Āciriyars’ Students

"You've summoned me…"

Alexandria shivered under the glare of the red eyed man.

"I have… one last favor to ask of you…" she whispered, her voice trembling.

"I-Ive met the silver eyed man… and…"

She paused, her hazel eyes resting on the sleeping child. "I am ready to join my husband and children in the after life…" The red eyed man tilted his head, "I- before I go, I must warn you: A-Alexander has a weapon…" the red eyed man's breath hitched. A question that hasn't been answered for over a milenea.. would this girl be able to…

"He… he had a daughter… months… before Myriah was found by Samantha." Red eyes widened and his jaw dropped. He composed himself so quickly, it looked to have been a trick of the dim lighting.

"Tell me more…"

"My family has secrets… so many horrible horrible secrets.."

The red eyed man sat on the recliner behind Alexandria and gestured to the love seat perpendicular to him.

"Please, Alexandria." He hummed as she slowly faced him, "Sit."

He watched her sit, her movements were stiff. She seemed to be scared. Face ashen, hazel eyes wide and unseeing, this woman seams to have lost her mind.

"My contact from the facility that Alexander is being held was found." She whispered, "There was a tie wrapped around his neck..." The red eyed man listened, "Go on…"

She looked at the thick book in her hands. "This is from our family home. Please get it to the silver eyed man. It should help."

The red eyed man slowly took the book into his hands as Alexandria also shoved a USB into his hands.

"Please take this boy with you. I promised…"

The red eyed man's expression softened.

"You will ask me to save this boy… a Nillie… instead of yourself?"

Alexandria frowned.

"That's an ugly word." She drew back from the red eyed man, her eyes falling to the usb and book in his hands.

"It is… and it was your family who created it." The red eyed man snarled, eyes glowing.

"As it was your wretched ancestors who ripped my mate and children to shreds!"


Jasmine wonders the dark world.. she watched the blue eyed man shift to a hazel eyed girl… that mostly looked like her .

'Remmber me?'

Jasmine felt the air leave her lungs.

'I am number 130613.' Jasmine tilted her head, however the girl didn't mirror her movements. 'I am the girl who saw Myriah when she was in the prison.' Jasmine shook her head.

'I am her sister.'

Jasmine woke up with a scream. Hands and legs flailing, she looked around screaming as Axel cautiously approached her.

"I- I am the real one. I-" she gripped onto Axles shoulders so hard, her nails dig into his skin.

"I- I live… I-" Axel was speaking but she couldn't hear. "I-…saw … riahs… ter…" Axel watched Jasmine fall limp in Axels arms.

Axel looked to Edymond who was also stunned.

"What the hell was that?" Tyler asked, "I've never seen her like that."

Axel gently laid Jasmine next to Myriah.

"Jasmine's story isn't a nice one." Angalo murmured. "I only ever heard of her being in the facilities…" Edymond tilted her head. "I saw the blue eyed man that she speaks of; Keyonie." Axel murmured, "it was a fleeting image, but that's the shame that came with him."

Edymond felt his jaw drop.

"Keyonie is another student of Āciriyar." Axel spun on the elf, "Like that one man you took me to see?" Edymond nodded, "Three of the students assigned to guard the sleeping baby disappeared."

"Wait wait wait… the sleeping baby is from before my fathers time, well over three thousand years ago." Angalo murmured, "You're telling me that The Dragons students have been missing for that long?" Edymond tilted his head, "My clan was assigned to find them. Once we gathered the powers to confirm that they were not killed with the other two… we have been looking for them for over a millennium."

Tyler felt life leave his body as a whole. Just how complex was this whole thing?

Kain sat with his head bowed, "Iraṭṭaiyarkaḷ... Avarkaḷ eṉ muṉṉōrkaḷ (the twins…they are my ancestors)…" Edymond offered a half bow of respect, "Nīṅkaḷ mantiravātiyā eṉpatu eṉakkut teriyātu. (This I did not know if you sorcerer)."

Tyler tilted his head, "What does that mean? Why did Edymond tell him like that: "this I did not know of you?" Axels hand fell on Tyler's shoulder, "They are comrades, part of the same battle." Tyler nodded slowly, "They are also sister students of the same master: Āciriyar."

