Chapter 12

"Ah, welcome. Come on in"

The girls were welcomed into the mansion they easily stumbled upon when they entered the next village. Their contractor was not kidding when he said they would know the place when they found it. They had made it before sundown, but it would not be long before night met them. They would need to find a place to spend the night.

Archer was quick to deduce that the person who opened the door for them was the butler. The way he dressed and spoke was enough for her to figure that out. Both her and Erza were quiet. Actually the redhead had been quiet since they spoke of her nickname. At first Archer was thinking that maybe she ended up making her uncomfortable again, but her thoughts changed when she observed better. She wasn't uncomfortable. She was embarrassed and happy? Archer didn't know why she would be happy. Embarrassment was understandable. Happy was questionable. The child being the person she was wanted to know why she was happy. She started to run multiple theories through her mind all the while staring at the person holding her attention. It took her some time, but she understood at last.

She was happy because of what she had said.

Archer can be slow when it came to emotions. Human emotion was hard to understand and she was just getting familair with the basics. She couldn't understand why she lacked understanding of emotions in the beginning of her new life. She had them before in her last life. She had lots of feeling. So many. But in her new life it took a few years to understand, recognize and develop emotions. It was explained to her why things were how they were though. So she came to accept things as they were.

It helped that she clung to the memory of her last life. She remembered how certain emotions felt and what they were and such. It wasn't as hard as it should have been to start to understand and develop them. She understood the basics. Anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise. Basics. She wasn't to the point of understanding others or deeper emotions. For good reason apparently.

She sighed. Basics is what she has to start off with. Stronger emotions aren't something she could control yet. Her parents said it's because she's still young and as skilled as she is when it comes to her magic she would not be able to control them if she dived into deeper emotions. So she kept it at that and wasn't constantly trying to discover emotion.

She strayed from the main topic.

She came back to herself when she and Erza were lead to a grand dining room. It had a sizable dinning table present to fill the room. On it an assortment of food. At the head of the table was a well dressed man who was sipping his wine very casually.

"The wizards, sir"

At those words the man smiled brightly and motioned for the children to join him. The butler lead them to a place at the dining table, pulling back their chairs for them.

"I assume you have the object? "

Archer nodded and displayed the box. It was taken by the butler, who dutifully brought it to his master. He stood at his side, his face stoic.

Classic butler.

"Splendid. Job well done young ones. Go on, eat. I've ordered the chef to prepare the best of the best. You're free to eat anything at the table" the man said happily as he eyed the box given to him.

He was giving off an air of pure friendliness that Archer trusted. She retrieved a slice of strawberry cake and placed a plate in front of Erza, motioning for her to eat up.

"Thank you for your hospitality " the two said politely.

"Such polite children" the man laughed. "It's my pleasure to entertain you. You've safely delivered something meaningful to me"

Such a friendly man. It's interesting to find such a man. Mostly the rich men end up being snobbish jerks.

"It's getting late so you would have to spend a night in the village. I offer you a night at my estate as my thanks" the man said a bit more seriously. "This box contains a family heirloom of sorts. A magical artifact that has been in my family for years"

"May I ask why it was with our contractor ? "Erza asked after she had finished eating a fourth strawberry.

"Your contractor is a dear friend of mine. It was with him for multiple reasons" the man said. It was obvious that was as much as he planned on telling her.

"On our way here we were attacked by bandits. They were hired to steal the box by an Everet Rourke " Archer brought up.

Brief anger and distaste flashed through the man's violet eyes. He sighed and silently sipped his wine.

"Than disgraceful man has been at my throat for impossibly long now"

"What does he want with the artifact? "

"His only interest is money. He wants to sell the artifact to the highest bidder. It would pull in quite some money. He's been trying to convince me to give it to him, but I refused. I am determined to keep this artifact within my family for years to come"

Now that Everet sounds like the kind of rich guy one would expect. Well at least he sounded like the type Archer would expect.

"What are your names? I imagine those bandits were strong. It's not the first time such a thing happened , I'm impressed no harm came to the box."


