Crimson Red Eyes


Blood red moon fills the skies

tumbling clouds with thunder cross

innocent beauty forever lost

Crimson red eyes

roar his fury to the skies

As fire rains from the clouds

stripping away futile mounds

forever promised:

Deaths warranted vengeance

trust- so foolishly taken

his love ever mistaken

the taint of curiosity

at the price of innocent beauty

Twisted by magic's hand

their lives forever damned

innocence forever gone

to hold her he did long

Blood red moon fills the sky

The promise of his wrath darkens the night

crimson red eyes

Drain your soul at first sight

The bloody path of war he walks

to seek that which has been lost

innocent beauty

tantalizing power so raw

Danger the trained eye shan't see

She stands

holding out her hand

gracing her love

beckoning him to the heavens above

vengeance forever promised,

he shuns his beloved

To take that which was given-


Mistaken power to live-


All he craved in his long life-

ripped away for a strife

Blood red moon

promise to see her soon

He pleads

diving into the raging sea

when golden eyes hold to his

He knows:

something's amiss...

she is not lost...

twisted by magic's cross

given the cruelest gift:

Immortality's kiss

Innocent beauty

Cursed to magic's sin

she will always be his kin

A powerful danger to this world

a weapon of this war.

Crimson eyes

dull of life

Unyielding of his love...

What have you fools done?!

his fury filled roar shakes the earth

Gifting her of her birth

fire falls from the skies

taking all of their lies

the ropes of vengeance

promise never ended

stripped of her body

naming her a monstrosity

a Deity

Tear filled crimson eyes

watch the child's many lives

cursed to end before it begins

awaiting dangers timely mend

innocence ripped away

a tool for magic's sake...

vengeance a heavy promise to break.


"-Iah, Myriah!" Myriah slowly opened her eyes to see Axel's molten eyes filled with concern, boring into hers. Once her eyes opened, Axel looked up at the group of people surrounding them. "What were you lot thinking?!" Myriah blinked to clear her double vision. However when the face came together, she saw another pair of eyes, inhuman gold with red irises. Burning cold eyes digging into her soul.

Axel shifted his gaze from the shell shocked girl in his arms to glare at the group around him.

"Knowing that this stone burns those who touch it and all of you were surrounding this object, how could one of you not think to not let her touch it?!"

Myriahs mind was far away from Axels berating of his group. Her mind was on golden eyes. Those eyes were filled with such anger, such hatred and beneath that was an unbearable sadness....

Eyes that matched the eyes of the girl in her mind.

"She could have died or worse, you all have no idea what that stone is let alone or what it is capable of."

"I'm alright…"

Myriah murmured as she reached for Axel and latched onto his shirt. "Im not hurt…" Part of her was relieved to be in his arms. 'this is where I'm safe…' He made her feel safe. 'With him…' His solid warmth made the golden eyes disappear…

Axels rant halted as Myriah buried her face into his chest wirh a sigh. "it was so horrid... the emotion... the ... everything was destroyed... everything...." she whispered. Axels hands rested on her shoulders. "Hey, you're home. You're safe.." He murmured, his frustration giving way to concern as he let her talk. "There was so much death..." she whispered again. Axel looked up at his brother. Her aura didn't feel cold, it felt like fire. This time, it wasn't darkness that plagued her. It seamed to be another entity entirely. "The witch has yet to wake, Goddess." Edymond murmured, as he lifted the unconscious girl into his arms, "Her left arm is completely burned, I'm afraid I cannot heal the damage." "I will-" Axel glared into Myriahs eyes, "You will not. He is the strongest healer here besides you. Even if he couldn't heal the damage, i have no doubt that he stopped any chance of infection." Myriah tilted her head, "but I can-" "Atoli should have taught you, Myriah." Axel ground out, "Some things, even the most powerful of Magic's cannot fix."

Myriah bowed her head. Why was he mad at her? She bit her bottom lip and decided to try again,

"Still.... I can try..." she whispered. "Some things are simply not meant to be reversed..." Feeling her mood shift to sadness, Axel allowed his arms to slide around her shoulders, "She will be okay, you will find a way in time when you are fully recovered from being hurt yourself."

"Goddess..." Edymond murmured, "You said everything was destroyed... what were you implying?"

Myriahs eyes widened as the vision came back full force. "The world… and everything living…"

She whispered as the memories flashed through her mind, faster than her eye could catch.

"Do you think it was the future?" Anglao mused.

"It could have been someone else's vision?" Mika offered. Tyler nodded as he slowly came to Myriahs side. "Can it be the fever?" He asked in low tones. Axel tilted his head.


Myriah sighed and curled further into Axel before attempting to stand on her own. Axel stopped her by maneuvering his right hand so it was under her legs and he stood with her in his arms.

"You just fainted." He murmured as he walked to the loveseat where Mika sat. Mika was about to move when Axel shook his head. She giggled and hopped from her spot allowing Axel to place Myriah on the couch and sit beside her.

"So what did you see, Myriah?"

There was a long, heavy silence as Myriah processed the question, as she tried to figure out how to answer.

Axels hand on her shoulder reminded her that she wasn't by herself and she had a question to answer. Edymond had taken Jasmine to her room and returned by the time Myriah lifted her head and stared at her companions with wide eyes.

"I saw golden eyes… with red pupils…"