Chapter 15

Archer was the first to wake up. The light of the sun is what pulled her out of her slumber . She tried to evade the light, but could not. She could or would not move because of the fact that she was the source of warmth for two girls. Wendy was still on top of her and clutching her scarf. Erza was curled into her side also holding onto her scarf. So she could not move. If she did she could wake one of them and she did not wish to do that. She closed her eyes again, maybe she should just go back to sleep. That thought was soon to leave her head. She was already up and going back to dream land was no option. She would just have to patiently wait for the two to wake up.

She was left to stare up at the ceiling. She was absentmindedly tonguing her sharper canines. They were technically fangs. She tended to tongue them often. It was a personal feature that interested her. She had wondered why she had fangs in the first place. Was it needed? It did allow her to tear into her chicken leg far easier. But she didn't find that very important. She had asked about it. Her parents happily explained their use. It was interesting to say the least. Since the day she had learned of its most important use she looked at it a bit differently. Either way, she took to tonguing it often. Sometimes she would hurt herself. They were very sharp after all.

She sighed when she tasted blood in her mouth. She hurt herself again. A small cut on her tongue. She stopped playing with her sharp teeth and silently soothed her bleeding tongue. Archer glanced at Erza. Her hair was scattered around her. A scarlet halo. She wasn't being creepy and staring at a sleeping person. She only looked at her because she was losing feeling in her arm. She didn't do anything about it, because Erza was comfortable. She sighed. She was too nice sometimes.

A few minutes passed of Archer just staring at the ceiling. She felt Erza shift and looked at her again. She was staring long enough for the two to meet eyes the minute Erza opened her own. Archer seemed very curious when Erza slowly became as red as her hair and abruptly sat up. As curious as she was she was still very relieved. Her arm was free and while she could not feel it she was happy.She just had to wait for the blood to circulate properly and she would have her arm back.

"Morning" she said casually as she flexed her arm. She smiled in success.

"Sorry, is your arm ok? I didn't mean to use it as a pillow" Erza was quick to apologize and bow her head.

"I lost feeling in it, fortunately everything is perfectly fine now"

"I apologize. Please hit me! "

Archer almost forgot about Erza's odd form of apologizing. Why she sees the need to be hit is worrying.

"I will not hit you, sit up" Archer said sternly and sat up herself. She was careful with Wendy in her arms and placed her on the bed. She sweat dropped when the child refused to let go of her scarf.

"She has a strong grip even in her sleep" Erza mumbled with an amused smile. She watched Archer try to detach the younger girl from her scarf, but she failed multiple times. In the end she sighed and removed her scarf, letting Wendy have it. The little girl hugged the article of clothing to herself and mumbled something incoherent. "Why does she cling to your scarf? "

"I've worn that thing for most of my life, so it has my scent on it. Wendy likes my scent hence her refusal to release it" Archer tugged on her hoodie in discomfort. "I'm not used to taking it off. I feel very uncomfortable without it"

"Why do you wear it all the time? "

"It was made for me" she mumbled. It was not only made out of dragon scales but out of phoenix feathers as well. Her parent's magic is infused within. Irene enchanted it while Anna made it. "It consisted of dragon scales and the feathers of a phoenix "

"Phoenix are creatures resembling birds" Erza said with furrowed brows. "So why is it that you have what could only be fangs? "

"Reasons" Archer tugged on her jacked again. She was really uncomfortable without her scarf.

"You're not telling me? "

"Sounds about right"

Erza figured that was something else she would need to find out on her own.


Erza was staring at herself through the mirror. Everything looked so much better now that she had her eye back. She couldn't stop smiling when she thought about it. She was eternally grateful to Demeter. She sighed with a happy smile and fixed the bow on her shirt. Since she was in front of the mirror she saw Archer and Wendy leave the bathroom. Archer was already fully dressed while Wendy was wrapped in a towel.

"I don't have any clothes "

"I can see that" Archer smiled as she wrapped her scarf around her neck. She then moved to the dresser where she had stored some of her clothes and rummaged through them. She was humming the entire time and pulled out some short pants and a long sleeved shirt.

"I don't think that will fit" Wendy said quietly.

