I’m a Monster


'I don't know where I am anymore…' lavender eyes closed in resignation, 'am I alive? Am I dreaming?' Lavender eyes opened slowly, only to close again, 'I want to wake up in my room … with my mom and siblings…'

Myriah laid on her back, idly watching as the images breezed past her. 'Why am I seeing my life through the perspective of others?' She slightly lifted her head to see the shadow of the golden eyed girl, 'is that the real me?' Myriah laid her head back down, 'How would my father know and not me?' She tilted her head, 'How long has my father known?' Myriah wondered as she eyed the image of her eight year old counterpart singing to her mother's pregnant belly, 'that's right, Jason was a hard pregnancy for mom…' Myriah thought idily,

'After Amanda, she was terrified of getting pregnant again…' Myriah lifted her head to see the image of Jason's sonogram, 'I remember … he had a swollen mass on his head… the mass had almost overcome his brain…' Myriah thought as her lavender eyes shifted from left to right, until she saw the image of her eight year old counterpart singing to her baby brother again.

Myriah gasped and scrambled to sit up. 'My eyes…' Wide lavender eyes stared into warm golden ones. 'I'm glowing…' she stared at her eight year old self.

~"I love baby brother." Myriah murmured as she rubbed her mother's belly. "Baby brother has to get better so we can play." Samantha smiled warmly at her daughter. "Baby and I love you too, daring." ~

'I know that smile…' Myriah thought as she stared at her mothers smiling face, 'Did my mom know?'

Wide lavender eyes fell to another image… it was dark and her mother was sad…

'Not sad… my mother was heartbroken…'


Samantha slowly crept into her daughters room, 'my daughter…' she thought as she knelt at Myriahs bedside, 'even if you're not my blood, you are my daughter…' the hazel eyed woman took her daughters hand in her own.

'And I will protect you or die trying…' Samantha thought as she recalled the silver eyed man named 'Ryan's.'

~ "Mrs. Whitman, you need to get your children and leave. Tonight."

Samantha yanked her arm from the suited mans grip, "I don't know who you think you are, but my children and I are perfectly safe-" "Aren't you aware of the crimes that your husband and his family have committed?" Samantha gave up her fight, "he's… that's his daughter…" The silver eyed man shook his head, "I have seen the plans myself, he wants to take your daughter."

Samantha shook her head, "I cant…." "Please, I implore you:,Get your children away from him." Samantha blinked and the silver eyed man was gone.~

Samantha shook the memory away and she gently shook Myriah. "Mommy?" The eight year old sleepily asked while rubbing the sleep from her eyes, "what's wrong mommy." Samantha handed Myriah a jacket, "we're gonna go on an adventure. You, me, Amanda, and baby." Myriah tilted her head, "is daddy coming too?"

"No baby daddy has to work, put this on and I'll meet you down stairs…" she was cut off by a really hard knock to the front door.

"Oooh daddy's home early he can-" Samantha grabbed Myriah and pulled her close to herself. Myriah looked at her mother with wide eyes to see her mother holding her index finger to her lips with a playful expression.

The eight year old mimicked her mother, put her own finger to her lips, and opted to stay quiet. As Samantha was going to find a place for Myriah to hide, the front door busted open and five soldiers walked in. "Mrs Whitman. We are here for Myriah Whitman."



'That's right my mom put up one hell of a fight to keep me safe…' Myriah thought as she looked away from the image.

'I didn't know anything… and I don't want to know…' Myriah sighed, 'I just want my life back…'

Myriah eyed the golden eyed girl who watched her every move, before she could ponder the golden eyed girl again, Myriah was pulled into another dream…


"You really should pay more attention to your surroundings." A baritone voice ground out.. 'this isn't-' The lavender eyed girl stilled with her finger a hair away from the supposed wall which had just spoken.... 'If I recall correctly, walls don't talk…' Sheepish from embarrassment, Myriah slowly looked up into the greyest eyes she had ever seen. 'Oh…' A jolt coursed through her body, and she was hooked... 'his eyes are so deep.. so...consuming...

I can stare into those eyes for days and I will continue to learn from him....'

Those eyes told stories. Myriah had to fight to take in the rest of him... she slowly, begrudgingly tore her eyes from his to see the rest of the boy she bumped into.