"The heartless dragon who lives." Tyler supplied earning him another nod. "When you share that bond, and you learn that your ancestors were also part of the same brotherhood, you offer your condolences in such a manner."

"Were they killed in battle?"

"My ancestor is Zeru. I took the vampire to see him as It was my duty to find him, for he is my brother."

"Who is Zeru?" Tyler asked, "Zeru was in charge of guarding the sleeping baby, and bringing her to Āciriyar."

Tyler looked at Mika, "That's that story from over three thousand years ago." Mika nodded.

"Allow me to explain further child…" Edymond murmured as he waved his hand before him, showing the image of the the five students of Āciriyar.

"These are the Guardians of the Sleeping baby. Āciriyars students: the Silver haired one in the middle is my brother: Zeru." Edymond murmured, "These two," he pointed to the two men on the left of Zeru: they looked identical except for their eyes and expressions, "These are the sorcerers ancestors: Miru and and Vamir." Tyler stared at the five of them in awe, "and these two, are Keyonie," a finger to the blue eyed man, "and Daella, his elder sister." Axel stared at the five of them.

"Zeru, I guided to the after life. My father spoke of him, Vamir." Angalo nodded, "Though oddly gentle, he was a fierce warrior." "How did your father know him?" Kain whispered, "Vamir and Miru were kin to our mother. They were part of the same clan."

"What about Miru? Did you know him?"

Axel bowed his head, "Miru trained helped mother teach me in the usage of my abilities." Angalo placed a hand on axels shoulder.

"Axel was still very young when Miru was called by Āciriyar."

"Vamir was killed in battle. When the Order found the baby, they surrounded and ambushed the cottage they were in." Edymond murmured. "Keyonie was to deliver the babe to Āciriyar. When he didn't show, Āciriyar happened to the scene with our elders." Edymond murmured. "The bear by village was destroyed, every single person mutilated and laid out for all to see. Zeru cast his magic's to their limit, in an attempt to hold the Order back… he was captured first. Miru in his attempt to retrieve his master, was killed."

"They sound so powerful… how could.."

"When you use your abilities beyond your limits, your body will sleep… it's a sleep like death that one succumbs to. If you're younger and you push yourself like that, the magic will burn you and you will die."

"So Zeru had to have been massive old and powerful to have been put into the sleep from extending his powers to that point?" Edymond nodded, "while, you and even The Goddess at your tender age will burn out if you use such magics." Tyler nodded as he leaned into Mika's form.

"Vamir went to protect Daella… when he approached her, her body was mutilated." Edymond hissed a breath, "Bear in mind: there were five of them and five hundred soldiers. The order, to this day is a mighty organization. Even Āciriyar… once his family was lost, he created his domain and searched for the Sleeping baby."

"Maṉitarkaḷ tāṅkaḷ uṇavaḷikkum kālnaṭaiyāka nam'mai aṉumatippatai viṭa, avarkaḷiṉ urimai mayakkattil taṅkaḷai uyiruṭaṉ cāppiṭa aṉumatippatu nallatu. (Better to let the humans eat themselves alive in their entitled delirium than to allow us to be the cattle on which they feed)." Axel whispered, "Is what father said the red eyed man told him when he was approached…"

"By Āciriyar!" Anglao concluded, excited to be making some leeway in this whole ordeal. Axels darkened expression sobered Angalo up some. With a squeeze of axels shoulder, he was met with a reassuring smile, or an attempt at one.

"So you two.. we're alive when this all happened." Tyler observed as he followed Axel and Angalos silent conversation.

"That's a story for another time, child." Axel

murmured. "So we have two confirmed dead. Three now with Zeru. From where this is headed, Keyonie disappeared and Vamir is MIA. Likely captured and stored much like Zeru." Edymond blinked, the vampires process of elimination was something to behold.

"Which means there have to be archives to Alexander's madness." Axel murmured, "The order has been around since the creation of all of our people's, and Alexander seams to be deeply rooted within it."

Tyler clapped his right fist into his open palm.

"Now I may be young be hear me out."

All eyes locked on Tyler who 'gulped' before continuing.

"Speak your mind child." Edymond encouraged.


Alexandria stared into the Red eyed man's eyes as she heard the echo of heavy footsteps entering the room they were in.