They Were Brothers

Watching the younger male Vampire assess and take control of the situation, the white haired male was taken back to a conversation that he had with his master: "Eṉ kuḻantai, nām aṉaivarum kaṟṟukkoḷḷa vēṇṭiya pāṭam itu: Maṉitāpimāṉattuṭaṉ kaṭṭaiviral viti eṉpatu poruḷ caktiyiṉ viṣayam.

(My child, this is a lesson we must all learn: The rule of thumb with humanity is the matter of material power)." It was a perplexing notion that vexed the white haired males mind: why would lifeless objects bring one power?

A silver eye fell on the girl and elder witch within the flames. This is power. Seeing this old woman and young girl lost within a battle of wills, their magic lashing out in vicious waves, this is the meaning of power. Time seamed to slow down as the power emanating from Myriah and Zafrina hiked notch after notch. Axel watched Tyler struggle to move being less than five feet from the ring of flames. He watched Mika struggle to transform while being held down by the overwhelming energy .... This only served to tell him how young the shifter really was. Kain faired pretty well on his own, the sorcerer had to actually speak his incantations, but his movements were fluid...

Axel had to silently praise the black haired male as he conjured walls from the roots below their feet.

"Come out with your hands in the air-" An arrow through the majors throat had the young man gurgling up his own blood. The group of Soldiers readied their guns they scrambled to their feet.

The first troupe of soldiers were wiped out by Axel and his brother in what looked to be a single swipe. But the white eyed male knew better. Even specs of dust couldn't escape his eyes. The two vampire males were simply coordinated in a way seasoned soldiers could only hope to become. Flawless stances and forms that would make any dancer jealous, the two males simultaneously attacked and defended.

Angalo stood in the front lines with his brother while the elf hung back, looking for scouts, snipers and other groups as Kain stayed by and guarded Myriah.

Another wave of soldiers came. 5, maybe 15... when time as it was known to be called seamed to complete stop.

Axel felt his heart drop as an unbearable wave of power swept through him, bringing him to his knees. The air felt as if it was swept from his body. He struggled to keep his eyes open to see ash in front of him. The second troupe of soldiers was turned to ash...

Little did he know- so was the elder witch.

"Get down!" As the elf's words came out so did bullets from all ends. Axel managed to stand between the elf and the bullet that was locked onto him.... The white eyed boy watched in wide eyed shock as the younger vampire male fell.

"Maṉitarkaḷukkup payaṉpaṭuttappaṭum kaṭṭaiviral viti māya uyiriṉaṅkaḷukkup poruntātu, ēṉeṉil māya uyiriṉaṅkaḷ maṉitarkaḷaip pōla illai...

(The rule of thumb that applied to mortals does not apply to Mystical Creatures as Mystical creatures are not like humans...)" White eyes widened further as Axel climbed to his feet and continued to fight, paying little mind to the bullets that pierced his skin.

Nitrate had little to no effect on him due to his age. It was one of the perks of having survived so long.

"Niṉaivil koḷḷuṅkaḷ, ciṟiyavarē: Maṉitarkaḷ viraivāka oruvaraiyoruvar kāṭṭikkoṭukkiṟārkaḷ. Avarkaḷ pōrukku viraintavarkaḷ. 'Tūymai' eṉpatil iruntu vēṟupaṭṭatai viraivāka aḻikkavum. Teriyātatai viraivāka otukkit taḷḷuṅkaḷ. (Remember, little one: Humans are quick to betray one another. They are quick to war. Quick to eradicate that which is different from 'Pure.' Quick to ostracize that which is unknown.)"

Axel watched the Elf climb from his hiding spot and formally join the fight. "Itu namatu ulakattiṉ vaḻi: Taṉṉaip pātukāttuk koḷḷa muṭiyātavaṟṟaip pātukāttal. Ellāvaṟṟiṟkum mēlāka vāḻkkaiyai virumpuṅkaḷ. (Its the way of our world: Protect that which cannot protect itself. Covet life above all else).."

Humans are not like mystical creatures other than slight physical similarities.... and that is a coincidence of nature. To believe one was made in 'God's image'... it was an outrageous notion at best. However in the eyes of one who could be gone from the world in a blink of an eye... Perhaps in a way, it is a romantic truth. When the world was created, the ones who made it had a vision... As all creation stems from ones imagination.

Of the many years he had been in this world the white haired male learned that to be able to create one had to dream.

With humanity... that was not the case. To them, material blood status and wealth defined power...

The white eyed boy watched the younger vampire fight. He had only heard of vampires from the one his people called 'Teacher'. He had yet to see one in action.

This one was the definition of a true warrior: he has heart with which he fought valiantly.

The boy could say that he felt honored to be fighting at this mans side. And honor on the battle field was something he had yet to feel.

War is not honorable. To take a life is not glorious.

Fighting mortals that were infants to his many years is dishonorable. However he was not about to die for the sake of honor without completing his mission.

The white eyed boy sighed in relief when they killed the last soldier. He glanced at the two vampires who fought at his side. They are brothers. And based on their caliber of skill, these brothers are made for war.

Angalo and Axel, second generation vampires, directly descendant from the first. Even to his people, those two were legends.

The three males went back into the hut where they saw Tyler knocked out. Angalo looked around while the newest member of their group went to the boy. Mika was at his side, bleeding. Myriah sat, hunched over, shoulders shaking. Axel stepped toward her when he felt his vision slant as if he were on a boat. He noticed that he was seeing two of everything and he put a hand to his head.

The white eyed boy was in front of him now, asking questions, but he sounded very far away. Dark spots danced in his vision and Axel started to tilt to the side.

The last thing he heard before he gave into the darkness that was dancing in the corners of his vision was his brothers agonizing cry.