Until they aren’t

(Late March, 2076)

Atoli placed a coffee Infront of her mate who was a carbon copy of his younger brother. Except while both males were tall, daringly handsome and had ice blonde hair, the elder of the two was slightly taller than his younger brother. His hair reached his shoulders while Axels reached his neck. Their eyes were different too. Both silver, both sharp but Axels were ice hardwired to intimidating anger while his elder brother reserved warmth for the fairer sex. He sat, back straight, his head angled so he was looking down at the golden eyed boy Infront of him. "I thought you'd be older than you are." The male dismissed. Atoli wanted to speak up, but she wouldn't. It would only worsen his mood and that could make the brothers fight.

"Regardless my brother has a point: we can get you to safety or you can join us in our quest, Kain." Said boy nodded and sipped at his own coffee. "Angalo, I'm worried about Axel." Atoli murmured, giving Into temptation, "He won't leave Myriahs side, and he's growing more hostile when I force him out of her room to bathe her." Angalo nodded and he eyed his mate.

"Myriah hasn't woken?" Angalo asked, eying the door to the hallway Axel would be coming through. "She's still sleeping." Atoli murmured, "Jasmine said that her aura isn't dark." Angalos eye brows furrowed, "Axel said it was." Atoli nodded, "Axel was rambling about it while destroying the library." She murmured, "He said it was like the night sky. Dark purple." Angalo pursed his lips as he gave Atoli his full attention, "and now?" "Jasmine says it's like a rain color, musty gray."

'I should have come home much sooner.'

Angalo nodded and stood. "I will see for myself." He murmured, stopping to stroke Atolis cheek on her way, "thank you for waiting up for me, beloved." He kissed her forehead and continued on his way to Myriahs room. "Rest now, I'll be in shortly."


(Late April, 2076)

'Well we'll, now…'

Angalo watched Myriah blink as she got used to her surroundings. 'Her aura is almost shimmering now to when Axel was In here…' he observed as her eyes caught his, "Axel?" Myriah croaked. Angalo leaned forward until their noses were touching, "Good morrow, princess." He greeted as he kissed her knuckles. Myriah blushed a fierce shade of red before squealing and shoving the strange man from her personal space. 'What the…' Myriah thought as she watched the male flip and appear infront of her again. 'Had I not been watching…'

"I am sorry, darling. Axel is off showering, finally." Angalo said with a groan, making Myriah blink. "It's a good thing too he was starting to reek" Myriah tilted her head, "I'm Angalo, Axels older, cooler brother." Myriah looked at Angalo, 'they almost look the same only Angalos face is more angular and oval to Axels slightly rounder face.' Angalo watched Myriah who was watching him as he poured a glass of water from the pitcher at her beside. "Atoli brought it and changes it three times a day." Angalo murmured as he offered her the half full glass. "She'll be happy to know you're awake at last."

Myriah reached for the cup only for her grip to fail her. She watched in horror as the offering fell and tilted over. Angalo caught the glass before any of the water could spill. "No one can move that fast." Myriah murmured, "no mortal can move this fast, princess." Angalo murmured on a grin that made Myriahs cheeks flame. 'That word again: mortal…' Myriah internally contemplated. 'Why does he look like a grown man when Axel resembles a boy? We're his parents younger when they had him?' "I-"

"You're Myriah. The sleeping beauty whose finally awake." Angalo murmured,

"W-where am I?" Myriah asked, "In my home princess. Why don't you rest some more? Ease back into moving, you've been asleep for a long time. Your body, though reborn has suffered a lot of trauma." Angalo murmured in gentle tones as he brought the cup to her lips, "drink." He ordered as he tilted the cup. Myriah pulled back, wary, "it's just water." Angalo murmured, "look." He brought the cup to his own lips and drank a gulp. Myriah was still wary when he brought the cup back to her lips, she parted her lips slightly and let the cool water touch her tongue. The water felt like fresh air to her body. She grabbed for the cup for Angalo to catch her hand in his, "take your time." He coaxed, "there is plenty." He murmured as he gently pulled the cup away. "You're severely dehydrated and malnourished, you need to take your time in drinking and eating." Angalo gently scolded as he pulled out his phone, "I will have Atoli make you some broth." He murmured in soothing tones.

"M-my-" Myriah stammered, her anxiety getting the better of her for Angalo to hold up both of his hands up in offering.

"Don't fret. You're perfectly safe here." Myriah curled into herself, waiting for the pain. People are always nice… until they aren't.

"Where is Axel?" She asked, anxiety growing. 'If here is safe then Axel would be here…'

Angalo tilted his head in amusement, "Axel will be here soon. Right now, focus on resting. Atoli will be up shortly to help you with showering." Myriah shook her head, she felt the ghost of anxiety sipping away at her breath.

