We are Meeting


After squabbling with Axel, something Myriah secretly looked forward to- it was nice to feel the sincerity Axel gave off when he worried. It made her feel like she was worth something.

Her prize for winning her heated debate with Axel was being allowed to leave her bed to discuss the dream she had from touching the brown stone.

'Allowed…' Myriah internally scoffed at the word.

"So what exactly did you see. Myriah.?" Atoli asked as she sipped on the tea that Myriah has given her. The vampiress was sitting between her mates legs with a blanket covering from her waist to her feet. "I saw golden eyes that had burning red pupils..." Myriah murmured on a sigh as she drifted back to the accent chair where Axel was standing with his arms folded across his chest. The sight of him made her blush.

'He'll be the only one who can "allow" me to do anything…'

"Everything was burning.... it was all red..." Myriah sighed as she wrapped her arms around herself. "It's like a more detailed version of the dream I had before I got the fever… like a memory…" Myriah murmured as she twisted her body to find Axels gaze. "You mean the dream with the red eyed monster?" Axel inquired, "is that what you meant by dragon eyes?" He asked again.

"Dragon eyes?"

"Dragon eyes were said to have been red pupils, their eyes were rumored to have the capacity of taking one's soul from their very being." Angalo murmured as he took to playing with Atolis hair.

Myriah tilted her head and looked to Axel who nodded.

"Hang on, you've dreamt of eyes like that before?" Atoli asked, full of worry.

Myriah nodded and leaned into Axels form, "My last coherent memory before I woke up in my fathers facility, was feeling a massive presence, the pull of those eyes and it's burning breath…"

Myriah shivered as her hand found Axels.

Axel was tempted to call the meeting off. However stressing her out with another argument seamed to be against better judgement. So he opted to offer silent comfort.

"When I had the fever…" Kain murmured, "I too felt the presence of the beast." Myriah perked up. "Can you see through the stone too?" Kain shook his head, "The stone burns me as well."

"Long ago... massive creatures came to a barren planet and they filled it with life." Edymond murmured, after a moment of heavy silence. Tyler, ever clueless, leaned in to listen. He spared a glance to the girl beside him, Mika.... he remembered seeing her beneath him, her honey brown eyes wide in fear. He had to have done something horrid to her, something indescribable... Whenever Axel or Angalo looked at him it was with concern and with keen, sad empathy.... Tyler couldn't put his finger on it, he has a painful twist in his gut... Yet she was stuck at his side, answering his questions and guiding him. She catered to him In a way that he didn't understand, and couldn't process....

"Those creatures were known throughout time, as the Pegan, Roman and Grecian Gods... they were spirits of the elements and so on as time took its course." Angalo murmured as he looked at his mate who was sipping her tea, "A great wrong was committed to the massive beasts." Edymond continued his story, "And that is why the Pure Ones are gone except for you, Goddess."

"What did my ancestors do?" Myriah whispered.

"Some say a great evil. Others say it was forbidden Magics." Edymond replied.

"The rumors of the Pure Ones being wiped out gave birth to the story of the sleeping baby." Mika murmured.

Myriah felt her heart jolt with the mention of the sleeping baby.

She looked at Axel who sighed, "The sleeping baby was a baby who slept. It slept through time, and eventually disappeared." He ran a hand through his blonde hair. "The story is a legend in todays time. No one ever learned if it was true or what became of the baby."

He faced Myriah, "can you tell us more about your vision?" Axel coaxed with a tender hand to Myriahs shoulder, "I saw a woman, pieces of a woman, who could have been the definition of beauty... I saw blood and stolen affections..." Myriah leaned forward so her elbows rested on her knees and her hands dug into her hair, "I saw people in white, I saw creatures and jewels and... " Myriah shook her head as the images seamed to blur and merge before her eyes, "I'm sorry..." she whispered as Axels arms came around her trembling form.

"Do not fret, Goddess. There will be a day to sort this." Edymond assured as he took a knee before the perplexed girl.

"As of right now, we should continue to focus on freeing those who are captured and getting them -" Angalo paused when his phone started to ring, in a fluid moment he had the small device to his ear . "We are meeting. You and yours are expected to be there." Angalo narrowed his eyes and caught his brothers curious gaze, "Will Nicholas be there?" "He expects your presence." Before Angalo could scold the caller, the line went dead.

"We are expected to convene with the council in two weeks." Atoli sighed and Axel cursed under his breath, "Myriah." Angalo sighed her name, "You will also come."

Myriah tilted her head, "Why me? What about the others and-" "We will be okay, Myriah." Mika murmured. "But-" "Myriah the eldest of our people will be there. -" Myriah raised a hand, "the eldest as in older than you and Axel?" Angalo nodded, "They have received word that you were saved and survived the change." Atoli murmured in a warm tone, "They will want to see proof of hope that our children will continue to survive the fever." Axel murmured from beside Myriah.

