The Pure Ones and the Dragons

Translucent white eyes glared at the men in green camo uniforms.

"Eṉṉai kaṭantu cellaṭṭum (Let me pass.)"

"Sir. We need you to drop your weapons, and show us some identification." The white haired boy looked at the man who was speaking. He lifted his bow. "I put this down?"

The officer nodded, and the boy smirked. "If this bow leaves my hand, your lives will be the price."

The officer scoffed, "Sir. Dont be unreasonable. once we sort out your identification, all of this will be water under the bridge."

"I will be able to leave?" the white eyed boy asked, "Of course." White eyes saw the soldiers loading and cocking their guns.

"I just put this down..."

"That's right sir .. put the weapon dow-" The boy moved as if he was lowering the bow in his hand, when he pulled a long dagger from his coat and slid his hand to the left, Slicing through the two rows of soldiers that surrounded him.


"Sir. you've got to see this." Hawke, a low ranking soldier who was sent to guard Alexander grabbed the remote next to his boss and flipped the TV to the first live feed he could find.

"is that what I think it is?"

Alexander slowly stood as he watched the boy in white effortlessly slice through 20 men.

"What's our ETA?" Alexander snapped as he held his hand out for his tablet. "30 minutes and counting. He's inhumanely fast." Hawkes reported, "Of course he's fast, you fool. He may look young and full of youth. That's exactly what gives elves their edge."

"An elf sir?" Alexander didn't answer. He watched the boy disappear in a white streak. 'He seams to be after something.' Alexander grabbed his walkie talkie, "Don't kill him. I need him alive."


Alexander went back to when Myriah was a little girl. There was a white haired male with pointed ears who fiercely protected her.

~(2068): Alexander watched his unbreakable, silent prisoner shift toward his eight year old. The monster of a man took a knee to Myriah and offered her a open left hand.

"Tēvi, nīṅkaḷ iṟutiyāka eḻuntirukkiṟīrkaḷ. (Goddess, you've awakened at last.)" The small girl tilted her head but placed her hands on top of the man's, "Feel better so that you can go home too."

"Nīṅkaḷ pātukāppāka tirumpuvatai taṉippaṭṭa muṟaiyil pārppatu eṉatu mariyātai, tūymaiyāṉatu. (It is my honor to personally see to your safe return, pure one.)" ~

'That interaction sticks with me. Though I have no idea what he was saying to her, I know he was connected to her. the same as this boy. That man was an elf too, one of the few...'

Alexanders eyes darted from left to right as he drew the connection: Elves are drawn to Myriah.

"Follow him." Alexander barked into the walkie talkie. "He will lead us to Myriah. I know it."


"Myriah?" Axel asked in a gentle tone that had the elder woman tilting her head, Axel was not known for his tenderness. Angalo paused his story while his audience refocused on him.

"Its nothing, I'm sorry Anglao..." The lavender eyed girl whispered with a blush. Axel tried to catch her gaze again but she kept her attention on Angalo who nodded to himself with a gentle shrug.

Myriah spared Axel a glance and his eyes flickered to hers then went back to the sorceress who was humming a tune while smoking her pipe. Angalo continued his story as Atoli continued to type away at her laptop. "The dragons left the massive beasts to return to a red and barren planet. Where they were greeted by white lights." Myriah tilted her head and Axel took over the story: "The white lights were a people. Translucent and fair- you would know them as 'Angels'." At his paused Myriah nodded, "We call them Oru kāṭṭēri or Pure Ones." Myriah nodded, "They were celestial beings with God like powers and no real weaknesses. Besides the Dragons they didn't age or wither with time. Life seamed to sprout at their every gesture. " Axel's silver eyes bore into Myriah's lavender ones, "The earth was filled with life once again, the barren planet was riddled with many creatures, and the animal known as a 'monkey' began to evolve with the eventual blending of the species."

"Blending of the species?" Myriah repeated, as she looked to the sorceress who was breathing smoke through her nose. The scent of the smoke was oddly calming...

Myriah could feel her mind growing hazy. Numb however she was too calm to be alarmed, her mind was too fuzzy to be clear yet she wasn't lost to her thoughts.. even the growing burning in her chest didn't register to her.

"Have you ever heard of recognition, child?"

Myriah blinked at the question. Recognition? Of all the things...

"You mean to recognize someone?" Myriah deadpanned, and Zafrina nodded with a chuckle. "With the Pure Ones and the dragons, they saw into the soul of their potential mates eyes. Recognition is where one sees into the soul of another and they are drawn to them. With our people, who are gifted with magic of any sort, recognition is the only way we can bring life into the world."


"The human body can bring one to eight children in a single ten month period, like any animal, Homo sapiens have the chance to bring a life into the world with any union. This is part of what separates us from them. Tell me child, what is it that allows us to do magic?"

Myraih tilted her head, completely at a loss. She barely learned of her powers, let alone figure out where it comes from. "The Pure ones were rumored to have been beings that were made of magic. Pure white Magic." Axel supplied, "Since they are the progenitor's of our people, where humans and animals look for a trait or a physical feature to determine a mate, we look into the soul. Our bodies are defined by the magic that is in us. It will sustain and correspond to our environment..."

Myriah tilted her head, as a pretty pink stained her cheeks at the molten silver that took over Axel's eyes. His speech died on his throat when their eyes locked and more lewd thoughts came to his mind.

She bit her bottom lip as she felt butterflies flutter in her tummy. Seeing him, looking at her with burning silver eyes made her wish he would take her away and they could explore possibilities together... She wanted him to hold her as he did when Tyler hurt her. Or when he freed her from her fathers facility... even as he did just a week ago...

Axel's mind and body were torn.

His mind filled with Myriah. Everything that was Myriah... his body, through years of training remained still to his ranging hormones... It vexed him that a slip of a girl who has barely been on this earth for sixteen years could make him behave like a teenage boy.

"The magic in us is like a finger print." Axel murmured as he inched closer to Myriah who was watching his every move, "It is scientifically proven that every print has a single match." The once teenage girl nodded, "That is recognition for our people." HIs head inched toward hers and she leaned into him.

Zafrina, loudly clearing her throat with an exaggerated cough made them snap out of their locked gaze. "Back to your question, child." The elder woman watched the girl blink and tear her gaze away from the vampire. "To be frank, you are the last of the Pure Ones." Myriah raised her eyebrows. She looked at Angalo whose head was tilted as if in thought, Atoli was typing away, while Tyler and Mika were looking anywhere but at Myriah.

Seeing the two newest members of their little group that she practically forced to tag along leaving her in the dust... Myriah could say that she felt a little betrayed.

"You are only part mortal, and that will be your greatest weakness or your greatest strength."