Fight With Your Heart


Axel sighed, a part of him didn't want to have Myriah take part in this mission. He was worried about her emotions ...

The discussion to have the boy placed almost became a bloody one when it was mentioned that Myriah and Axel weren't ideal parents. Axel had to restrain Myriah when Angalo tactfully mentioned that Alexander's sister would be the one to tend to the boy. To add to their point, Myriah pitched a full on fit when they told her that she couldn't give him a parting gift. Angalo would have none of it when Axel suggested he and Myriah part ways with the boy. Now that the Great Dragon has made contact, they needed to find his domain…Axel ran a hand through his blonde hair, surely it was impossible...

"Are you okay... Axel?" Myriahs voice pulled him from his thoughts; with a silent gasp Axel was thrust back into the present. His frantic silver eyes found her downcast lavender ones.

Axel clenched his fists, he was forced to bring her to reason before she destroyed their home… again. The altercation resulted in a betrayed glare and her distance from him. Axel eyed her warily, she didn't even speak to him.

Myriah stood in front of Axel with a black cloak wrapped around her shoulders. Their eyes locked and Myriah was against his chest with his arms wrapped tight around her shoulders.


"Just give me this moment." His whispered plea made her blush as she slowly wrapped her arms around his waist. The pain in his eyes shot straight to her heart. Myriah tightened her hold on him. 'He's hurting too...' she thought as tears blurred her vision... 'Did I hurt him?' Myriah wondered as she put a gentle hand to his chest, where his heart was. Myriah listened to his heartbeat, strong and steady... like a drum... she closed her eyes and the tears that gathered slid down her cheeks. Axel held her tighter when he felt her tears soak into his shirt. 'Please... have hope...' she prayed as she curled closer to him, 'please...'

"I'm sorry…" Myriah whispered. Axel briefly tightened his hold on her. "There is nothing to forgive." He replied, "It's natural for your heart to grieve. One day we'll find Lucien again and welcome him to our home." Myriah sighed and buried her face into his chest.

"Promise me…" she whispered as she moved so that he could look into her eyes. Axel held her gaze for what seamed like a long moment. Contemplating.


He cupped the back of her head and pressed his forehead to hers. "I promise." He whispered with a warm kiss to her lips.

Myriah felt her heart stop from shock as her body relaxed into his and she leaned into his kiss. 'Everything makes sense…' Myriah thought as she shyly met his gaze when he pulled away. 'Its all bearable with her...' Axel thought as his silver eyes wondered to her lips and back to her lavender eyes. He gently cupped her left cheek and silently offered his thanks to the Gods. Axel could stand like this with her forever and he wouldn't miss a thing...

Time and the world could pass him by and he would have no cares to spare...

"Are Edymond and Jasmine ready?" Axel asked as he released Myriah. The lavender eyed girl nodded with a thin, small smile. Axel held her gaze as he started to pull the hood over her head. He had to fight not to focus on her red cheeks or her warm expression that was now tinged with sadness again. "Mika is scouting from the skies. Tyler is in the woods guarding the forest..." he started to confirm, "and Kain is with …the family now." Myriah concluded as and he gently held her by her shoulders, "Are you sure you're able to do this?" Myriah nodded, "What I want is out ranked and out mattered in this case… but I will protect Lucien with my life..." Her breath hitched and a helpless shrug made him grip her shoulders before releasing her completely. Lest he pull her back into his embrace and they elope with the child.

"Don't fight with your emotions, Myriah." Axel murmured, "Keep your head. But fight with your heart."

Before Myriah could ask what he meant, Axel had made his way to the front door. "Stay with the elf. He will protect you if I fail." He ordered before he disappeared into the night. Axel hated to leave her like that however staying with her was increasingly difficult every time he looked into her eyes...

He needed to figure out the spell that she cast on him... and he needed to be rid of it so that he could be himself again...

"Goddess. Here is the child." Edymond murmured as he gestured to the sleeping child that was literally tied to his back.

Myriah nodded her approval, "Atoli says the new family is ready. Kain is waiting for us with them. We are to keep them safe at all costs." Edymond nodded. "Keep the child unaware should any violence ensue, the child must be kept safe." Edymond held her steady gaze, "Promise me." He was slow to nod as he and Myriah stepped into the moonless night....


Atoli yelped when she heard the front door burst open. Axel came into the house carrying a pale and bleeding Myriah. Atoli noticed that he was bleeding as well. She went to try and help when he flinched away from her.

"Get the witch." Axel ground out as Tyler stepped into the house carrying a bleeding Mika while supporting a limping Edymond. With a swipe of his hand, Axel had the coffee table clear and he laid Myriah on it, hissing in pain as he did.

"What happened to the child?" Angalo asked as Atoli ran to get Jasmine.

"He made it. I watched Kain get him through..." Axels voice hitched as he fell to his knee from blood loss. Angalo wordlessly handed Axel a bag of blood as Tyler put Edymond down, "the Goddess was adamant that we keep the child safe and unaware. She sent the vampire to follow and guard me as I was keeping the child asleep..." Edymond clenched his fists, "I should not have left her side."

Myriahs groan made everyone look at her.

"Lu..." Myriah tried to speak only to cough up her own blood. Having torn the bag of blood from his fangs, Axel was holding her head up as Jasmine rushed over to them. "Mi-" "she wants you to heal Mika first." Axel glared at the girl before him, but she was unconscious again from exhaustion. "If I give her my blood will it heal her?" Axel asked to no one in particular. "Your blood can only do so much, Vampire." Edymond sighed, "Allow me..." the elf took a step toward Myriah only to have the ground come to meet him. He was caught by Angalo.

"You also need to be healed..." Angalo scolded while forcing the elf to sit again. "The Goddess is bleeding out, she needs to be tended-" Kain stepped into the room and walked straight toward Myriah who was wheezing. "Allow me to try." The sorcerer murmured.

"Can you-" "I'm not much of a healer but I can channel her powers and she can heal herself through me. This is how we survived the facility."

Axel and Angalo watched Kain close his eyes and put one hand on Myriahs head and the other just below her rib cage. He took a deep breath and a white aura surrounded both himself and Myriah. "The boy and the new family are safe." Kain reported. Edymond stood despite Angalos firm hand on his shoulder as he watched the woman he dubbed as his Goddess heal herself. A feat even a full fledged Celestial being could barely pull off without the assistance of an elf.

And yet here a halfling was... healing herself through another as naturally as breathing. When the light faded, Kain fell to his knees with his eyes closed in pain, and Myriahs breathing was regulated, she was no longer pale and no longer bleeding. Axel felt his shoulders sag in relief.

"So what happened that most of you are bleeding out on my furniture." Angalo murmured with a tilt of his head.