Release the Goddess

*Alexanders Home***

"Oh! You're finally here."

Golden eyes burned into the assistants. A casual smirk lifted and the tall man offered an assuring expression. "Anything for my number one referral source." His deep voice rumbled.

"So… is he in there?" The man asked pointing into the open doorway.

The assistant blushed prettily having been distracted by the stranger kissing her knuckles in greeting. Her chocolate colored eyes met the smoldering golden of the strangers. "I- y-yes, come he's over here."

"Tell me: what do you know so far?" The golden eyed man asked as he followed the assistant.

"I know that he's irrational." The assistant whispered, "he's beyond himself in this mission he claims to have. I've tried distracting him and talking him down…" the man nodded as he pulled a pad from his suit jacket and started to take notes. "I-I-this is beyond me, he's talking… craziness."

"Craziness?" The man echoed, "yes! He has this little girl in a tank…. Shes completely nude, I couldn't begin to tell you how long she's been in there." The assistant gasped, "Should I call the police?" The man's eyes widened slightly at the assistants words, "he calls her a -a… a hybrid? What kind of name is that to give to a person? I know that this man has made strides in-" the woman paused, unsure of how much to reveal to this man.

"It's okay, nothing leaves this …home." The golden eyed man soothed, "I was called by the General. So I am well aware of who this man is and what he has done." The assistant nodded with a heavy sigh, "is there anything else I should know?" The assistant pursed her lips, "his sister is in that room with him." The assistant whispered. "And who is this sister?"

"She's the one who killed their father…"


Myriah sighed as she stretched in her bed.

There were no more nightmares... no more haunting memories and thoughts.... however she couldn't sleep. If she wasnt having nightmares, she was having lustful dreams of the silver eyed man named Axel. She shook her head with a quiet squeal, 'he's infected me… worse than the scientists…' a pout and a sigh later, Myriah decided to get up. Climbing out of bed she ran a hand though her long black hair. She wondered what Axel was doing.... Myriah put a hand to her chest, it used to ache. So much so that it hurt to breathe...

Now, the ache wasn't there.

'Even the sin of reviving Atoli…'

'You did not revive her you foolish child.' The voice within her snapped, 'you brought her from the brink of death.' Myriah tilted her head, 'to reverse times flow is dangerous for even the most powerful casters, but a pure one can succeed.' The spirit explained. 'And you did, girl.' The voice praised, 'At the end of the day, you got your wish girl. You saved your friend… and you've cast magics that only Gods can dream of casting.'

Myriah slowly walked into the living room where everyone was sitting. 'Everyone but Axel… i hope he's okay…' she angled her body away from the group, 'perhaps I should check on him?' Myriah tilted her head in thought. 'He seams unwell…especially if he's not here… ' The glow In between her roommates caught her eye. 'I wonder what that is…' Curiosity piqued, she made her way toward the light. 'Perhaps I'll check in Axel after…'

"Hey," Mika piped, "am I going crazy or is this thing glowing brighter?"

'Is what glowing brighter?' Myriah wanted to know what they were looking at, 'I think I hear humming…' it hummed with a gentle energy that made her all the more curious. The humming sounded rhythmic like a faint thumping. 'Do the others hear too? Is that why they are looking at the light as well? What is the light?'

More questions that could have answers if only she could see what they were looking at.

'Even at my new height, I'm still too short…' she internally pouted.

"Goddess..." Edymond gasped as he stood followed by Kain who was slower to get to his feet due to his wounds. Myriah held his gaze, his eyes once warm and curious were now assessing and distant.

"Your memories have returned…" she greeted. To be met with nonchalant silence. Internally, Myriah was excited to see that the male remembered who he was but she did not feel like this was the boy who silently guarded her while they were in her fathers prison. Kain narrowed his eyes, while this is the girl who constantly healed him, had also tried to help him regain the memories he lost, she was still one he didn't know. And hence he didn't trust her.

Myriahs lavender eyes drifted to the glowing light. 'Pretty' the spirit whispered, 'it calls me.'

Myriah drifted toward the stone left arm outstretched. "I want to see..." Angalo who was still sitting watched Myriahs fingers kiss the stone before Kain caught her wrist in a firm grip.

"What do you think you are doing?!"

Edymonds sword was at the sorcerers throat in that moment.

"Release the Goddess, mortal." The elf ground out. Myriahs eyes stayed on the stone that was pulsing now. "It's.... " "it's beating." Angalo murmured as he slowly got to his feet. Edymond and Kain glared at one another. "Hey..." Tyler slowly leaned toward the four standing adults in the room, "now I may be seein things but… Didn't your hand burn when you reached for that stone?" Edymond looked at the boy and he nodded, "Myriahs hand isn't burned at all." Jasmine observed, her eyes wide. In his shock Kain numbly released Myriahs hand and she moved toward the stone again. 'Finally…' she reached for it at the same time as Jasmine who was hoping to save the girl from hurting herself... Even if it didn't burn her in that moment, that didn't mean that the stone couldn't hurt-

"Myriah-" Jasmine called right as Axel wondered into the room.


*Alexnaders home***

The assistant thanked the amber eyed man profusely as Alexander slept.

"I didn't do much…" the man murmured as his golden eyes found the second woman's hazel ones. 'You interest me…'

"Miss?" The stranger asked. The second woman blinked and walked toward him.

"I never got your name." The woman blushed prettily, "My name is Alexandria Whitman." She murmured with an extension of her left hand, "I am Alexander's elder sister."

The golden eyed man whistled, "Surely you must be proud to be of relation to such a great man." He didn't miss the ice in her hazel eyes. It was a glimpse. But it was there. Just below the surface of the warm front she wore.

"One can say that…" she murmured as he released her hand, "what is your profession?"

"I am a doctor." She murmured, "I favor my married name: Guzman."

The man's expression softened, "I didn't see the ring, I must seam presumptuous." He murmured with a chuckle. "My husband since passed." Alexandria whispered. "Am I bold to ask if there are children?"

"Also passed." The woman whispered, internally freaking out. Why was she telling this man all of her secrets?

"I too… lost my wife and children." The man murmured in somber tones. He reached and took Alexandria's hands in both of his.


"I know this may be unorthodox, but humor a fellow widower." The next thing Alexandria knew, the man's head was resting on hers and her mind was filled with the brief, tender memories of her late husband and children.

"Cherish that which is precious and per-sue happiness. Yours is a pure love, do not let vengeance taint that."

Alexandria blinked and she was alone with the assistant who was waving at the open door.

"Are you well, miss?"

"I will also take my leave. Thank you."

The assistant nodded and closed the door after Alexandria, relieved that the house was finally quiet.