"Archer "

"Erza and Archer of Fairy Tail. I will remember you and what you have done for me" Mr. Amethyst said with gratitude. He then eyed Archer curiously. "I hope you don't mind me asking whether you're a boy or girl. It's very hard to tell and your name gives no hints"

Archer expected as much.

"I'm a girl. I'm used to getting such questions it's fine"

"Ah, if you say so. Also, why do you not eat? Do you not wish to reveal your face? "

Archer nodded.

"Well we can't have you going to bed on an empty stomach. Feel free to take as much food as you want to your room"

"Thank you"


Erza was seated on the king sized bed of the guest room given to her and Archer. They ended up sharing a room again. And again there was one bed. They could have had separate rooms. The man had plenty of space. But for some reason Erza suggested one room. Why? She didn't know. She just said it without actually realizing it until she ended up in the room. Now she could only watch Archer hapilly enjoy the assortment of food she had escorted to their room. She even had a strawberry cake brought over for Erza along with a bowl full of strawberries.

"I did not expect you to want to share a room" Archer suddenly said, not looking at Erza. "Glad you like me so much" she chuckled.

Erza said nothing. She didn't know why she said that. Thinking about it maybe she wanted them to share a room because of the comfort Archer had brought her on their first mission. She had slept without suffering through her prominent nightmare. Maybe that's why. She just craved the warmth and comfort.

It was embarrising.

It had only been five or six days since the two met. She didn't understand why she was so trusting of the other. She has been nothing but trusting. She found it hard not to like her oddness.

"Strawberry? " Archer asked as she munched on one herself.

Erza moved herself to sit next to Archer on her self claimed side of the bed.

"I was thoughtful enough to bring some chocolate fondue along" Archer said cheerfully as she dipped another strawberry into the chocolate mixture. "It goes very well with your favorite fruit"

Erza was delighted by that. She was happy to join Archer. There was a comfortable silence between the two as they enjoyed the sweet desert. Archer had a big smile on her face and was happily humming a familiar tune to herself.

"You really love music" Erza noted. When she was with Archer on their last mission she had witnessed the girl buy two different types of guitar. A keyboard. A drum set and some odd device she dubbed a launchpad. Why she would need them all was beyond her. She must be capable of playing each instrument. If that wasn't an obvious sign of her love of music than the happy smile she wore when she hummed was a give away. Erza may not have been able to see her face, but she was sure the other was smiling when she played the piano for the guild.

Archer glanced at her, a bit in thought. "Love? "

"Yes, you love music. You're always so happy when you hum your tunes. And you were very happy when you played the piano" Erza said.

Archer looked back to her food and continued to eat. Love. She loved music? She furrowed her brows. What does love even feel like? She did realize that there were different forms of love. Some much stronger than others. There are eight types she's familiar with. Unconditional Love. Romanic Love. Affectionate Love. Self-love. Familiar Love. Enduring Love. Playful Love. Obsessive Love.

She couldn't fit love for music into any of the eight types she knew. She was confused for a moment. Love of music. She hummed and continued to eat. She wouldn't look too deep into it. It was a weaker form of the emotion so she was fine. There are certain types she is free to experience. Others not so much. She knows which is good and which is bad. Which she can handle and which she cannot.

It's odd having boundaries when it comes to emotions. It was because of who she was and the powers she had. They are strongly connected to emotions. All magic is. But unlike most she couldn't control her magic when certain emotions are put into play. That is why she was limited to basic human emotions. She was not allowed to dive deeper, hence her odd behavior.

Archer was suddenly looking at Erza. More specifically she had her attention focused on her right eye. She had been thinking about the loss of her eye for some time. She wanted to help. She had an artificial, but that's a major difference from her real eye. It wasn't filled with emotion. It wasn't as bright. It wasn't exactly the same shade of brown even though it may appear the way. She could tell. She could help. She knew all sorts of magic. Restoring a lost eye was easy enough for her.


The minute the nickname left her mouth her senses were alert. She looked away from the curious redhead and towards the nearest window. She was quickly on her feet and pulling on her mask as she made her way towards the window. She opened it and leaned out of it. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes she focused.

