Underage Angel

after collecting a bunch of branches she headed back to the cave. she ventured deeper this time. on the way she found that the water reflection shined the cave walls. it was so mesmerizing that Cherry couldn't stop herself praising it.

"wow, so pretty!"

her voice echoed. she found it more interesting than the water reflection. and decide to play with it while she walked.

"hello~~" "how are you~~"

"I'm fine~, how about you~~"


she found a perfect spot and stacked the branches over.


it was a simple spell for summoning a flicker of flame at pointed finger.

it was a very low cost spell and it was convenient for this kind of activity.

"I-I don't want to trouble Lord more..."

it was only her small reasoning. and only she knew that. and maybe... the Lord itself.

she watches as the fire burned the branches. it was only a small flame at first but it slowly became average. the flame burned the branches but it didn't become charcoal instead it keep it's shape, a healthy branch.

Cherry pondered about many things.

BBQ. Nobu. Ria. BBQ. Seaweed-san.

yes, she was still upset that she didn't accept the invitation earlier... but it couldn't be helped right? she needed to replenish her mana too...

"eh? what are you doing here?"

Cherry is lost on her though that she didn't realize that a person is walking to her way.

in fact she was already next to her!

Cherry fully alerted and took 5 step away from her. she showed her wings and summoned her spear. panic showed on her expression.

"an angel? no, you're still an intern. what are you doing here?"

she calmed herself down and carefully examined the woman in front of her.

... she's big... in that area. she wear the same clothes as Nobu trio when they were left. a highschool uniform.

only then it clicked into Cherry head. ah, she could be Nobu friend.

"I'm staying for a night of course?"

Cherry was confused. and answered as if it was obvious.

while the other party thinking about the lack of management on angel side. how could they let a underage live on a cave?

her emotion are raging. but she didn't let the girl see them.

"that couldn't do, you can't sleep outside!"



Cherry were still lost. by the time she knew it she was on the big sis house!

she even dragged Cherry to bathroom!

"a-ah I-I can do it myself!"

even though she was protested the other party were more stubborn than her!

despite her protest she get washed and even held over in the bathtub!

"I didn't think I could get myself someone to take care to on that cave!"

she didn't let the girl knew her thought by saying it loud.

"my name is Shia, I will be taking care of you on this realm."

it was a must, this is a golden opportunity for her. since she didn't have a sister, she didn't think that her Lord would gave her one by visiting a cave!

she grinned as she held the tiny angel more tighter.

"my name is cherry. Is it okay though Shia-san?"

she didn't want to be a burden for this sister. she was kind. kind enough to make her overwhelmed by her kindness!

she wouldn't be shocked if she told her she is an Arch Angel. but she didn't think that there is one named Shia.

"I welcome you with open arm, Cherry!"

after more of cuddling session. they both wear pajamas, Shia makes dinner for both of them. whilst Cherry sat obediently on the chair.

Shia lent her pajama for Cherry. the one that she wore on middle grade. it still oversized when Cherry using it, so she need to be careful not to trip herself.

"here you go. eat whilst it still hot"

Shia knew that Cherry would pray before eating so she imitated her gesture.

a tiny halo hovered above Cherry head when she is praying. she didn't want to make Shia wait so she ended it very early.

"let's eat, Shia-san!"

without hesitation Shia put a lot of dishes on Cherry plate first.

"eat eat. you need to eat to get more tall."

Cherry felt warmth she too put some dishes on Shia plate. she smiled when Shia looked over to her.

ahhh, I couldn't be mistaken taking her home!

Cherry didn't recognize the dishes are but she didn't hesitate to put it on her mouth at all.

i-it's so good!

her eyes squinted as she savored the taste of the fried rice. she spooned more of them and put them on her mouth.

she then went on and ate the karaage, and fried eggs.

it was very blissful for her. and the one who cooked it.


after helping Shia doing the dishes. they went to the living room.

Shia turned on the TV and switched them to channel that showed Anime.

it immediately catches the little angel interest.

what is this box? how did they went inside?

Cherry antic on touching the television and walked around it makes Shia amused.

"it's a television it could show broadcasted thing by the... ah I forgot."

she want to search into the internet for more information but she saw that the little angel were watching intensely at the show.

Cherry felt very light and found she was being lifted by Shia. she put her on her thigh while Shia sat on the sofa.

"you can hurt your eyes if you watch them that close."

she reasoned. Cherry nodded at Shia, telling her that she understands. and continued to watch the show.


"you evildoer! stop your action right now!"

Cherry eyes shined as the protagonist beated up the bad guy. she felt happy that the bad guy were subdued by the magical girl meruru.

after the show Shia turned the TV off and tell Cherry that it was already late and that she need to sleep.

"ah okay."

she was clearly on good mood. she held Shia hand as if it was natural thing to do.

that small gesture warmed Shia heart. she led her to the bedroom.

"Thank you, Shia-san."

while laying on the bed with Shia. Cherry expressed her gratitude. she was really grateful to her.

"yeah. but why the honorific? I don't want to be that distant with you..."

"how about Shia-nee?"

"it barely pass but okay."

She held the girl closer to her. hugging her sharing her warmth.

I want to be called onee-chan~ but I think Shia-nee is okay for now.

"Sorry Shia-nee... I couldn't call you onee-chan because I already have one."

feeling Shia warmth Cherry drifted away. that was how she gotten herself a shelter for her first day.