He had short, neck length ice blonde hair and milky skin, a strong jawline and high cheekbones, and pointed nose that met with kissable pink lips. The thought brought a blush to Myriahs cheeks. Consuming grey eyes that were once narrowed in annoyance were now digging into hers, perplexed.


'I keep seeing this memory.' Myriah thought with a fond smile, 'He was so handsome…' she thought with a warmth on her cheeks, "Axel…" she murmured his name, 'I wish I could see you one more time…' Myriah thought as her lavender eyes closed. 'This isn't the time to be thinking about a boy I saw who knows how long ago…' she internally chastised herself. Myriah opened her eyes to watch the boy materialize in front of her. She felt any strength she'd gathered completely leave her body. 'I'm sure of it now, I've completely lost my mind … for real this time…' she thought as her lavender eyes found his silver ones.

"I've finally found you." Axel greeted with a warm smile as he dropped to his haunches in front of the stunned girl. 'Does this mean… that I am not dead?' Axel reached over and cupped the back of her head, making her gasp and turn into a statue. 'What…?' Her face was the color of a tomato when he leaned forward. 'Oh…' she thought with growing panic. 'Is he gonna…' Myriah felt her wide eyes close when he pressed his forehead to hers in greeting. 'I-ive never…' it was the same as when he kissed her knuckles… an overwhelming spark fallowed by warmth. 'I feel safe…' Myriah stared at the boy In front of her in shock, 'Is this really happening?' Myriah asked internally as she was too aware of how close he was to her. 'What is this…?' She wondered as she felt a fluttering in her tummy.

Myriah was trapped by his hand that was cupping the back of her head, 'I can't escape…' she watched his free hand come closer to her face. Panic sparked In her heart. Axel felt a pang in his chest when she closed her eyes, anticipating the worst. 'I'll never let you feel fear again.' He vowed as his free hand cupped her cheek. Forcing her wide fearful eyes to stare into his steely silver ones.

"Myriah… it's time to wake up."

Axel murmured as he pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss.

'A kiss…' Myriah thought as her eyes fluttered closed. 'Soft..' She felt her brain fly away. 'Warm…' was the only articulate thought that her overstimulated brain could form. Her hands reached for him to be met with empty air. Myriah fell forward and caught herself by thrusting both hands forward. 'I knew it was too good to be true…' she thought with a pout… 'I'll be stuck here forever…'

(Late April, 2076):

Axel stared at Myriah, 'there has to be someway to reach her…' he thought as he paced, 'I've seen parts of her dreams, and memories when I touch her hand…' Axel observed as he took her hands in both of his. He closed his eyes and centered himself to be taken back to that day… the day he saw her for the very first time…

'his eyes are so deep.. so...consuming...

I can stare into those eyes for days and I will continue to learn from him....' Axel internally smirked, only to berate himself, 'surely this has to be a crime…' he leaned forward pressed his forehead to her own and his world was black. Axel blinked as he was standing before her, staring into her wide lavender eyes. Everything that was on his mind disappeared at the sight of those eyes. 'I knew they were lavender…' he thought as he dropped to his haunches In front of her. 'This girl really is beautiful… '

"Axel…" she greeted, at which Axel felt his heart go into overdrive. 'Even her voice is beautiful...' Axel thought as he leaned forward, cupped the back of her head, and pressed his forehead to hers. 'I will never let you feel fear or pain again.' He vowed as he tried to project his strength to her, "Myriah… it's time to wake up." Axel murmured as he pressed his lips to hers in a gentle kiss.


And like that he woke up. Axel threw himself back from Myriahs bed and fell onto the floor, landing on his bottom with a grunt.

'Did I really…' the feeling of her soft lips on his was a fleeting one. 'Gods I'm a monster…' he thought as he scrambled to his feet and straightened his rumpled clothing.

'I will gladly give my life to atone for this…' Axel shook the thought away as he came face to face with his elder brother. 'I will also give my life to hope that he didn't see…' Silver met silver and the elder brother offered a knowing smile. 'Damn…'. Axel thought, "Go cool your head and shower. I'll stand guard." Axel nodded and breezed past his brother. Angalos smile fell from his lips when his brother was gone from his sight. The elder brother turned in time to watch Myriahs eyes flutter open.

"Well I'll be be damned…" he said in awe as her eyes closed, only to open moments later, 'it looks like the prince really can wake the princess with a kiss.' He thought, silver eyes sparkling with amusement.