Secrets Part 1: The Brown Eyed Man

Alexander tore the secret door to his fathers office open. He tore books from shelves and artifacts from walls.

"No no no no no… it must be here…"

'What must be where brother?'

Alexander swiped at empty air, "Be gone brother! It's time to finish this!"

'Oh so I'm your brother again?' The young boy laughed at his bothers side, 'I will never leave you … brother.'

Alexander pulled out his phone. "I want her found." He snarled, "I don't care what you must do. Who you must kill. You find her and bring her to me. Alive."

'Wooow little brother, look at your reflection…' Alexander's eyes found his reflection. Instead he saw his father standing before him with a bottle in his hand. With a snarl Alexander tore the mirror from the wall. He glared at the shattered pieces to see his wife.

The sight of her stirring made his blood boil.

This is all her fault.

'Don't you mean… this is all your fault…' the boy beside him taunted. 'You killed her first child-' Alexander swiped at the boy, who laughed as the elders hand went straight through him. 'You captured her second…' Alexander swiped again, 'You mutilated and tortured her second child…'

Alexander tried to hit the boy again to no avail, 'You destroyed your own family…'

Another failed hit, as the boy continued to taunt him. "Just. Like. Father." The boy whispered in his ear.

Alexander yelped and looked around himself.

It was only Him.

No one was beside him.

Until he found his reflection in the shattered glass. 'Just like father…'


Tyler eyed the sleeping girls before him. "I may not know much but yall say the Order became a thing after the creation of…"

Axel nodded, "They were around, naturally just no where near as dangerous as they are now."

Tyler nodded, "What made them become so dangerous? Think about it: The dragon didn't destroy the world until his family was taken…" Tyler's eyes found Axels. "And you…" Axel flinched and stood.

"Mortal sacrifices were taken to create the shifters, the wolves, and us." Anglao murmured slowly.

Axel pursed his lips. "Call me crazy, but that one vampire y'all took us to see…"

"Nicholas?" Tyler nodded, "Why did he look so ashen when he laid eyes on Myriah?"

Anglao and Axel froze.

"You're not saying what I think you are."

"What?" Kain tilted his head and Angalo started to pace.

"What is he trying to say?"


Alexandria stared in horror as the second man approached her.

"I-I-I've seen you…"

The second man offered a cold smile.

"Have you now?" His baritone voice greeted. "Father said…"

"I care not for your wretched father, girl." The second man snapped. "I care not for your wretched… family."

Alexandria felt the air leave her lungs as the second man approached her. "Y-you-"

"Why have you brought me here… Āciriyar."

Āciriyar tilted his head, "Nothing like a little family reun-"

"He's going to send… the Tracker."

"The Tracker?"

Alexnadria nodded, "I've only seen him once. One golden eye… one blue." Āciriyar and the second man froze.

"My… grandfathers grandfather… created him." The two men locked gazes.

"The madness was said to have come from him… "

"From who?"

"The brown eyed man." Alexandria whispered. "Is all he would say.."


"Did you lot ever know the name of the first Vampire?"

Angalo tilted his head, "My fathers father was one of the first. He said that they made him drink the blood of a boy." Axel pursed his lips. "Was the boy…"

"No one knows…" Axel whispered. Edymond and Kain shared a glance.


Hazel stared into silver.

"I-I saw your portrait..."

"Well, well it seams my monster of a father had love for his useless son after all.." The red eyed man watched Alexandria, seeing Axel must have had a profound effect on her for her to have taken in this boy…

Or was this Axels plan? After all… Axel saw the memories of Zeru. He's also pieced together the identity of the red spirit within Myriah. And he's deduced that Myriah herself is the sleeping baby…

Could Axel have the foresight to know that Alexander was going to go after his sister first? Thus placing the boy with her, would bring him to her to take the boy as a favor…

Red eyes fell onto the sleeping boy.

Then the boy would have to have some type of way to track him.

"Tell me Alexandria… why do you want me to take this boy?"

Alexandria's hazel eyes fell into the boy, "This boy… gave Myriah hope. He's so precious. Children aught to be cherished and saved." Tears filled her eyes. "My late husband… he died to protect our children… and where was I? Their mother…"

The silver eyed man watched the woman before him fall apart. Her broken expression stabbed his heart.

