They Call Us Vampires

Kain stood in the library facing the window. His hands were connected behind his back. Anyone would say it was a general standing at the window.

"She's right about you, you know."

The green eyed girl avoided his amber colored eyes. "I remember your eyes."

He murmured again. "Do they know?" Jasmine tilted her head, "Angalo does. Axel…" Jasmines cheeks flushed and she scoffed. "I wouldn't be surprised if Axel knows."

"Do you admire him? Axel?" Jasmine nodded as she walked toward Kain with a book in her arms. "Axel may be crass, cold and insensitive. But he has a brilliant mind. To be honest I've never seen anyone like him." Kain nodded and they fell into a content silence. "Do you?" Jasmine asked with a tilt of her head. Kain looked down at Jasmine. A pixie of a girl who maybe went to his chest. "Do i what?" He asked. "Do you admire Myriah?" Kain tilted his head, "I was there." He murmured as he let his mind carry him to one of the first memories he recalled about Myriah.…

The night that Myriah got hurt…. 'A night that haunts me to this day..'

"I watched her, you know?" Kain murmured as he fingered the book on the desk next to him. "She was the first changeling ive seen to survive in the years I've been in that place." Jasmine nodded as Kain proceeded to open up to her.

"Do you-"

"I don't know how I got there. I don't know who I am… Myriah tried to heal my mind as she healed my body." Kain shook his head.

"One thing I do remember." He recalled as he stared into jasmines green eyes, "is your eyes."

Jasmine took a shaky step away from Kain whose golden eyes were locked on her wide ones.

"Tell me, witch. Was it you?" He asked what had been plaguing his mind since he saw her green eyes. "Are you the one who captured me?" Hearing his naturally playful voice take an iron tone made Jasmines mouth open and close as if she was a fish out of water. "I…"

Kains golden eyes narrowed. He swiped his right hand and sent the books flying from the desk. "Did you erase my memory?!" Jasmine shook her head. Seeing this man who towered over her, angry. Glaring at her with unharnessed anger… it took her back to places she didn't want to go.

"I-I..• jasmine felt something inside her snap and wrap around her heart, squeezing, stabling as she curled into a featle position. Lost to a foreign anger, Kain cornered her. Advancing on her with unharnessed Anger pouring from his body in waves. Jasmine saw charcoal eyes, balled fists. She raised her hands to protect herself and whimpered for mercy. Tears spilled from her eyes as she braced herself for the hit.

Jasmine gasped when a warm hand fell on top of her head. She stared up at Kain with wide green eyes. 'He looks… like he's seen…' she wiped at her tears and stood on shaky legs while slapping his hand away. "I-I'm fine." She muttered, avoiding those golden eyes. "I…" Kain started, "I apologize." He murmured the English phrase he'd heard Axel used to Myriah. "…for frightening you…" jasmine blinked, "I.." "I just want to know who I am. Why was I in there?" Jasmine nodded, "I understand. And... I'm sorry…" she murmured. Kain stared at her, "I-I was the one who captured you.." she whispered, "when I watched them slaughter your comrades…" jasmine shook her head as her eyes filled with tears again. "Their silence. Their pride… it made me question my existence. My purpose… and that's when Angalo found me." Kain nodded, "comrades… I had…" he closed his eyes and put a hand to his chest.

"You were the first and only… hunt…" jasmine sighed, "that i lead." She whispered, "they say I was born there. In the facility. They watched me suffer the fever… according to Alexander, I was the first experiment to survive."


"Regardless, when you and I battled, and you fell… when you came to, your memories were gone." Jasmine whispered. "I am sorry… since you woke, I've been trying to return your memories, but nothing so far has taken." She whispered. "Don't right your wrongs out of fear." Kain murmured, "you should right them because that's the thing to do." As he made his way past jasmine, Axel happened into the library. "Well well well." The blonde male hummed as he blocked Kain from his escape.

"This sounds quite interesting. Perhaps I can be of assistance." Jasmine shook her head and Kain eyed the male in front of him. They were the same height. Axel slightly taller.

"So you really did lose your memories." Silver eyes slid to the witch, "from fighting her."

Kain watched Axel stalk the room, taking everything in. 'So this is how he works…' "the simple explanation in this case would be a restoration. That has been tried by both Myriah and you, am I right?" Jasmine nodded while biting her bottom lip. Axel caught Jasmines chin between his thumb and index finger. He tilted her head to stare into her eyes. 'Nothing…' he thought, 'it's just green eyes.' Axel tossed the thought aside as he held Jasmines gaze, searching. Jasmine was tomato red, trying to get out of Axels grip, but he held fast.

"Am I right?" Axel repeated his question, tightening his grip ever slightly, making jasmine whimper under his knowing glare. Kain narrowed his eyes, "hey-"

"You're right." Jasmine sighed. Axel released her and advanced on the second male in the room. "And you." Kain glared into Axels silver eyes, "No memories, while you have a fluent know how with your magic." Axel observed, "From what I know: when magic is used to take memories, a restoration helps. If it doesn't, it means your memories are attached to something." Kain felt his chest tighten with anxiety at Axels deduction. 'My memories are attached to something?' "…or that you've been cursed."

"I've tried that angle. Even Myriah did what little she allowed me to guide her on." Jasmine sighed, "Nothing." The green eyed girl huffed. Axel nodded with a tilt of his head. "Damn. I wish I had a real healer to guide you, Jasmine, then you'd be ideal." Silver met gold and Axel pursed his lips in thought.

"Perhaps I can try to see where the complication lies." The silver eyed male offered. Kain felt the strings of hope lift his heart. "But it may be uncomfortable. And it may take you to deaths door." Axel continued, but the male infront of him wasn't thwarted.

"What is it?" Kains asked, curiosity outweighing fear. Jasmine held her hands up, "I wouldn't-"

"I would have to feed on you." Axel murmured ominously. Kains eyes widened, "wha-" "blood holds more than just water and cells." Axel explained, "as I'm sure you've heard me tell Myriah: trauma has a way of imprinting on the mind and body. I can always find ones trauma when I feed on them. In the end, it's a mutually beneficial act." He assured in light tones. Jasmine palmed her forehead. "How…?" Kain asked slowly.

"Kain, I would think on this-" jasmine tried again. But the boys infront of her continued to ignore her.

"Well I wouldn't have to drink from some random, unsuspecting person, and you may get one step closer to finding out your ailment." Axel named each option with a lifted hand, resembling a scale.

"Kāṭṭēri…" Kain whispered, in awe or horror he couldn't say, but Axel smirked, "I haven't been called that in centuries." Moving his hands to his pockets and leaning against the desk, he resembled a model more than the ancient, predator that he was. His silver eyes seamed to resemble the moon, glowing in the dimly lit room, his smirk grew slightly, revealing pointed canines.

"Now a days they call us Vampires."