I Still Hear Those Screams..

(June 2076)

Myriah laid in her bed in a fetal position, with her arms wrapped around her knees. Her eyes were squeezed shut as she tried to understand her current predictiment.

'How did everything go so wrong....?'

Part of her was still in the mind set that the past year and a half was all part of some horrid nightmare, a prank gone wrong... while part of her knew the latter was true, another part of her still was hoping to wake up in her bed with her mother stroking her hair... 'is this normal? Should I still be wanting my mother? My family? Should I still be missing them?'

The knowing that she would never see her family again gave birth to a dark heavy feeling in her chest. It was a mixture of feelings that Myriah didn't have the energy to sort out so she decided to change her thoughts to her new house mates...

House mates? Is that what they were? 'What if i wake up in another facility? Will they hurt me too?'

Myriah shook the odd thought away in favor of the silver eyed vampire. 'I wish he were here… at the same time…' Myriah squeezed her eres shut.

'It has to dysfunctional… clinging to a boy you gawked at in school…' Myriahs posture eased at the thought of Axels embrace. Part of her didn't care that it could be unhealthy… 'Axel is who brought me back…' Myriah squeaked and forced her mind to the green eyed witch.

'I don't trust that girl…I can't name why…' Myriah sighed and let her mind drift to something else… 'anything else…' she internally pleaded.

'Atoli thinks I can help with their mission…' Myriah thought with growing sadness, 'anything is better than the facilities… but…' she rationalized, 'but to pull a whole kid from their entire world…' She looked around the room, 'according to her, I could help them reach out to Tyler, a boy here in Bourne, Texas, about to make the change…'

The thought was a sad one at best. Myriah knew that she couldn't bring herself to help these strangers take a boy from his family. His life. She slowly let go of her legs and she stretched her body along her bed. 'How can I tear this boy from his life when i barely know these people? When I don't even know…' she sighed as tears slipped from her eyes, 'I don't know anything anymore…'. Myriah closed her eyes and she opened them again,

'..at the end of the day, it's either strangers who are kind or the soldiers and the facilities…'

From experience, Myriah knew that she didn't want the soldiers to get to Tyler. 'They destroyed me…They would absolutely destroy him too…'

She didn't feel the same. 'They destroy everything…' Myriah would dare to say that she no longer knew who she was... 'did I ever know who I was? My whole life is one big lie.'

Myriah tilted her head; she fancied the thought of revenge. She wanted to torture her father as he had tortured her: toying with her mind, gaining her trust only to knowingly crush it...

He knew... he knew that she was different and yet he still played family with her... 'he still pretended to be my father… my protector…'

Myriah felt a burning in her chest, it was like red hot flames growing from the confines of her heart and gradually consuming her body front the inside out. It was similar to that blinding feeling she got when....

'No. Not that.'

Myriah cut the thought off and she shook it away.. 'I now know that this is anger...' allowing herself to give into the hum that coursed through her body, she was learning that she liked this feeling. The rush of adrenaline that makes its self known in her heart gives her a rush of power and a dim sense of glee. 'So this is power?' She pondered as she watched the few objects in the room lift and float around her, 'this is strength…' Myriah thought back to what Angalo had told her: "We look like mortals, but we are not mortal. We age as long as the magic flows through our veins. Those of us that find a life mate In a mortal can live up to a thousand years or so with them, before aging and passing together. The key difference between us and mortals is the darkness isn't a go to for us. We are bound by the natural balance of the world."

And then Myriah started to worry, 'he's right. I've never been an angry or violent person...' a flash of the isolation room had Myriahs hands flying to her cheeks, 'is this what I am now? A killer? A tainted woman?'

Myriah shook the dark thoughts away for simpler ones... anxiety gripped at her heart so tight, she was struggling to breathe. 'The fever… Nothing like medical knowledge to soothe the growing anxieties in my heart and mind.'

And with the thoughts about the fever, came the thoughts of the change...

'I have seen the change… once.'.

(November, 2075)

A boy was brought in writhing. Screaming. Medications didn't work on him, as he wailed and thrashed about. Sporadic bursts of power shattered weapons, destroyed devices, and wounded personnel... Having been there for a couple of months, Myriah had little fight left in her. However when she saw that boy, literally burning from the inside out, she knew that she needed to get to him. She knew that she could help him. Myriah begged the scientists to allow her to save him but they ignored her. She watched, in horrified sadness as the boy burned from the inside out in a matter of hours.... by the next morning, there were ashes in the shape of the boy....

(Present: April, 2076)

'Those screams... i still hear his screams.' Myriah allowed herself to shed a few tears for the boy. 'What could I have done anyways?' She pondered after a moment, 'I'm barely wrapping my head around the thought of having powers…'

Myriah shook the thought away and let her mind wonder to Kain,

'Kain seems to be okay; he too, keeps to himself.' In the months of being across from the boy, Myriah had gotten quite comfortable with his aura.... The thought of the amber eyed male made Myriah frown again; 'is Kain part of this group? Will he join their cause?' Myriah sighed as she rolled over to lie on her back. 'What business is it of mine? I don't know him either.' She closed her eyes as her mind drifted back to the green eyed witch. 'Part of Jasmine's 'training' was to heal the sorcerer....and she did... 'the healing wasn't a challenge in that Kain had been guiding me since they were in that prison.' Myriah thought of the girl, 'she's familiar to me, Jasmine…'

The name of the little witch had Myriah narrowing her eyes. Her gut twisted when her mind turned to the green eyed pixie. Every time Myriah tried to pry into the witches mind, she was met with iron walls. The thought vexed the lavender eyed girl. Her bright eyes shifted to a darker hue at the thought of something being closed to her. 'Secrets.' The word made Myriah clench her fists until her knuckles were white. 'Secrets are what got me into that room... with those men...' Tinted lavender eyes closed, she didn't want to remember. She didn't want to see or feel or hear those men ever again…

'I heard people begging and pleading and promising... i lost count of how many were brought to that hell, tortured and killed... and of the many... only one that was like her and Kain....'

Hot, angry tears slid down Myriahs cheeks. 'All of that suffering… for the sake of secrets.'