Chapter 14

A familiar scent was presented to the ever observant Archer. There were two scents. The familair being that of sweet little Wendy. She smiled upon receiving the scent. She frowned at the smell of the other. She didn't recognize it and it wasn't bad. It was interesting. She had an idea as to who it was and knew that Erza could not see the person. It was most likely edo Jellal who was kind enough to look after Wendy as they traveled. She appreciated that. She may not like earth land Jellal, but she was a fan of edo Jellal. She needed to get Wendy herself. Erza would have to let go of her if she planned on doing such a thing.

"I'll go get her" she said determined as she rested her own hands on Erza's. She was gentle when she made her release her firm grip. "Cling to Demeter for a moment"

The ease with which Erza was casually lifted and placed into Demeters arms was embarrassing to her. That didn't last because she had looked down. Big mistake. She's never flying again.

"Are you going after her on your own kid? " Igneel's voice boomed. "Want me to drop you off? "

"No, I'll be fine" Archer said as she stood on Igneel's head. She gazed down at the earth, her hands in her pockets. She took a deep breath and sighed. The night air was amazing. With that she casually stepped off the dragon.

Her face was neutral as gravity pulled her down with a force. She only stared down at the quickly approaching earth with calm eyes. How many times had she dived off dragons? It was a stupid game the boys used to like playing and she would come along only to make sure none of them died.

When she was close to the ground red flames erupted from her feet slowing her descent considerably.The flames were soon to go and she landed softly on her feet. She tilted her head, sniffing out the familiar scent. She hoped Jellal didn't attack her thinking she was hostile. She followed the scent, easily adapting to the night. Her eyes seemed to glow in the night. Maybe they were. Maybe they were just that bright. She spotted Igneel flying over head, making sure to stay close.

After a minute or so of wandering through the forest she came face to face with an apprehensive Jellal. He looked on guard and took a step back. He had a sleeping Wendy in his arms.

Archer raised both hands as a sign of friendliness. Jellal stared at her for some time. Debating whether or not to trust her.

"Who are you? "


At the name he looked at her with new eyes. Recognition.

"Do you know a little girl named Wendy?" He asked.

Archer nodded with a hidden smile. "Yes,I was looking for her for some time and followed her scent to you" Archer eyed the sleeping toddler. "I'm glad to see you're so protective of her"

"She talks about you a lot " the boy said with a fond smile.

"Yeah? She probably talks about Natsu, Gajeel and the twins too. And Grandeeny as well" Archer said, fondness in her voice. "Wendy isn't used to being alone and I'm glad you found her. You seem like a nice person"

Jellal nodded. "I couldn't leave her alon, but she can't continue to travel with me" he said a bit disappointed. "I love having her around. She's like a little sister, but.. my travels are dangerous"

The boy was careful as he repositioned the young girl. He approached Archer slowly and careful not to trip on any tree roots. He let out a sigh as he slipped the sleeping toddler into Archer's arms. He smiled when he saw her cuddle into the other, tiny hands gripping her scarf.

"Thanks for taking care of her" Archer was genuine with her thanks as she held Wendy carefully

"It's alright " Jellal made to walk away when he seemed to suddenly remember something. He dropped his backpack to the ground and rummaged through it.

He pulled out a ruby key. She suspected he had one. The pull was strong. She hadn't been focusing on it until that moment.

"When we were traveling through some odd cave we found this. For some reason there was a hurricane in the cave, I don't understand that. " the boy said with confusion. "Anyway. I handled it and we found this key. She said it was one of your keys so I retrieved it. She was really happy when I did. She wanted to give it to you as a gift apparently " Jellal placed the key in Archer's palm.

"She did,huh? " Archer observed the key. How lucky. Wendy found the key of her dragon. She chuckled. The child would be very happy. "Thanks again"

Jellal turned his back to her, picking up his backpack he started to walk away. Archer watched him go, deep in thought. She liked the boy. She always liked Edo Jellal. She wanted to thank him. She already did, but maybe she can gift him something .

