Accept the Animal Inside

With a deep haunting snarl, Tyler completed his phase. The newborn wolf threw his head up, facing to where he knew the moon was shining on him

His fur was rich with health and youth. He was strong and sturdy on his feet and he howled for all he was worth to the moon. Axel could feel the magic in the air as blue/green ribbons of light ripped through the night sky in greeting.

Mika fell to her knees with her hand right hand over her heart.

Axel and Angalo watched the massive wolf's head come down and look at them, assessing. Questioning.

Myriah stirred during the silent moment, and she opened her eyes which were heavy from exhaustion. Axel didn't release her from his arms.

"Did he- is Tyler-" She followed Axel's gaze to see a massive black wolf standing before them. The wolf was looking at them, watching their very breath, .

"He wants to know where his parents are." Myriah murmured as she tried to get out of Axel's arms. He set her on her feet but held her to himself by her shoulders.

"He wants to know where we are. What is he? Why is this happening."

"Tyler, you need to change back before we can have this discussion-" Angalo started but Tyler swiped at him with a fierce growl. Angalo caught the massive paw with his right hand outstretched. The sight made Myriah blink while Mika tilted her head. To see the docile vampire who usually wore a gentle smile ready for combat at the flip of a switch..."Let's not do this in my home boy." Angalo's light hearted threat rang heavy in the air. "You are freshly changed. Were I to snap your arm, it would set and be damaged forever." Tyler growled and glared at Angalo whose gentle expression never left his face. . "He needs to run. He needs to feel and accept the animal inside." Mika cried as she came between the massive wolf and Angalo. "He needs to feel the power of the full moon that calls to him." Myriah looked at Axel who was looking at his brother.

"Good thing Canada isn't too far from us." Atoli chirped, always one to dispense a heavy tension, "They wont question a giant wolf running through the forests." Axel offered. "True the Aleut descendants still hold true to their ancient traditions." "Traditions?" Myriah asked, "The Aleut tribe used to honor the shifters. They also helped many children get to safety during the war and the chaos before and after." Atoli explained. "That's very true, Tyler should have no troubles here." Axel offered as Angalo narrowed his eyes in thought. "He has until dawn." The elder vampire ground out. "Do not go into the village or the town." Mika nodded and she jumped through the window that was opened at some point taking the form of a light brown wolf as she did. When Tyler went to follow, he almost took the wall with him. Angalo sighed as he palmed his forehead.

They just had one thing. One thing: Don't damage his home....

The elder vampire sighed as he looked at Myriah who was still in Axel's arms.

"You did an amazing job, Myriah." Angalo praised with a gentle pat to her head. Myriah held his gaze as she allowed his thoughts to become hers. She also started to ponder his questions.

"Thank you." Myriah whispered. She looked at Axel who nodded with a small smile on his lips. Seeing him smiling at her filled her with a happy, light feeling that made her lower tummy flutter. Myriah returned his smile while her cheeks stained a light pink.

Axel knew in that moment that he wanted to be the only one to see this expression on her face. This pure genuine happiness... would be only his to see...

Their eyes locked and he felt the world slip away from them.

"You are an amazing creature, Myriah." Axel praised. Myriah wondered if she was still passed out in Axel's arms. He looked so sincere. Myriah wondered if this gentle empathetic person was the real Axel... or was it the stoic boy that glared at her when she bumped into him....

Angelo looked to the ribbon streaked sky. "I'm surprised we're not hearing the sirens." Atoli zipped from the room and returned with her labtop. "Let's have a looksie..." she sang as she hacked into Axelanders network. Eyes dancing with amusement shifted to alarm as one of the cameras in her screen seamed to resemble the scene of a horror movie. Splattered blood covered the laboratory. Mutilated bodies strewn about... Atoli covered her open mouth with a shaking hand.

"Angelo." Atoli whispered his name. Myriah and Axel snapped from one anothers gazes. As anglao sat beside his mate. "Look-" Atoli gasped as she shifted the labtop to her beau whose jaw set at the sight. Axel itched to see what his sister in law was seeing, but Myriahs trembling form kept him In place...

"what is it?"

Axel asked, looking from Myriahs shaking form to his brother and Atoli who was shaking her head in horror.


"the mermaid has awakened." Anglao declared.