Spryia: The Perfect Hostess

"Part mortal?" Tyler asked, "Mortal implies-"

"That she can die." Zafrina supplied, "And she can. Any of us can die, child."

"Then why call us immortal?" Tyler asked to which Mika tilted her head and Kain shook his. "We can travel time. Where we can be killed, it is rather difficult to kill one such as us. Especially as we transcend time and the magic in our veins grows stronger with age."

Myriah scoffed. Her curiosity giving way to her frustration. If what this old woman said was true, these beings of which she spoke were around over a thousand years ago. Dragons as well. She was only sixteen before the fever got to her...

"You really expect me to believe that I am the last of some ancient force that's practically extinct?"

Her eyes landed on Axel and she felt the fight leave her body.

He held no doubt of any of this ridiculousness... and that made her want to believe in it. To know that she finally belonged with someone. That she has a story, a legacy.... To learn how she could better use her powers and be a better asset to her friends... However it was that: a fairytale. An angel? Part of her hoped he would be as skeptical as she was, she wanted him to be mad along with her. "Myriah..." Axel started as he shifted his body toward hers.

Myriah's shoulders sagged and she bowed her head to him, as if to hide her face.

"Are you seriously going to tell me that we risked your life... so that I could hear fairy tales, Axel?" Axel sighed, "Myriah-"

"Anglao..." Atoli whispered. Angelo looked at Atoli who was staring at her labtop terrified, "We have to go." Angelo watched her try and thwart Alexanders route to no avail.

"He must be following something instead of the machine." "Or that my incompetence has been made." Atoli whispered on a pout.

Myriahs head snapped up and instead of gentle lavender, Axel was greeted with burning gold. Blood red pupils mercilessly dug into his silver eyes and flames seamed to burst from Myriah's feet. No one had time to react as the flames seamed to engulf the once lavender eyed girl only for her to emerge unscathed, black hair that was once tied into a ponytail was now a raging mass of black waves. Angalo moved to shield his wide eyed mate as objects started to zoom about the small cabin in a circular motion that led them to crash into walls or other various objects.

Zafrina's eyes widened in horror at the sight before her.

The once docile girl was now a vengeful goddess.

'This is impossible...'

"Paralōkam, nīṅkaḷ colkiṟīrkaḷ (Celestial, you do say)?" Though cold and chilling, her voice was just as hypnotic, "Eṉatu puravalaṉ oru pakuti maṭṭumē maraṇamaṭaikiṟār... Mēlum anta irattam kāyccaluṭaṉ erintatu (My host is only part mortal... and that blood is since burned away with the fever)." The golden eyed girl murmured thoughtfully. She assessed her surroundings. Until her eyes landed on the male vampire. Axel he was called. The girl looked him over and she gave her attention to the withered witch before her. "Cūṉiyakkāri, eṉṉaip pārttu nīṅkaḷ āccariyappaṭṭīrkaḷ. (You seam surprised to see me, Sorceress.)" Zafrina's metallic eyes weren't able to dart away fast enough as they were trapped in burning gold. "Nāṉ eṉṉaveṉṟu uṅkaḷukkut teriyum eṉṟu uṅkaḷ etirviṉai colkiṟatu. (Your reaction tells me that you know exactly what i am.)" The old woman could feel the tug of her will. Her soul. "Ataṉāl... Eṉ kataiyaic collu cūṉiyakkāri (So... Tell me my story sorceress)." Her voice was like silk- soft, and compelling.

Zafrina's mouth opened and closed as she tried to catch her breath to this girl's overbearing energy. In that moment, Zafrina and Myriah were in a ring of fire. Axel ran towards it to be tossed back.

Angelo stood, "Axel-" The elder internally cursed, even hyper vigilance did not prepare him for this impending chaos. Alexander on one hand, Myriahs loss of control on the other...

Axel expected his fall to hurt, in turn his landing was broken by a boy clad in white. With silver hair that was Parted down the middle and braided. Ice cold white eyes that were doused in pain bore into Axel's silver ones. The strangers' red stained shoulder, made Axel's eyes flicker and then he shook the conflicting thoughts away.

"Nāṉ caraṇālayam tēṭukiṟēṉ (I seek sanctuary)..." The white haired boy gasped in their language. Axel climbed to his feet and he nodded as the dreadful sound of army trucks reached his ears.

