He Gave Her Hope

Lucien has been with them for alittle over a month now. At first he latched on to Myriah and would pitch a fit if anyone other than Axel took him from her. Axel was amazed that Myriah could maintian their him, and cook for this boy while he was attached to her back. The sight was similar to a koala cub latched onto its mothers back while climbing trees. Axel learned that Myriah was a natural mother, which is something he always admired in a woman... seeing her with this boy made his mind wonder to the possibility of them having children... unfortunately that one Whitman managed to find him, Axel was convinced that this child's safety was on the line should he stay with them. He would be subject to terrible sights. Myriah naturally fought him on it and the discussion elevated to a complete screaming match while Lucien was asleep… It broke axels heart to see her hurting… and that was his point in getting her to agree to let the boy go… how would she feel were he to be harmed in her care? Myriah crumbled in his arms, weakly hitting his chest as she did and she held onto him while crying her heart out.

'Is this how a mother looks when she is forced to give up her child for their own safety?' Axel wondered as he held Myriah in his arms.


'I always knew that I was destined for Hell... I just never pictured it would be in the form of a 5'6 lavender eyed vixen.' Axel sighed as he sat with his brother and Atoli, getting Lucien's documentation together.

"Axel is right. What matters is getting this child to safety." Atoli murmured in soothing tones as she made her way to the living room with her laptop in her hands, "This child isn't documented." Atoli murmured thoughtfully. With a gentle hand on Angalos shoulder, "That makes my job that much easier." she moved to get a closer look at the child who was sitting on Myriahs lap. "Hello cutie." Atoli cooed, as she pulled out her cellphone, "Can I take your picture?" The boy looked at Atoli with big blue eyes, then he looked at Myriah who nodded with tears in her eyes.

Axel felt his chest ache at the sight of her tears, a month ago, he couldn't help but to tease her... the back and forward banter of starting a family out in the country with this boy as their child… 'Now that I think of it. Isn't it a presumptive thought: that I would be a good father?' Axel wrapped an arm around Myriahs shoulder and brought her into his form. He wanted to see her smile, or to see any other expression on her face than heartache. "Perhaps.... You and I..we can make a home on the countryside and live off the land." Myriah pouted, "Now I know you're teasing." She muttered as Axel gently patted her forehead. "Am I?" Myriah giggled and he smiled; mission accomplished. Angalo palmed his forehead. Part of him wondered when Axel started to morph to a love sick fool?

The elder vampire watched his younger brother banter with Myriah while taking over the task of feeding the boy who looked between the two with a curious expression.

Angalo was even more vexed that this child wasn't documented and he was one of them. Were there more children like him? Being kept hidden and systematically tortured by whoever was caring for them? It wasn't a completely dismissible theory. Trafficking became a global wide issue around 2015 and it continues today. The market being in demand of exotic children... or more… for mystical children. Surely this was something that would require looking into. He caught Axels eyes and sighed as he let go of his frustrations.

Axel was relaxed and calm. He was being patient while Atolis fingers flew across her labtop as if they were in fire. If it were any other day, Axel would have been pissed. He would have been barking orders and shoving coffee down Atolis throat to ensure she didn't miss a single detail. However nothing about this situation or his bond with Myriah were normal... in seeing Myriah genuinely happy, Angalo could tell that Axel would do what ever he could to keep that smile on her face. Axel would use all of his strength and power to keep her aura light and shimmering as it was while she was doting on the boy in her lap. He watched Axel play with the boy in Myriahs lap while teasing the lavender eyed girl who was still tomato red.

Angalo blinked and he watched the scene before him. It was as if the gods were showing him the future... Is this how Axel would look as a father? Gentle and doting?

While Angalo was lost in his musings, Atoli had gotten the pictures she needed of the boy as well as some of the boy with Axel and Myriah... She was now in the process of forging identification and travel documents. Atoli blinked, and she was taken to a time when she was kneeling in front of her own little boy:

~ "if you could do anything in the world, little one.. what would it be?" The boy beside her: with hazel eyes and golden hair hugged her leg, "I would take care of mommy."~

Atoli blinked again and she felt Angalo at her side,

Myriah was worried, Atoli was suddenly so sad... her mind completely spaced and she got a whisper of a distant memory.

"You will grow big and do amazing things for your people, little one." Atoli promised as her unshed tears slid down her high cheekbones. The boy climbed off of Myriahs lap and snuggled into Atolis arms, "Thank you, pretty lady." The boy whispered as he placed a hand on Atolis chest. Myriah, Axel, and Angalo watched a faint white glow cover the boy and Atoli. It faded as fast as it came. The boy and Atoli were holding one another crying quietly.

"What just happened?" Axel dared to ask, "He gave her hope" Myriah whispered dabbing at her own tears.

"It seems the child is a Nymph." Edymond murmured from the doorway. "He must be the union of a water and wind nymph. It's water nymphs that are empathetic and tend to be healers." The elf murmured again. Watching as the boy curled into Atoli even more, Edymonds unspoken question was confirmed.

This boy was taken from his parents who were more than likely killed trying to protect him.

"Come, Lucien. It is time to rest." Atoli chirped as she stood with the child in her arms and glided from the room.

Myriah watched Atoli disappear with the child with a pout. She wanted to put him to bed... especially on their last days together…Edymond watched the Vampire lean closer to Myriah and whisper: "You can put the child to bed with Atoli." Myriah leaned into Axel with a sigh, "Atoli needs his company more than me..." she mumbled, as her pouty expression turned serious, "I healed his burns, cuts and bruises. I did what I could for his stomach and he's been eating since we got here..." Myriah whispered, "That poor boy… why can't he stay here with us-" Myriah covered her mouth with her hands and leaned forward only to fall into Axels arms. She held onto him and she started to cry quietly.

The images from the boys mind plagued at her. In remembering what she did to that woman.. Myriahs body started to shake...

"Axel..." she whispered his name and his arms came around her shaking form. "H-how do I trust anyone else to care for him?" she moved so that she could look into his eyes. "How do I know that these people won't hurt him too-"

"Shh." Axel soothed as he ran a hand through her hair and guided her face to his chest. "Yes, there are terrible people who do terrible things… but you must trust that he will be okay. Have faith…"

Myriah held onto his shirt as she took comfort in his embrace, "But..."

"I promised I would ensure his safety, and I will. Anyone who harms him will meet their end." "But… we'll be so far from him… h-how will we know?"

Axel sighed as he continued to run a hand through Myriahs hair. Part of him wanted to adopt the boy and take them both away from this war. At one point he had resigned himself to death. Then this lavender eyed girl bumped into his chest and now he was tempted to indulge in the pleasures of a life mate... Another part of him was sure that this lavender eyed girl was truly a creature from hell. She made him want to see the end of this war. She gave him a reason to fight...

Axel bit his bottom lip as he held Myriah closer to himself, needing a warmth and comfort only she could give him.