This Content Right Feeling

(July, 2076)

Kain eyed Axel from the top of his book. He was fixated on the male since finding out he was an ancient monster of the night.

'Kāṭṭēri…' the word circled his brain, whispering, and taunting. There was a masochistic side of him that was curious, and tempted. What would happen were he to volunteer for Axels help? Would he be infected too? Would he be a slave to the silver eyed male?

The thought of being enslaved again made Kain shake his head, 'I think not…'

Myriah looked between Kain and Axel while working on meditation with Jasmine. Part of her was vexed at the thought of the witch sitting anywhere near her, but Axels warning glare made her pout and stay put. 'I don't even want to be here.'

"You need to control your emotion." Jasmine scolded. "If you let everything you feel guide your energy, this house will be destroyed with one of your mood swings." Jasmine snapped. "Hmph." Myriah flicked her wrist and sent the pixie like girl flying. "Looks like the lesson is over." She murmured as she stood. Axel sighed and palmed his forehead. Myriah was about to leave the room when she was pulled by an invisible force. She grunted when she landed on her back beside Jasmine who was dusting herself off. "Nice little trick huh?" Jasmine asked with a haughty grin. Myriah glared into mischievous green eyes. "Binds are very real, and they're not only used to block and siphon ones magic." The witch explained while Myriah got to her feet and dusted herself off.

"I know you don't trust me." The witch murmured as she turned away from the lavender eyed girl. "Frankly, I don't care. My mission is to teach you, so that's what I'm going to do." Myriah glared at the witch who continued to speak, "Come September, you're going to be in that school with no help from Axel or myself." Myriah sighed, "if you can only use your powers to throw people and things, what can you really do in battle?" Axel tilted his head as he watched Myriahs reactions. "Right now, you're just throwing energy around. That's counter productive to your development. All you're doing is wasting your energy without properly harnessing and wielding it." Jasmine scolded. Myriah huffed and tried to walk away from the witch to find that she couldn't go past the entrance. "Axel." Myriah snapped. It was a split second, and she was back in the facility. Paper thin trust and even thinner patience snapped, "Make her let me go." The lavender eyed girl commanded. Axel held his hands up. "You need to learn, and between the two, she's your best bet."

'I think not.' Myriah put a hand on the barrier and she closed her eyes. Feeling and visualizing the barrier, Myriah pressed on it gently.

'I will not be confined.' She remembered touching the metal bars for the first time. The electricity that zapped her, 'never again.' Myriah vowed as she pressed on the thin layer of magic.

'Release me.' Myriah internally commanded, and the barrier broke like shattering glass. Myriah fell through the entrance and she faced Jasmine who held her glare. Jasmine watched as Myriah brought her hand to her left shoulder. 'No way she found it.' Myriah looked at her left shoulder to see the thin green string connecting her to Jasmine. 'She put the spell when she touched my shoulder…. Without my knowledge…' Myriah felt anger burn her chest, 'always deceiving…' jasmine watched Myriah pull the string from her shoulder and with a snap of her fingers, the rope burned. Jasmine yelped as the burning resonated through her chest. She fell to her knees, and Myriah glared down at her, "See how your deception feels-" Axel appeared between the two girls.

"Myriah." He held her gaze with his own, hands up in surrender. "We are not your enemy…" he coaxed. "More lies…" Myriah murmured as she pulled on the invisible string, snapping it. "This world is tainted by lies…" she murmured as she let the string burn without evaporating. With the severed connection, only Jasmine suffered.

Axel could only watch as the witch writhed in pain. Gripping her chest with both hands, her back arched and then she curled into herself. Bound to the spot that she was in, she was unable to move.

"Myriah.." Axel coaxed, to be met with darkened purple eyes instead of lavender.

"If magic is only for deception, why is it alive?" The once lavender eyed girl asked.

"Myriah…" Axel sighed as he reached for her hands. He cried out when he was met with agonizing pain instead of her healing warmth. 'What is this? Why does it hurt so much?'

Kain watched Axel wince while he held Myriahs hands. 'I wrenched my hands away… the pain was too great…' part of him was in awe of Axels determination to hold onto Myriah. 'It's as if he's holding onto her sanity… to the good that is deminishing within her.'

"I know that you're angry." Axel murmured as he tried to focus on helping Myriah. It was a radiating burning that seamed to spread and infect him. 'I've felt this before…' Axel thought as he tugged on Myriahs hands and pulled her into his form.

'I know this feeling too well…'

Myriah gasped when his arms came around her small frame. She closed her eyes as his right hand cupped the back of her head.

"I know that you're hurting... that you've been hurt and betrayed." Axel whispered as her tears soaked into his shirt. He sighed in relief when jasmine was released from her torment. When the burning was replaced with her gentle warmth, Axel felt his body relax against hers.

"But magic is not the reason for your pain and your anger." He murmured. Myriah started to struggle, but he held fast. "Magic didn't torture you for months." Myriah stilled at his words. "Magic didn't pretend to love you." Her knees gave out but Axels arm around her waist kept her standing. "Magic… is apart of who you are." Axel murmured as he pulled away from her to press his forehead to hers. Myriah blushed and closed her eyes as she let Axels strength flow into her. "Do you feel this warmth?" He asked. Myriah nodded, Axel held her left hand in his and brought it to her chest. "This content, right feeling…" he murmured as he pressed her left hand into her chest, "this is your magic." He murmured in soothing tones. He brought her right hand to his chest, "do you still feel it?" Myriah nodded again, despite her blush. "Focus on that feeling." He whispered, also feeling the budding seed of desire in the pit of his stomach.

"Let it wash over you." He murmured, "feel it, visualize it." Axel opened his eyes to see the aura around her start to glow and radiate. 'Beautiful…'

Kains eyes widened, 'her aura is a shimmering white…' he didn't know what amazed him more: that Myriah almost had another episode or that Axel was the one teaching her now. Axel was usually cold and sharp. 'Had I not been here, I would have never believed…' he blinked and He was sitting between Atoli and Angalo.

"This is interesting indeed." Angalo murmured. Atoli nodded, "I didn't know Axel knew-"

Anglao nodded, "I'm starting to believe that he is the only one who does…"