"Hold on" Archer called after him and was quick to catch up to him. "You're from Edolas, aren't you? "

At the statement the boy froze in shock. He looked at Archer, her eyes were knowing. He nodded, slowly.

"How do you know that? "

"I know a lot of things. We Phoenix make it our business to know what happens on Earthland"

Again the boy was surprised. Phoenix. That explains her unnatural eyes that seemed to glow in the dark.

"You're.. "


"I see" He looked to the ground for a moment. He then realized something. "I never introduced myself. I'm Jellal"

"Well you already know who I am" Archer said with a chuckle. "Anyways. I just wanted to thank you, so... " Archer trailed off and carefully held the sleeping Wendy in one arm while she plucked Jellal's staff from his backpack. She focused and her hand and the staff glowed for a moment. When the glow faded the wooden staff was now the red of her eyes and had a Phoenix engraved in it. She smiled proudly and handed it back to him

"What did you do? "

"You now have the very rare magic of us Phoenix " Archer said proudly. "I made sure the former magic of the staff remained as well"

Jellal was amazed as he held the staff in his hand. He had gained the magic of a Phoenix. It was rare indeed. In fact he wasn't sure they existed. He didn't even know if the Phoenix were real creatures or if they were just humans with such odd abilities. He didn't think he would meet one of them.

"Thank you. I never thought I would ever come close to such magic"

"You're welcome. It's only fair" Archer smiled and looked down at Wendy. "I don't feel right about just taking her. She would be sad to not have a chance to say goodbye"

"It's alright. It's for the best"

Archer hummed and ran a hand through Wendy's short hair.It didn't feel right to her. She stroked her cheek gently. She needed to say goodbye.


"Please don't wake her" Jellal said with worry.

"She must say goodbye"

Jellal was worried. He didn't want to make things harder than they already were. He could do nothing as Archer gently woke the child.

Brown eyes fluttered open and she stared up blearily. She blinked as she met phoenix red eyes. They were familair. She didn't need to see behind the mask to recognize Archer. Tears welled in her eyes when she saw the older girl.

"Hey Wendy" Archer pulled down her mask to smile at the girl.

"Big sister! " Wendy clung tightly to the older girl. She had her tiny arms and legs wrapped securely around the smiling Archer. "I missed you so much"

"I missed you too WenWen" Archer chuckled at the nickname the younger was given by her and everyone else. She glanced at Jellal who was smiling at the scene. She grinned back and decided to get Wendy's attention.

"Wendy, you have to say goodbye to Jellal" Archer said as gently as she could.

At the words the younger girl abruptly turned in Archer's arms. Luckily Archer was strong and fast enough to react to the action so the girl did not fall or even come close to it.

"You can come too" Wendy said to Jellal. She said that, but they both knew that was not happening. "He can come , right Archy? "

Archer sighed as she adjusted the girl in her arms. "I'm sorry, he has his own journey to traverse"

Jellal smiled an apologetic smile and patted the child's head. The way she was looking at him was heartbreaking. She was on the verge of tears again. This is why he preferred she not be awake to see him leave.

Wendy struggled in Archer's arm and the girl let her fall into Jellal's arms. She clung to him just as she had clung to Archer before. She was sobbing as she clutched his shirt.

"It's alright. We'll see eachother again, I promise"


Wendy was tearful as she watched Jellal walk away. She was safely in Archer's warm arms, but even then she felt sad. She had come to see Jellal as an older brother in their short time together. She didn't want him to go, but he needed to. There was something he needed to do and she couldn't come with.

"Will I really see him again? "

"Yes, of course. He promised" Archer reassured as the girl twisted in her arms. She was clinging to her tightly ,seemingly afraid to let go. She mumbled something as she burried her face in Archer's chest.

Archer proceeded to walk through the forest until she spotted Igneel. Wendy had fallen asleep in her arms at some point and was oblivious to the happenings around her. When the dragon was spotted Archer propelled herself into the air and landed softly on Igneel's head. She was keeping Wendy warm in her arms so the cold breeze would not bother the child.

