There is No Creature Like Her

"I barely know what happened." Axel murmured as he watched Myriahs sleeping face. Kain climbed onto shaky legs and moved to sit on the couch that Mika was laying on.

"We had it planned out. Down to the second..."

"Come on. Sit." Jasmine quietly commanded as she guided Axel to the recliner that was closest to him. Tyler had since taken Mika to her room and had yet to come back. "We had Mika in the skies and Tyler on the ground." Axel sighed as Jasmine examined his wounds. Angalo listened while watching Edymond struggle to heal himself.

"Mika was shot from the sky first. Then Tyler went for her. Fortunately his wounds are already healed thanks to his blood."

"Move your hand so that I can see the wound, Axel" Jasmine muttered as she forced his hand from his bleeding side, "the bullet stayed in." The green eyed girl observed. Axel hissed when she jammed two fingers into the gaping wound and pulled out a steaming bullet about the size of her index finger. The occupants of the room besides the sleeping Myriah watched it clatter on the carpeted floor. Angalo watched the bullet fall into his carpet with growing horror as splats of blood seamed to follow it. He internally cringed at how he would explain the blood to the repairmen...

What would they think?

What would they say?!

"You can say that it was a womanly mishap." Myriahs voice silenced all of the whispered side conversations that were happening, "Or I can have the work done for you so that you don't have to deal with the headache, Angalo." Myriah murmured. Axel shot up, shoving Jasmine from him in the process. The pixie of a girl fell over the edge of the recliner with a loud 'oomph' that had her throwing a pillow at the wounded vampire in the same moment, her small round cheeks flaming as Kain chuckled behind a closed fist. As Axel approached Myriah, worried she offered a small smile that had him halting his stride. "Is there any dinner left over? I'm starving." Myriah murmured as she rubbed her rumbling tummy. Axel appeared at her side as she slowly sat up and stretched. "Tea also sounds like a dream." The lavender eyed murmured looking around at the occupants in the room as if she didn't just come from taking the brunt of an ambush. "Myriah you shouldn't-" Myriah looked at Axel and put a gentle hand to his gaping wound. "I'll be fine." She murmured. Edymond watched the wound sew it's self together before his eyes and he felt his jaw drop as Myriah got off of the coffee table she was laying on and walked to Edymond who was staring at her in awe. "Let me help." Myriah murmured as she crouched before him and healed his leg. Edymond felt all of his wounds both internal and external completely heal with Myriahs touch to his leg.

Had he been underestimating her this entire time? The sealed box that his elder tasked him with snapped open the moment he came into contact with Myriah. However he had yet to give her said box. Edymond couldn't explain his actions. Ever since the hospital visit with the vampire, he had been watching Myriah even more. The brief discussions of the incident never seamed to answer his questions. Or was he simply making excuses for his cruelty?

Did he secretly mistrust her as a pure one because her blood wasn't pure?

Was he so cruel? Dishonorable?

Her all seeing lavender eyes held his and he could feel her within the confines of his mind. No matter the training he had, his walls and barriers crumbled underneath the compulsion of her lavender eyes. Edymond released a silent gasp when her hands found his and held fast. Her touch was warm.

It was home. Safe.

And yet...

'Even though celestial blood runs through this child's veins, there is no creature like her' the chilling voice should have alarmed him. Edymond watched her irises shift from lavender to gold and back. He should have been alarmed, but he remained seated with the Goddess kneeling before him, looking into his mind.

His thoughts, memories and secrets were all hers.

He should have been scared.

He should have fought...

As soon as the thought crossed his mind, Myriah stood up with a happy sigh and a giggle, "Now. Where is Atoli so that I can bug her to cook for me." Axel watched Myriah skip from the room to find Atoli, singing her name as she went. Then he looked at the elf who was calm when Myriah was healing him and now that she was gone, he looked ashen. Completely stricken.

His white eyes were wide, his mouth was opening and closing.

The normally composed elf seamed to be unhinged. Did Myriah do something? Did she see something? Seeing Edymond like this reminded him of the woman from the mall...

Axel walked to the elf and put a gentle hand on his shoulder. His eyes widened when Edymond jumped and stared at Axel wide eyed before composing himself and clearing his throat as he stood.

"I will retire for the night, Vampire."

Before Angalo or Axel could reply, Edymond was out of the room.

"I've never seen him look like that."

Angalo commented as he brought a hand to stroke his chin, the thought of allowing Myriah to handle the maintenance of the house was looking more and more appealing with each passing second. Perhaps the distraction could take her mind from her growing frustrations that seamed to leak out to each one of them.

Silver met silver in vexed confusion.

"Myriah completely ravaged his mind." Kain murmured. "It happens when she heals people, especially people who are hurt internally." "As in a clogged artery?" Angalo asked, "No. As in the mind and soul." Axel and Angalo looked at one another. "She will heal all wounds a person endures. It's not something she can control." Kain murmured as he leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees and lace his fingers together.

"Part of me wonders if she even knows she's that she's doing it." Axel tilted his head, "Her type of healing will leave someone questioning their very existence. As beautiful and empowering as it can be, it leaves one completely bare to her. She can see your thoughts. Your secrets, and memories. She can alter them, completely erase them..." Kain shuddered.

"I think I watched her do something similar the mall..."

Axel murmured as Jasmine also slipped from the room. "That woman who was hurting the boy, by the time I got her away from there, the woman was a drooling mess." Angalo looked at his younger brother whose eyes were narrowed in thought.

"This girl is vastly powerful." Kain murmured, "and she will either be our greatest weapon... or our greatest danger." Axel and Angalo held one another's gazes for a long moment.