Angel's Duty

The city was calm and peaceful that it lived up to it's name 'Serene'. the city has a bunch of facilities that others do too.

Education from Kindergarten to College. a general hospital. playground, etc.

and Cherry was busy strolling around the neighborhood. after she gotten her praise she immediately got kicked out from the store.

"go, explore the city instead."

she didn't even had the change to argue. she got pushed towards the entrance.

she met a lot of people. she exchanged greeting out of formality. but they aren't that interesting as the thing that they were selling.

she curiously eyed their stuff from time to time. and some kind seller would just gave it for free.

they couldn't bear to look at this child who's curiously examined thing but afraid to touch them. that expression... tell it's all to these seller.

"thank you!"

nonetheless Cherry were in delight as she carried them away whilst she walked.

she's passed the vocational school. the general hospital. and then the park.

sometimes stopped by to satisfy her curiousity.

when she thinking about going home. she forgot the path to go home.

she glanced at her surrounding it was full of trees. she felt safe. very safe. that she showed her 4 tiny wings at her back.

she stretched and waved it. feeling good inside.

then she froze when the big tree in front of her changed to pink. and her surrounding seems changed too.

Sakura petals were falling by the winds. some of them stuck on her hair. but she didn't mind.

"why did it change? how did it change?"

it was a simple question.

but then she blinked and saw a girl staring at her. with somekind of warm gaze?

"hi, I didn't see you there before."

Cherry started the conversation first. she weren't afraid of the unknown. she... after all an angel.

and the thing by the shack were the reason that makes her think that this world aren't that dangerous.

"h-hello, are you here to take me to the heaven?"

now that question makes Cherry confused. she then curiously asked back.

"what is heaven?"

now it was the girl turn to be confused.

"aren't dead person need to go there? or is it that I committed a sin that I need to go to hell?"

"dead person?"

a puzzled look appeared on Cherry face. she then applied her study on the angel Realm into this.

"why... don't you tell me about your story first?"



Cherry pondered after finished listening to her.

"alright. I... somehow could guide you to your destination in this realm(?)."

she ended it with a question. that the girl couldn't even answer her.

"but then if this couldn't. we need to make your regret gone."

{World System Syncronize; Viria modern model}

the usual light ray descended from the sky fully enveloped her.

{opening soul realm-- stage 3}

{transferring entity -- nearest}

"I hope you can reincarnate with better life next time!"

the girl in front of her were disintegrated. her eyes were wide opened. and then she managed to gave Cherry last kind smile. and muttered something.

but Cherry didn't hear her. she waved her hand and smiled back.

after the girl were gone. the Sakura tree slowly turned to normal.

"should I go back now?"

she then used her wing to fly getting the clear location of her right now.


"I'm back, Shia-nee."

the sky were already darkened when she arrived at home. the board outside already get taken in.

"welcome back, Cherry."

Cherry found Shia that buried her head down on the table. she was doing some accounting for today.