I Only Hope


Silver met silver as the personal assistant to the President of the United States and the Major, who was also the personal assistant to the Secretary of defense faced one another.

The President and the General looked at one another with wide eyes and the generals brown eyes wondered to Whitman. "Vampires?" The general asked astonished, "you drudge up "evidence" of shape shifters and magic users and now you bring this drivel about vampires?!" The President sighed, "Whitman, I've been quite lenient based on the validity of your research as well as your progress, but surely you've gone too far this time."

Whitman shook his head, "imagine it, how else could the immortals slip past us?" He asked erratically. "Sir, we have conclusive evidence that these creatures are different than us in more ways than one. There has to be some type of catch to such abilities." Alexander Whitman's assistant tried, "we only need-"

"What more do you need? You've captured thousands and killed even more before we got involved." The general snarled, "It seams this whole vampire culture has infected you as well. The thousands you have aren't enough?!" The scientist nodded. "I've been right thus far, no? I found the elusive mermaid." He ticked off on one extended finger, "I've found shape shifters, nymphs… the possibilities are endless." The President sighed, as Alexander continued his rant, "every culture has stories, legends and tales of these creatures. Stories don't come from pure imagination." The general scoffed and waved his hand dismissively, "Very well. I may not like it, but It seams someone above me is fond of your nonsense." The general snarled, "Major Ryans. You will observe." The major grunted as he brought his right hand to his head in a salute. "Sir." "If anyone tries to silence or sway you, you silence them." The major straightened his posture, "Permanently."


(March 2076)

Angalo walked through the door with a sigh, ready to hear bad news. His silver eyes were cast down in resignation. He ran a hand through his shoulder length blonde hair, releasing it from the tie that held it back.

'If only Axel could have killed him… we wouldn't be here now. Scrambling to save the very few that are left…'

Angalo blinked when he reached the sitting room. 'Well… one thing I didn't expect was to see was a man with long black hair sitting on my couch reading a spell book.' Angalo looked to the left to see Jasmine standing across from the long haired stranger, trying to perform a spell or something... 'That on the other hand, I did expect… I only hope it doesn't result in another fight...'

Angalo chuckled to himself as he continued into the house where he saw Axel, his younger brother sitting on a recliner, staring into space. Three files were laid out on the coffee table in front of him, open.

'He was likely lost in thought.' That often happens when Axel was developing an analysis. However, since Axel was his beloved younger brother, Angalo could never miss the chance to get under his skin.

"Did the big bad wolf throw another tantrum, little brother?" Angalo teased as he patted Axel's shoulder, bringing the younger vampire out of his thoughts with a quiet gasp.

"No." Axel hummed as he shrugged his brother's hand off of his shoulder. Angalo frowned, in that he couldn't get a rise out of his brother this time around.

"Jasmine only killed one this time." Axel muttered as his metallic eyes roamed the open files again.

Angalo looked at Jasmine who was smiling widely. "Your brother's age is catching up to him." She sang with a giggle as she turned her attention back to Kain before Axel could retort. Axel narrowed his eyes and scoffed. "Whatever makes you sleep at night, witch." He muttered.

"Wow you two. Just like brother and sister." Atoli gushed as she walked over to Angalo and kissed his cheek. "Were you successful, love?" Atoli asked as she hugged Angalo who held her close to himself. 'This is heaven.' He thought as he took a moment to breathe in her floral scent before he released her. Angalo had to tilt his head, Axel once said that Atoli was warmth embodied. "Atolis is warm like cinnamon. It reminds me of childhood.".... Angalo shrugged the idle thought away in favor of answering his mate:

"Almost. Stan proves to be my biggest bet right now." Angalo sighed as he walked over to the love seat and sat in it with a sigh. "If I can lure Stan into my corner, getting to Syrenia will be a walk in the park." Atoli nodded and she walked back to the kitchen to continue working on dinner. "You should have let me kill him. My life for the lives of our people…" Axel muttered, clenching his fist. He let his mind wonder to Myriah, 'Even if I never got to meet you… had he died, you wouldn't be suffering as you are…'

Angalo watched Axel, who was engrossed with the research before him decided to speak.

"We have a good chance of getting Atoli into the local school where Tyler is. Jasmine and I will do recon before hand and wait for the big momen..."

"What about Kain and Myriah?"

"Myriah is resting."

Axel muttered, glaring at the open files. 'Such finality…' Angalo nodded with a quiet 'oh.' His silver eyes stayed on his brother, observing. 'He's fixated… and it's not on the mission this time…'


(Present: June, 2076)

Axel's sentence halted as Myriah's door opened quietly.

They all turned their heads as she walked out of her room in jeans and a loose T-shirt that hid her body. Her hair was wet and tied in to a thick braid. 'Her hair should never be tied…' Axel's breath caught as he was once more caught in her metallic lavender eyes. 'Those eyes will be the death of me..' The moment their eyes met he felt a shock course through his body. It called him to her. He could see into the depths of her soul...as she could see into his.

'Part of me knows..'

It was hypnotic, addictive. It scared the hell out of him, as much as it enthralled him.

'That she need only ask…'

There were no real words to describe exactly how he felt. It was a mixture of longing and distain. The longing was something he had given up on a very long time ago. The distain was a budding loathing for the longing that was threatening to take root and grow. The thought made Axel clench his fists.

'Damn, those cursed lavender eyes.' He thought with a growl that made Myriahs eyes widen. Axel stood and marched straight to her as she drifted to him. 'You only need to ask me….'

Axel cupped her cheek and briefly tore his gaze from hers to look her over. It was mundane task that made no sense to the people watching them, but they didn't know what he knew. They didn't see or feel what she felt. Axel thoroughly examined her exterior with determined silver eyes. Once he was satisfied, he found her gaze again.

'And I will lay the world at your feet.'