"Myriah…" Angalo murmured her name, completely serious, "No one will harm you here. You are safe." Myriah blinked at his change in pace, "I- my brother and I, we-" Angalo felt his breath hitch and his voice clog in his throat. Seeing the fear and pain in her eyes, took his breath away. Feeling the shift in his mood, Myriah bowed her head. Angalo stared into her eyes unseeing, 'there is nothing that I can say to this girl to ease her pain…' he thought with a sad shake of his head. A knock sounded on the door, slicing through the heavy silence and Myriah perked up, "Axel?" She asked again, but the door opened to reveal Atoli. Myriahs eyes widened, "Atoli.." she greeted in awe until she tilted her head, "or… Atolis mom?" She asked pointing to Atoli who giggled while Angalo gestured for Atoli to come closer.

"I'm Atoli."

"You were a teenager when I met you. Now you're what? 25?" Atoli offered a single shouldered shrug, "you look the same you know." The brown eyed girl replied. Myriah blinked, 'what?'

"That's impossible. I'm sixteen…" Anglo sighed, "Our people are similar to mortals, princess." He murmured as he reached for the cup of water at Myriahs bed side and bright it to her lips before she could interrupt him.

'Being forced to listen isn't the worst thing he could do…' she thought as she let him speak. "See our children sleep for the first few months to years depending of the potency of our blood." Myriah nodded as she took another sip of the water. "When our children wake up they grow as a normal human child would." Angalo continued catching Myriahs eye to be sure she was following. At her nod he continued, "until the teenage years. When a child hits anywhere from age thirteen to nineteen, they have one final growth spurt. It's a fever that burns away all of the damage their body has taken over the years, and they grow into adulthood. During the fever our children will sleep again… for days, weeks, months… it varies from child to child…"

"Hey, thanks for keeping an eye on…" Axels words died when his silver eyes found her lavender ones. Myriah scrambled to get out of her bed while Axel rushed to her side. He caught her before she could tumble to the floor. Axel felt a spark travel from her to him and back. He shook the thought away before he could give it room to grow.

"Don't exert yourself."

Axel greeted as he gathered her into her arms and laid her back into her bed. 'She's light…' he observed, 'too light…'

"I'm sorry I wasn't here when you woke…"

Myriah offered a small smile when she saw his cheeks burning. 'We match..' she thought as her cheeks also flamed. 'You being here means Angalo was right…' She tilted her head and lowered her eyes as if to say it was okay. 'I am safe here..'

Axels eyebrows furrowed in concern, "is she not speaking?" He looked over his shoulder to his elder brother who was shaking his head with a grin then to Atoli who was trying not to laugh. "You don't have your voice? Should I call the witch to heal you? Do you need food, water?" Angalo blinked when Axel snatched the water from him and threw him off of Myriahs bed all together.


Atoli scolded as she laid the tray in her hands on Myriahs side table. Myriah blushed when Axel brought the cup to her lips in offering. Her eyes found his and electricity coursed through her body. 'I can see…' they thought at the same time. Myriah watched Axel lean closer to her, until their noses were touching.

Angalo who has since gotten up and wondered to Atolis side, was about to shove Axel into the unsuspecting girl. However Atoli didn't let him. She latched onto his arm and rested her head on his shoulder, "You can finish your speech later." She murmured in soft tones as she tried to guide him from the room, but Angalo was unrelenting. 'Of all people… she clings to Axel…'

Myriahs breath hitched when Axels left hand that blindly set the glass of water on the side table, reached to cup her cheek. 'Her skin is so soft..' he thought as he let his fingertips ghost along her jawline until he found the back of her head.

'Oh…' Myriah thought as she found herself once more trapped in the entity that was Axel. He cupped the back of her head and pressed his forehead to hers in greeting. 'Just like the dream…' she observed as her eyes fluttered closed, anticipation building in her heart. 'Will he…'

Axel internally battled for his willpower and slightly pulled away from Myriah whose eyes snapped open but he averted his gaze, 'it's unbecoming for one such as myself to give into temptations like this…' he internally berated himself. 'It would be blasphemous should I do so again…' "I'm relieved… you're finally awake, Myriah." He greeted stiffly. Myriah blinked, "Angalo… I'm sorry for interrupting you." Axel murmured, as he started to move from his spot. "No!" Myriah cried as she grabbed onto his hand with both of hers. "P-please…D-don't…" Axel sighed, and gave in to her demands after catching her gaze again. He took the cup in his hand and gestured for his brother to finish what he was saying.

'Well I'll be damned…' Angalo thought with a grin.

'Who would have thought…'