"How many were you aware of following you?" Angalo asked as he gestured for Mika and Tyler to go to him. "Three trucks." "My guess would be three squads." Axel muttered as he focused on the approaching sounds. "Ten each?" He looked to his elder brother who nodded, they would not leave any of their people to face the incoming danger alone. "Whitman means to kill and caoture." This boy would be coming with them. "You've caught Whitman's eye, boy." Angalo mrumrued, "They will attempt to capture us all." The elder vampire whispered to his younger brother. "Where we go, they will follow." Axel narrowed his eyes as he looked around the small cabin. He watched the flaming circle grow around Myriah and Zafrina. "Our priority is keeping Myriah and Tyler safe." Axel voiced his thoughts aloud. "Witch. You're with Mika, Tyler and Atoli. Your goal is to get them out at the first chance." Jasmine nodded and eyed the spot Axel was pointing at. "Sorcerer, you're with Myriah." Kain nodded, "Should any harm befall her, your life will be the price." Axel murmured darkly. Anglao blinked while the boy in white tilted his head. "Atoli, I need you to stay on Alexander. Get me everything that he is recording at this very moment. And erase it from his database." The newest addition to the rag tag group followed the golden string to the flaming circle.

'Nāṉ uṉṉai kaṭaiciyāka kaṇṭupiṭittēṉ. (I have found you at last.)'

"Caṇṭai pōṭuṟa aḷavukku nallā irukkā (Are you well enough to fight)?" The boy nodded as he readied his bow. "Okay. I want you to target their snipers. Each squad has one. So we're possibly looking at three."

"Muṭintatu eṉṟu vaittukkoḷ. (Consider it done)." Axel nodded with a small smile as he found his gaze on the flaming circle once more.

"Nāṅkaḷ piḻaikka vēṇṭumā - nāṅkaḷ uṅkaḷukku pukaliṭam koṭuppōm (Should we survive- we will grant you sanctuary)."

Tyler looked around helplessly while Mika took a stance in front of him, pulling out two daggers from her boots as she did. "This is where you learn to fight." Mika whispered as she prepared herself. "He won't be fighting today." Atoli murmured as she rubbed her eyes and adjusted her labtop on her lap. "These soldiers are dangerous." Atoli looked from Mika to Tyler, "This is the day for you to learn, Tyler." The Vampiress murmured with a gentle hand to the boys cheek. "Don't fret. You will be safe with us."

Anglao, wanted to stay in front of Atoli, shielding her. "They're not too far out. I need you to be a little faster, Atoli." Axel ground as the stranger in white, moved further into the cabin.

"What is he-"

"He needs range to reach his target." Angalo explained. Once he found a hidden spot just below the ceiling of the Cabin, the stranger notched an arrow to his bow, while Axel held a sword and a short blade. Muttering about Atolis lack of tact.

"How about I fight the 3 squads of soldiers and you hack that unhackable building with the special requirements of an unreasonable brute??" Atoli snapped. "I see them." The stranger said, as he glanced through a sliver in the small cottage they were in, "They are about 200 feet away. I see ... 20 of them."

"Jasmine." Anglao barked. The witch appeared in front of Atoli as Angalo joined his brother. "Keep her safe." Angalo commanded. The petite girl nodded and she watched the brown eyed woman take on a whole new pace with her typing.

As the soldiers approached the cottage, a wave of unimaginable power knocked everyone, the soldiers included onto their backs. Kain who was observing, stood, sword ready as the wave passed.

He had watched Myriahs eyes turn gold, which from experience, only meant danger. When her gentle lavender eyes turned to that raging amber, all he could feel was a burning anger. The power that pulsated from her in waves suffocated him every time.

Kain felt something was off. Only twenty of them? Soldiers seamed to come in hundreds if not more... so why only twenty....

Axel narrowed his eyes as he surveyed the fallen soldiers as well as his surroundings. Kain watched him, the vampire seamed to be on the same page as himself. The question remained: where were the rest of them?

"Avarkaḷil irupatu pēraiyum avarkaḷiṉ iraṇṭu cāraṇarkaḷaiyum avarkaḷ eṉṉaip pārttapōtu nāṉ koṉṟēṉ (I killed twenty of them and a couple of their scouts when they caught sight of me)." The elf supplied to which Axel nodded. The elf's silver eyes landed on the two women who stood in the ring of fire. It was a battle of wills, surely that witch had to be vastly powerful to face that girl head on the way that she was....

He could feel the overbearing power from the girl, "Is she-"

"If we survive, we will discuss everything." Axel muttered.