Chapter 13

Archer and Erza had retreated back to their room. Archer was in a very good mood and Erza enjoyed the unknown tune she hummed. She was happily eyeing her new keys and had said that she would be summoning them when they returned to their room. Erza had gotten a glimpse of them. The ruby key looked somewhat like the last. The difference being that it had flames and embers engraved on it. Also Erza could feel the heat coming off it just like she felt the cold coming off Glacier's key. The white key had more intricate designs and looked very elegant. She couldn't describe further than that. It just had a unique look to it.

Once they were in their room Archer sat on their bed and looked between the two keys. Apparently she was trying to decide who to summon first. She hummed and held up Demeter's key. She's a goddess and a pretty elderly figure, so she went first. Respect the elderly. Archer didn't need to say anything special to summon the goddess. She didn't need to say anything at all. She never did. They would appear when she pushed just the tiniest bit of magic into their keys.

There was a bright glow in the room that prompted Erza to shield her eyes. Why must there always be a blinding light?

When the light faded and she opened her eyes she was met with an incredibly beautiful woman. She blinked in disbelief. She had never seen a woman as beautiful as the brunette she was staring at. Her hair was as brown as the earth and flowing all the way down to her feet. Her eyes the green of summer leaves. She had a wise smile on pink lips. Her skin fair and clear of any blemishes. Her form mesmerizing. Her dress was a mix of green and white that fit her body perfectly.

Didn't Archer say something about Demeter being am old goddess?

The woman in front of her looked to be in her twenties.

"Little Archer, how good it is to see you again"

Wow. Even her voice was out of this world. She was sure she never heard a voice as soft as her own.

She truly was a goddess.

"It's a pleasure seeing you again as well, Demeter"

The woman hummed as she eyed the young girl. "Rid yourself of that mask, child" Demeter spoke as a mother would speak to her child. Her gaze stern yet loving as she watched Archer.

Archer sighed and did as told. The mask was removed and Demeter smiled. She sat next to Archer on the bed and carresed her cheek.

"Let me see those fangs of yours"

Archer looked as if she wanted to protest, but a look from the woman stopped her. She grumbled like the child she was and bared her fangs for the woman to inspect. She hummed as she observed them.

"You've taken good care of them. Good girl"

Archer sighed. Demeter was such a motherly figure. It was hard enough to deal with her own mother.

"Have you been taking care of yourself? "


Demeter eyed her for some time. Archer didn't look at her. It was interesting to see Archer truly act like a child. Specifically a child who was either embarrassed or annoyed by the attention Demeter fed her.

"I'll believe you for now" The woman kissed her forehead like any mother would.

Erza didn't even know what to do when those green eyes landed on her. The woman was staring at her kindly. Within a blink of an eye she was in front of her and gazing at her the same way she gazed at Archer. She was truly a motherly figure.

"Ah, Erza" Demeter said knowingly as she looked the girl in the eyes. She frowned as she rested a hand on the child's right cheek. "What happened to your eye, child? "

Erza flinched at the question, the bad memories started to resurface and she closed her eyes. Her eye was a constant reminder of the life she managed to escape and those she left behind. It was hard to think about and those bad memories only make themselves known in her dreams. But now she was awake and they were coming back.

"Terrible memories" Demeter said with a sad smile as her thumb stroked Erza's cheek softly. She was comforting the child. She seemed to have brought up some bad memories. While she could easily view them she decided against it.

Her eyes then went back to Archer and the girl shrunk away from her gaze with a nervous smile.

"Why have you not helped this child? " Demeter asked with a scolding gaze.

"Um... Well.. "

"You could have easily restored her eye. Why have you not? "

"I was going to" Archer defended. "I just didn't know how to go about it without making her uncomfortable. I didn't want to make her think about what lead to her losing her eye" Archer said truthfully.

Demeter sighed and returned her gaze to Erza, who had opened her eyes. She smiled kindly at her.

"Close your eyes, I will restore what has been lost" Demeter said softly.

Erza couldn't disobey. Her tone of voice was so comforting to her. She found herself trusting the woman and loving her presence.

Archer sat back, looking like a disappointed puppy. She didn't like being scolded. She was a child despite everything else and no child likes being scolded by or disappointing their parents. Demeter may not be her true mother, but she started seeing her as a second mother at some point. Her real mother always found it amusing.

Her red eyes followed Demeter's every movement. She closed her eyes and uttered some silent words. Archer didn't know how her magic works, but she can heal anything. Demeter is the one who helped her learn healing magic , and a very strong type to boot. So she sat silently as she watched the soft green glow appear near Erza's right eye. She smiled slightly. Erza would have her eye back. She was sure she would be happy. She didn't know what it was like to have an artificial eye, but she knew her vision was not what it was. That was for sure.

When the glow faded Demeter was smiling as she pushed Erza's bangs away from her eye

"You can open your eyes now"

Archer almost panicked when Erza released tears soon after opening her eyes. Why was she crying? She questioned it, running theories through her head. It was when she hugged Demeter that she calmed down. She realized that they were happy tears. She sighed in relief.

Erza couldn't help her tears. She had her eye back. It wasn't artificial. It wasn't lifeless. It was her real eye. She didn't know what type of magic Demeter performed, but she was grateful. She had noticed the change immediately. Vision from the artificial eye was dull. It lacked the vibrance her real eye fed her. It lacked the brightness. She was happy to have those back. She couldn't help hugging the woman. She didn't think about the fact fact she just met her or that she was a goddess. She was just so happy.

"No need for tears little one" Demeter said tenderly as she wiped the tears away. As she did more tears were produced to replace the ones she had discarded. She giggled at Erza's effort to stop her tears.

Archer was content. There it was. The chocolate brown eyes. Now they were matching. In emotion, brightness and color. Leave it to Demeter. Demeter always seems to know best and always seems to adopt any child as her own.

