Gochuumon wa?

"One Grilled Squid, a Grilled Fish, and two iced tea!"

"Hear that Nishiki? One steak, a fried chicken and a ice tea."

hearing the order. the red haired girl repeated them for the cook.

"... You only gets one right out of three... wait, Don't tell me that's YOUR order!?"

with a poker face then he said.

"do we need to settle this outside?"

"Tsk. You're no fun."

Pouting she left him alone. And went to the entrance.

Only gotten herself kind of surprised by a cosplayer(?).

It's not bad, but...

Who the nuts that cosplaying in the middle of summer??


Cherry felt very uncomfortable being stared at.

The girl looks like her own age. But she exudes too much aura of a senior.

Cherry gulped.

"g-greetings, My name is Chewy."


I... I bit my tounge...


The red haired girl repeated it.


Cherry clarified with slipped tongue.



"ah, pineapple."


after that dumb exchange. they silently nodded to each other.


thought their personality is different but there is some kind of resonance between them.

"right, you're free right?"

the red haired girl grinned as she held Cherry by her shoulder.

"a-ah umm. yes?"

her response only makes the girl grinned more evilly.


Cherry wanted to know why, and what is she doing here again.

"welcome~ a table for how many?"

after greeting the customers then she led them to their seat. taking their orders and bringing them to the cook...

"let me repeat for one more time. it's 2 Grilled Squid, 2 iced tea, and 2 parfait for the ladies, right?"

"seaweed-san here's the order."

"... it's Nishiki. thank you."

before Cherry could complain the sky already went orange. and They proceed to cleaning the shack.

They, the part-timers in here. that includes Cherry too it seems.

"we haven't properly introduced ourself right?"

the red haired girl said remembering something.

"my name is Nobu. that seaweed hair is Nishiki. and the sweet mushroom haired girl is Ria."

"what seaweed hair, you chili girl."

Ria smiles wryly at the both bantering. she also gave apologetic smile at Cherry direction.

Cherry smiled back slightly envious at their relationship. I- I want to become friends with them too!

Nobu grabbed held her hand over her.

"do you have plan for tonight? we're planning on having BBQ at seaweed house."


Cherry gave out troubled expression at them. she want to. but she have to search for some place to rest tonight.

noticing it. the kind Ria then held her friend clothes as shook her head when she looked over her.

"if you have more important to attend to. it's couldn't be helped then."

Nobu seems catched Ria signal. so she let go of Cherry hand reluctantly.

"fine fine. if you had more important thing to attend to then... it's alright."

"you're not from here right? you're free to call out my name if you on trouble!"

Nobu really worried about this girl. w-what if some dude kidnapped her?

though she immediately brushed it off her mind since this town has too low crime rate. no, it was a miniscule.

"t-thank you for your invitation! I would really love to go next time."

though Cherry didn't know what BBQ is. it seems interesting. and quite rejected that she couldn't attend.

after that the owner of the shack gave them salary for today. Cherry got a 50k Rupiah. while the other got 3 of 50k Rupiah, 150k.

it seems that they already work part time for a whole day. the elderly generously gave Cherry 50k only for few hours of work.

they parted ways in front of the shack. Cherry only stopped waving after they were no longer at her vision.

she then walked to where she spawned.


after few hour of walk she found a cave by the shore.

(A/N: did I describe it correctly?)

she peeked into it and found eternal darkness... nah just kidding. the water shined by the moonlight and it makes the entrance kind of bright enough to see the cave wall.

"I haven't used mana but it already drained to half?"

she didn't noticed it earlier because of the fun. but she didn't think that staying in this realm cost mana!

she looked over to the moon. she intertwined her fingers and prayed.

"Lord, please give this servant strength..."

light ray immediately shined through the sky. it covered 5 meters around her. she felt her mana being regenerated to full.

it only lasted for 5 second. before the light were gone. Cherry felt more energized and happy, since she still could pray it seems that her Lord didn't get angry at her action, leaving the Angel Realm.

"please, let me find my sister..."

she didn't move from her position. truth fully she was immersed into praying that she didn't realize that she need to get things done.

only when the cold breeze smacking her... that she moved.

"..." I-I need to find branches real quick!

she hurriedly left the cave, didn't hesitate to use her wing to fly. and searching nearby dense tree region.

(A/N: this again, I don't know how to describe it.)