His own mother fed him to the white clothed girl who extended her hand. She turned her back as he called out for her.

Silver met hazel and he flinched. Or did he have it all wrong? After all this time?

""You were fighting to give them a chance." Is what he told me…" Alexandria whispered, "He told me that I put up a good fight but… b-but I-"

"What do you know of this tracker?" The silver eyed man interrupted.


Alexander eyes the cloaked man who stalked within his cell. A deep and secret that only rested with his family. The cloak that the man like creature wore was torn at the ends, and matted. Long spider like fingers poked from the sleeves of the cloak. The bottom of the face was angular and sharp. As if he was once starved past his breaking point. A malnourishment one could never fully recover from…

This creature looked like death… death incarnate. Alexander swallowed thickly.

"I need you to find two people for me." He called.

"Your … offering?" A raspy, baritone voice replied. "I am your master and you will serve-"

The creature appeared Infront of Alexander and took a deep wiff if the man's scent.

"Your spirit is weak, boy." The creature rasped. "Plagued by madness, you grasp at straws… to remain …relevant." Alexander flinched under the visible brown eye of the creature. "To remain.. alive."

'You do not summon this thing unless absolutely necessary. Do you understand me, boy?'

Alexander gasped at the urgency within his fathers voice. 'It will ask a steep price.'

"A life for a life… sire." The creature whispered, "Bring me the carcass and I will bring you a life. Bring me a life and I will provide a carcass."

"W-why… who…"

"You want your daughter, bring me your child. You seek your family, bring me a family." Alexander felt his stomach turn. "No-"

"Then leave my sight. Lest I take…your life …for my time."

Alexander couldn't leave the room fast enough. He fumbled with the locks.

"Hypocrite." The creature hissed. "You imprison me with that which you dispise. Wretched mortal swine."

Alexander felt his anger rise at the baited words. "You dare?"

The creature reached for the barred window of the door.

Alexander watched in horror as long bony fingers grazed at his face. A gentle caress.

Until a burning stinging raged on the left side of his face.

Alexander looked at his reflection through the metal door to see four long gashes across his left cheek. His gaze found the creature within. Licking his bloodied fingers.

"To find your long lost sister… bring me… your youngest daughter." Alexander felt his heart drop. "To find your daughter… bring me… your wife."

Alexander felt whatever fight he had in him leave. "A family for a family…" the creature whispered as he disappeared into the darkness of his room.

"My… family…" Alexander whispered. "What family?" The creature whispered. "I feel your eldest daughter within the confines of this room."Alexander was plagued with the memory of taking his eldest from the comfort of her bed. Forcing her into his labs…

The experiments…

Alexander placed both hands on his head and shook away the memory. "And then your second… Myriah… I still hear her screams…" Alexander flinched, "no!" He cried, "You Nillie monster, you hear nothing! You ask for nothing! You only obey the will of your master! Now kneel and serve!"

The creature chuckled, a dark and chilling sound. "You insolent wretch." Alexander felt a cold chill paralyze his spine.

"You think to command me? I will take your entire family… and give you nothing."

Alexander felt the memories of his past. He could see them, hear them… and nothing else.

"Understand this and understand well, boy." The creature whispered, Alexander felt the creature beside him. Around him.

'How?! He's behind metal! His whole confinement is metal…'

"Your pathetic family couldn't hunt a thing… without the enslavement of us." Alexander felt the creatures bony hand on his spine. "Your weak… simple family couldn't lay a finger on The people… without the destruction of us."

Alexander felt the creatures breath on his cheek.

"I can rip out your spine and be done with your insolence." Alexander froze, "The world will only shine bright with your death. No one would fight for or avenge you. You will be mourned by no one. Left to wonder the edges of the netherworld, you will be remembered by no one."


Jasmine woke up to see the whole house surrounding her. "She's awake!" Tyler called as he looked past her, to who? Jasmine tried to follow the were wolf's movement but found that her body was stiff. "Welcome back, sleeping beauty." Angalo greeted.

Jasmine offered a warm smile, "it's good to be back. .."

Her gaze found Myriah who was looking at her folded hands. Axel was at her side, comforting her.

"So… what happened?"

Angalo grinned, "Looks like you and I have an adventure ahead of us."