Demeter made sure Erza stayed in her lap even when she stopped the tears. She had tried to get off her, but the woman was having none of it. Archer couldn't help her laugh when Erza's head was placed on Demeter's sizable chest. The girl went red in the face with embarrassment. This made Demeter shoot a warning look at Archer and the laughing immediately stopped. She cleared her throat and looked away.

"When do you plan on retrieving your siblings? " Demeter asked.

Even she started seeing them as siblings.

"I need to know where they are to find them. That's why I really needed to find you. Would you please locate them for me? "

"Of course. It won't do having them out in the world on their own. Especially not little Wendy. She must be frightened" Demeter said with worry and suddenly stood off the bed. Erza yelped and clung to the woman in the sudden action.

"You know, you're treating Erza like a baby"

"Don't be jealous I've shown you enough attention."

"I am not jealous" Archer huffed as she too climbed out of bed. She grumbled when Demeter disappeared. She knew where the goddess went though. She pulled on her mask and jumped out the window.

"What have I told you about windows? There are doors for a reason" Demeter scolded when Archer landed next to her.

"It was the quickest way to get to you"

Erza was standing next to the kind goddess. She was looking around, basking in her restored sight. Everything was even now. She couldn't help the happy smile on her face. Her attention was broken by a familiar soft green light that started to emit from Demeter's body. She was again speaking silent words as she worked her magic. Erza looked on in question, glancing at Archer for an answer. The girl only smiled and stood by patiently.

When the glow faded the woman sighed with a faint smile.

"They are very far, but Wendy is the closest "

Archer nodded and quickly fished for her new key. She would be needing Igneel's help. Well she could call Glacier, but it would only be fair to finally release Igneel into the world. She toyed with the key in her palm before holding it before her.

"Alright Igneel" Archer said cheerfully. "Come forth Igneel, king of the fire dragons"

Erza already knew what would take place. When she saw the blazing red magic circle appear she knew to turn around to avoid the bright light. There was an incredible increase in temperature that would have worried her had her the magic from her sword not keep her cool enough to not be affected by the heat.

"Freedom!" Igneel shouted the minute he manifested near them. He took a deep breath of the night air, grinning brightly.

Erza looked at him and sighed. Why is he also shirtless? Glacier was understandable, somewhat. Igneel being shirtless had no explanation. The man was very tan and scars littered his well built body. His hair was fire red and pulled back messily with spikes pointing in every direction. All he wore were a pair of baggy red pant. Literally that's it. He wore no shoes. No shirt. Nothing except for the pants.

"You don't know what it's like being trapped in that weird world you created" Igneel said with a good natured laugh. He chuckled as he ruffled Archer's hair, messing up the pony tail she had pulled it into. She swatted his hand away.

"You may love the messy hair style but not me" Archer said calmly as she worked on fixing her hair.

"Why in the world are you shirtless, dragon? "Demeter asked with raised eyebrow. "Is this how you present yourself in front of children? You should be ashamed "

Igneel waved her off, not affected at all. "I don't see the big deal. They don't seem to care"

They really couldn't care. Archer was used to seeing him and almost every other male dragon shirtless. And Erza was used to seeing a naked Gray. This was nothing new.

"Even so, you must compose yourself better around children. You'll give people the wrong idea if you were to be seen" Demeter said with a sagely nod.

"She's got a very good point" Erza and Archer agreed.

"You may be looked upon as a creep"

"I see" Igneel seemed to be in thought for a moment. "I still don't feel like wearing a shirt though "

"Do as you wish" Archer said with a shrug.

"So, where's Natsu? "



"Yes, we joined a guild by the name of Fairy Tail"

"Oh" Igneel nodded. "So what do you need me for? "

"Actually I need your dragon form. We'll be hunting down the other slayers. Demeter located them and said that Wendy was close by"

"Grandeeny's kid" Igneel stated. "Alright"

"We can't have you transforming here though. You'll be spotted. Let's find a secluded spot"


Erza's heart was beating out of her chest as the night wind blew in her hair. She was holding onto Archer for dear life, not daring to look down. Archer seemed amused by her apprehension. She was not affected by the events because she had ridden on dragon back multiple times. Next to that she could fly herself, something she didn't do often.

"You're holding onto me pretty tight there"

Erza said nothing. Her eyes were closed as she refused to look down. It was terrifying. It was new. She felt like the wind can carry her away if she let go of Archer, who for some reason was not affected by the strong wind. She didn't know how to hold onto the dragon so she clung to Archer.

Demeter sat nearby, enjoying the ride as much as Archer was. She could understand Erza fright. The wind was strong and holding onto dragon scales is hard and odd. Only those used to it know how to go about it.

"There is no need to be afraid, Erza" the woman tried to reassure the child to no avail. She did not loosen her grip on Archer and she did not open her eyes. Instead she buried her face in the crook of Archer's neck, to said girl's amusement.

She didn't think Erza would be so afraid of riding on the dragon. That's a new discovery.

"She doesn't seem to trust those words" Archer stated.

"I can see that"

Archer hummed and looked ahead of her. She enjoyed the cool night wind. It was nice flying in the night. One could always view the stars.

"Scarlet, at least open your eyes. You won't fall. You're holding onto me after all" Archer said, a voice reassuring and very amused at the last sentence.

Erza muttered something. Archer hardly heard it. She was refusing to open her eyes

"Come now. Enjoy the night sky. It might look different now that you have your true right eye back"

Again muttered words signaling her refusal to open her eyes.

Archer sighed, but didn't push it.

"Oh well, you'll have to face your new found fear at some point. This won't be your last time hitching a ride with Igneel"

The groan of displeasure she received made her laugh.

Erza was amusing.