"Thanks again for the help Igneel"

"Anytime kid"

Archer easily walked on Igneel's scally back and came to sit next to Demeter and Erza. Demeter had the girl seated in her lap. She still seemed a bit frightened, but her eyes were no longer closed. She focused on Archer when she sat next to her. Soon enough her eyes went to the sleeping toddler.

"Wendy? " she asked.

"Yeah" Archer shifted the sleeping girl in her arms, careful not to wake her. "The youngest of us"

Erza stared at the little girl. She looked very peaceful in Archer's arms. Her small hands were clutching Archer's scally scarf and she was curled towards the older girl. She was probably attracted to the heat Archer naturally radiates

"She's cute"

"I know right? " Archer smiled as she looked down at Wendy. "She's precious and I'm never leaving her alone ever again"

Erza giggled at the protective nature Archer started to show.

"A true elder sister" Demeter said proudly and patted Archer on her head. "We should return now. You children need your sleep. You are still growing so you need to make sure to sleep on time"

Archer sighed when Demeter started to mother her again.

"I know. I know" she waved her off only to earn a pinch on the cheek. "Woman! "

"Don't get cheeky" Demeter warned.

"Don't pinch me" Archer pouted in her slight anger.

"You should show more manners. Your mother and I taught you better"

Archer rolled her eyes and didn't look at the woman. "Sorry"

"Good girl" Demeter brightened immediately and patted Archer on the head again.

Erza just sat there and watched their interaction. Archer was a true child around the woman. It was funny to watch. She actually apologized for misbehaving. Erza couldn't help her giggle.

"You are such a child"

"Uh.. I'm ten" Archer said confused. "Of course I'm a child"

"No, I mean" Erza looked at her to find genuine confusion on her face. She was not expecting the cuteness of it. She didn't have her mask on so she could see the confused frown she had on her face. She looked away and tried to hold in the laugh she felt coming. "You really are a child"

"I don't understand. Am I missing something? "

Erza giggled and couldn't look at the face Archer was making. It was cute. She was not expecting it and she didn't know why it was so funny to her.

"You seem to amuse Erza. "Demeter commented.

"Why is she amused? I'm confused"

Demeter suppressed her own giggle as she looked at Archer's confused expression. "It's alright"

Archer said nothing and just watched Erza giggle to herself. What was so funny?


Archer sighed from her place on the king sized bed. It was so soft and comfy. Demeter had left them some time ago, she had returned to wherever it is she goes when she retreats to her key. Igneel left as well. He said something about teaching Glacier a lesson. So it was just Erza, Wendy and Archer.

Wendy was placed on the bed and Archer glanced at her sleeping form. She couldn't help but smile. She just needed to hunt down three more of her siblings and she would be content.

She felt the bed shift and rolled over to face Erza, who was now dressed in some casual pajamas. Archer had on a hoodie and shorts and seemed very comfy.

"Tonight was exhausting" Erza mumbled as she buried her face in a soft pillow. "I can't believe I flew on an actual dragon. It's a terrifying experience "

"You'll get used to it" Archer reassured. "It's fun"

Erza said nothing to that. Archer may find it to be fun, but she was not used to it. She didn't want to experience it again


Erza hummed, hugging a pillow. She was really comfortable. The bed was amazing.

"What was so funny earlier? "

Erza smiled and hid her face in her pillow. It was funny how Archer could not figure out what she meant when she was such an observant child.


"Don't lie"

"It's nothing"

Archer let out a breath but didn't push. She just lay there on her back and stared at the ceiling. She looked to Wendy when she felt the toddler roll into her.

"Archy" the toddler mumbled as she sleepily climbed on top of her. She said something unintelligible as she fell asleep on top of her.

"She's really cute" Erza said again, having witnessed the entire scene. "You have a nickname"

Archer adopted a look when Erza mentioned the nickname.

"This stays between you and me"

"Archy" the name was adorable.

"Don't you go getting familiar with that name too. It's acceptable with Wendy. You are a different story"

Erza didn't really listen. Instead she moved closer to the girl, craving her warmth.

"It's an adorable name"