"But I- you know Tyler survived the change too, I don't see why I have to appear before a bunch of people I don't even know like some type of circus monkey."

Tyler glared at Myriah, "So you throw me into the mix?" Myriah nodded, "As your elder, I command it." She replied with a straight face. The two glared at one another as Axel leaned away from Myriah with a grin and Angalo palmed his face. Of all the times to be defiant…

"You can't just command people because you're older, that's agism."

Myriah pointed to Angalo, "do you hear this man doing the exact same thing to me?! After diligently saving your life - twice I might add, it's the least you can do." Myriah nodded, "so it's not agism, I'm just collecting."

Tyler scoffed, "and you're supposed to be a pure one." He muttered as a giggling Mika gently patted his shoulder.

"Well if it's any consolation, A. I'm not a pure pure one, and 2. As the other one who is the only one from their respective clan, that gives you circus monkey rights too."

Axel felt his body shake with laughter, he had to turn away from the sight, while Angalo felt his left eye start to twitch.

"Well I don't want circus monkey rights, and I'm technically void of them in that Mika here is technically an unofficial member of my clan… or I of hers… regardless, I'm not the only one from my clan."

"If it helps, you would start your own clan, so you're not technically void of circus monkey rights." Mika murmured on a giggle.

Myriah lifted her chin in confidence. "See, my squishy takes my side." Tyler stared at Mika wide eyed, "you- the betrayal…" he sighed as he allowed the fight to leave his body. Mika giggled behind her hands and leaned on Tyler who wrapped an arm wound her form.

"Even if they are not the same as you, they are still your people." Axel murmured after composing himself. He pulled Myriah into his chest, "You will be safe there." He promised as he used his free hand to stroke her hair and he took a deep calming breath. Over Myriahs head, his molten eyes locked with the ice cold eyes of the elf. "But…Wouldn't they want to see Tyler as well?" Myriah mumbled from Axels chest. Angalo looked at Tyler who was in a conversation with Mika. His people would give him the chance at a new life... he could leave this and start anew, repopulate his clan..... Myriah could as well...

"Actually... I think we should all go." Atoli murmured. "Jasmine is still unconscious. She will need to be monitored." Mika murmured. "If I-" "No." Axel barked, "You're dozing where you stand and -" "Too bad I wasn't asking." Myriah snapped. "Fortunately for you, it's not something you need to ask." Axel murmured. She and Axel held one another's glares, she shoved at Axels unmoving form for her glare to deepen when his arm stayed around her shoulders. The hand that was once stroking her hair rested easily on her hip. Though it looked like a tender embrace, the growing tension in the air said otherwise. Edymonds hand rested on the hilt of the dagger that rested on his left hip. He would intervene if the vampire decided to get physical with the Goddess...

Kain watched the interaction under the pretense of reading a book. Tyler followed the argument with his eyes, he could feel his body humming at the sparking auras in the room. Mikas attention drifted to the book in her lap.

Atoli and Angalo looked at one another for a brief moment when Axel spoke again: "First of all, your debate victory was for you to share your vision and tend to jasmine when you feel better. Not at your whim."

"I-" Axel put a finger on her lips to silence her. Myriah, despite her temper could only comply with the commanding aura Axel was emitting, "Sexond, bear in mind: We didn't save you for you to kill yourself while trying to figure out what you can't do. Remember you have goals in mind. Things that you want to do. Good or bad, you can't get things done if you're dead."

"Myriah-" Atoli tried to interject when Myriah did instead. "I didn't think I was so pathetic that healing someone would kill me." Axel narrowed his eyes further, "Yeah. We're not doing this today." He muttered, "Myriah, that's not what I'm saying and you know it." He snapped, standing to his full height and glaring down at Myriah. "This conversation is done until you've rested enough to finish it." Kain looked up and Edymond blinked. Myriah, despite herself, stood to the challenge, "Since you've told me how weak I am, let me go save your friend." Thinking she struck a cord, Myriah stuck her nose in the air and was about to leave when Axel hoisted Myriah over his shoulder in a single fluid movement.

"I think not. The only place you're going is to your room or to the ring." Axel replied. Myriah screeched and kicked her legs while slapping at Axels back.

"You insufferable brute!" She cried, "Put me down this instant!"

"Make me." Axel murmured. Myriah wiggled and squirmed, and flailed for all she was worth.

"No magic?" Axel asked arrogantly.

Myriah gave up with a huff of breath. "I've been using magic this whole time." Axel scoffed, "couldn't tell. So your pick: room or ring."

Myriah muttered under her beath which earned her a harsh shrug that made her Yelp.

"Unless you want to make our company uncomfortable, I suggest you decide." Axel murmured.