Cherry help (1)


searching the upstairs, she didn't think to bump onto her real quick. she is wearing a maid costume while smiling at her.

"what is it Cherry?"

"I help!"


so pretty!

looking at herself on the mirror Cherry felt very satisfied. she then nudged Shia beside her on what to do in her shop.

Shia gave her the menu and explained it as well how she should approach the costumers. Cherry listened carefully at her.

they decide to take it on practice. with Shia acting as the costumer. she enter the coffee shop and looked around.


she greeted her with unwavering smile. just like how Shia told her to. she sat herself and Cherry came over her.

"have you decide on what to order, miss?"

"yeah, I'd like some mocha, please."

it went very well. then Shia told her different kind of scenario and how to respond to it and gave the best costumer service that they had.

that depends on what the costumers need. that she must keep and eye on them that if they in need for some help they need to go there without them asking.

"take this as an example. if I had a phone with low battery they would need to recharge them, no?"

Cherry show a confused expression. and asked what is a phone?

"this is a device that we need on this realm. think of it as a tool that need constant mana recharge."

she nodded in confirmation. then she listened more carefully this time.

"it would be best if you tell them before hand that the plugs were on this side."

she pointed at the bottom of the table.

after making sure that she had told everything that Cherry need to learn. she opened the shop.

though it was later than the usual schedule.


after a long time of waiting there's finally a costumer coming.

the eager Cherry went ahead and welcomed her.

it was a middle aged woman with casual clothes. she looked at the girl in front of her with surprised look.

"are you working part-time here?"

"do you best!"

she cheered her. and it makes Cherry more happier. she went to the corner and memorize the menu. when she felt that the woman is ready to order.


it went very well for the both of them. the regulars happily greeted Cherry and cheered her on. some of them even asked if Shia are her accountance. Shia immediately butted in when that happen.

Cherry costumer service were out of Shia expectation. she learned them so fast that she still quite didn't believe it.

it was quite a long lecture. but she absorbed them like a sponge...

nevertheless she was very content with her performance. and she seems very happy too. it's only makes things awkward if she told her to stop helping her.

"did I do a good job?"

still carrying the tray Cherry asked. from the tone that she's using, she's wanted her praise.