind, he lunged at the group only to be cut off by an invisible force. Angalo's eyes widened, he looked at Myriah who was leaning on Axel with her eyes closed and her left hand raised, she seamed to be in her own world as she continued to keep the Animalistic Tyler at bay.

"Mind yourself, you're still healing, Myriah." Axel murmured as he stayed behind Myriah with his hands on her shoulders. "I can do this," The lavender eyed girl vowed, "I will do this." Myriah whispered as she focused on keeping Tyler incased. The boy snarled and growled, his body started to tremble and writhe. His snarls morphed to whimpers as his razor like claws started to grab at his burning skin, slicing through the reddening flesh.

Mika stepped toward him, concern written on her face. "What worries you?"

"He's, burning..." The amber eyed girl whispered as she started to shake her head in denial, "He getting weaker..." Mika murmured as she watched Tyler closely. Though mid way through his phase, his hair was dry and brittle where it should be rich and shiny with youth. Peppers of grey streaked throughout it. Fine lines were starting to become prominent on his face, making the once sixteen year old boy resemble a fifty or sixty year old. His skin once flawless with his youth was wrinkled and dried out...

"He needs to be guided or the fever is going to take him!" Mika cried.

Myriah ground her teeth as she tried to visualize Tyler's body, she pictured it healing. She willed the tears and broken bones to pull themselves together. She willed him to grow, She willed him to become better, stronger. Axel narrowed his eyes when he felt her sag in his arms. "She cant keep this up much longer." He murmured as he stood strong against her weakening body. "We don't have another choice." Angalo murmured, fists clenched. "I can't.." Myriah gasped, "He's fighting my powers..." Axel tightened his hold on her shoulders, part of him wanted to overstep his brother and make Myriah stop. However, he knew that she wouldn't stop at his command, and that she wouldn't be able to sleep knowing that she risked another's life so that she would be okay. She was one of them through and through. "I'm barely holding the cloak..." Myriah felt her heart sink, she felt it slowly chipping away with each failed attempt to make the changing boy better. He was using all of his strength to resist her healing... "Shifters aren't like other mystical creatures that fall to healing powers." Mika murmured, "They have hands on, guided healing that is very intimate." Myriah almost gave into temptation and released her magic, while Angalo and Axel looked at one another, "Let me in with him, I can guide your healing so that he can make his change easier" The pixie like girl pleaded. Myriah nodded, and with a sigh Mika entered the barrier that held Tyler. Mika held her hands in front of herself. "Its okay." She coaxed. "You are safe, we are here to help you." She cajoled as she inched closer to the now whimpering boy. "Easy now, that's it..." Mika cooed as she looked the pale, sweating boy over. "His joints. Arms and legs, coax them to stretch into the phasing... " Mika murmured, "He's fighting the shift and its killing him." Mika murmured as she watched Myriah follow her instructions. Tylers whimpers turned to growls as his hands and feet lengthened into paws, his clothes ripped off as a beast formed from the boy...

There was a calm as the boy continued to phase, yapping and whimpering as he did, fur replaced skin and his body stretched and filled the living room. "You're doing great." Axel praised as he watched the boy turn to a massive black wolf, that was easily taller than himself and his brother. Myriah would guess that's Axel's head maybe touched the wolf's shoulder. It was truly a sight to behold. Mika crouched on her haunches, humming a lullaby as she did her best to soothe the boy.

There was a calm in which time stopped.

The boy finally gave into the compulsion of the moon as his body completed his first phase from boy to wolf. From child to man.

Everything was quiet, and like a rubber band, Myriah's magic snapped back to her making her stumble and fall into Axel's chest.

The 'SNAP' of Myriah's magic being forced back was heard by all in the house, and at the sound of the snap, all hell broke loose.