"We've got trouble. A group of men invaded the estate " Archer reported . One smells like a rich man. The scent of money, wine and jewelry was all over him. "They're here for the box"

Erza didn't need to know anymore. She stole one last strawberry before striding out the door. Archer followed, using her good sense of smell and hearing to locate the group. They had scattered.

"We'll split up" Erza said when they came to stand at hallways forming a T.

Archer nodded. They'd get around better that way. "Careful" is all she said as she went down the right hallway.

Erza took left.


Ten steps down her chosen hallway and she was attacked. She was as fast as ever and evaded the first bandit followed by the next two coming at her. They weren't using magic. Were they not wizards?

She didn't stop to ponder. She was quick to handle each of them, making sure they were out cold. It was easy enough and she was left standing over them. Why did they not send wizards this time? It seems ridiculous to send non magic users to do the job. Maybe Everet did not think Erza and Archer stuck around.

Either way it was a big mistake.


Archer was quick to locate and handle every bandit in her way. With them taken care of she focused on the scent of the dirty rich man. She was not happy to find it very close to the scent of Mr. Amethyst. She was quick on her feet as she ran through the mansion. She was fast enough. As fast as she needed to be. She came to a stop in front of grand doors. Must be a special room.

She shrugged and casually kicked the door open.

Standing within were an unknown man and Mr. Amethyst. He was wrapped tightly within what could be shadows? It was questionable. The man using the magic had the familiar box in hand and a devious smile on his face. He did not at all seem worried about Archer's presence.

"Finally" he chuckled. "You had your chance to earn some big money and you passed it up. I'll be very happy to take this off your hands"

He was very cocky. He was obviously ignoring Archer. The girl had slid her hands in her pockets. Automatic actions. She took a step and the man finally looked at her.

"Don't try to be a hero kid. We don't want you going home with a booboo" the man joked while shadows crept towards the unaffected Archer.

"Oh believe me, I'm not the one who'll be needing their mother" Archer said calmly as she continued to walk towards the man.

"Don't mock me kid"

The shadows shot towards he, but she kept walking. His magic was nothing. His shadows were nothing. When they got within three feet distance of her they evaporated immediately. The man was shocked and sent more shadows at her , but alas none came close. He started to panic. His shadows increasing their grip on Mr. Amethyst.

Archer was not listening to his threat to hurt Mr. Amethyst. He really couldn't because the shadows evaporated at her will. She was smiling under her mask as she read the man's body language. He was ready to run.

Too bad.

"No running away" Archer said as if she was scolding a child. "Freeze"

And he did. He couldn't move a muscle. He could do nothing to stop Archer from retrieving the box and handing it to its true owner.

"That was easy" she said casually. "He'll be like that for as long as you wish , sir"

"I must thank you. You saved my life" the adult bowed his head in thanks only to get a casual wave.

"It's alright"

"Ah, but I must show my gratitude in some way"

Archer hummed and looked around the room. It seemed to be the place he stored his priceless collections. Her eyes landed on a glass case containing what she was in search of. Two of her keys embedded in stone.

"Those keys. May I have them"

Mr. Amethyst furrowed his brows as he followed her gaze. "Those keys? "


"I'm not sure you can take them. One of them is impossibly hot and the other sinks into the stone when anyone tries to take it"

Before Archer could answer Erza walked into the room. She had her sword at her hip and was eating some cake. She must've stopped by their room

"Easy pickings, were they not? "Archer asked.

"Yes. Very easy "

Archer chuckled and directed her attention back to her keys. She approached them.

"May I try to take them? "

Mr. Amethyst nodded. It's the least he can do. If Archer wanted to try he would let her. If she manages to get the keys he would let her keep them. He was no celestial mage so they would just be sitting there.

Archer opened the glass case and eyed her keys. She was smiling as she touched the ruby key. Its temperature incredibly high but not hot enough to harm her. She pulled it out of its place in the red stone it was stuck in. Next was the white key. Upon touching it the stone it was within shifted, presenting the key to her.

She ran a thumb over each key.

"Igneel and Demeter"