"Don't worry about it" Archer helped put the big clothes onto the young girl. Erza almost laughed at the outcome. It really didn't fit. Wendy looked very embarrassed by the situation.

"It doesn't fit"

Archer only smiled as she sat back and watched a small magic circle appear under the confused Wendy. When the glow faded her clothing fit perfectly on her little body. She looked amazed, her big eyes shining with wonder.

"Wow" Wendy pulled on her clothes. "It fits"

"Yes it does" Archer patted her head. "I told you not to worry didn't I? "

Wendy nodded with a bright smile and quickly followed the retreating Archer. She only took three steps before tripping on air and face planting. Erza winced at the sight and was quick to help her up. Her forehead was red and she seemed on the verge of tears.

"You fell" Archer said blankly as she watched the tears gather.

"Don't cry" Erza said in slight panic. She wouldn't know what to do with a crying child. She tried to comfort her but she didn't know how to comfort a four year old or anyone for that matter.

Archer took great amusement in watching Erza try to prevent the tears. She looked like she would panic the minute a tear slid down Wendy's cheek. She would interfere, but then again it was fun to watch Erza struggle. There was that and the fact that there was a knock at the door. She was quick to retrieve her mask before going to the door.

Upon opening it she met the butler, who bowed respectfully.

"The master has invited you to have breakfast with him"

"Thank you for delivering the message " Archer said in her usual unreadable tone and watched the butler retreat.

"Archer, what should I do? "Erza asked in panic as she sat in front of the sniffling Wendy.

"Kiss her booboo better" Archer said. Her tone was very serious. Erza did not take it seriously despite that, but she did it anyway.

Huh, it worked. Wendy stopped crying once Erza convinced her she took care of the bruise.

"Works everytime"


"Mr. Amethyst I must apologize " Archer said very politely as she took a seat at the massive dining table. "Last night I left the manor in search of my sibling, you see"

The man was surprised to find a four year old with the other two, but after Archer's explanation he let it go and smiled. He didn't really mind . The child was adorable and the other two did save him the day before. With the new addition he made sure sweets of all kind was available for the four year old to enjoy. She took a liking to the blueberry pancakes he had his chef make.

"I suppose you'll be taking your leave today" he decided to start a casual conversation.

Archer, who was focusing on the pull she felt, nodded to the man.

"Yes, we shall return to our guild today. It was a pleasure working with a man such as yourself"

"The pleasure is all mine. I must say you two are powerful children. I suppose the rumors about Fairy Tail are correct"

"Flattering" Archer hummed as she stared out the near window. "Again, I must thank you for housing us for the night"

"And again I must deny your thanks, it was the least I could do"

Such a generous man. She would remember him. Good things will come his way and if he's ever in a troublesome predicament she will help him.

"Well, we must speak of rewards" as he said that he placed a big sack of jewels on the dining table. "Your initial reward was 20.000 jewel. You have delivered the box unharmed and took care of my biggest enemy, so I will reward you extra. You're amount of rewarded jewel is 1.000.000"

Archer's only reaction was a raised eyebrow while Erza seemed more curious that's anything. Wendy wasn't entirely sure what was going on and just watched while eating her pancakes.

"That is a massive raise, you don't have to do that"

"Oh but I want to" The man clapped his hands and his butler was quick to hand the heavy bag of money to the ever calm Archer.

She hummed. "I can get Natsu an apartment and rent another room at fairy hills with just half of this"

Or maybe she should just get an entire house. She had a feeling Natsu would want to live with her. The only reason she refused an entire house was because the boys are troublesome and could destroy it within a day. So buying a house was out of question. So why not just build her own house? She never really thought about it. It's not like she couldn't do it with the assortment of magic she had. Building a house would be very easy. Since the house would be built with her magic the boys could not destroy it.

But she already had an apartment. At least she didn't give the old man all her rent money yet. She could pay for the current month and work on her own house.

While Archer was thinking about living situations Erza already had her mind set on buying the armor she had been eyeing for some time. Of course she would also treat herself to some strawberry cake. She had told the blacksmith to hold onto the armor for her. She was glad she did, she would buy it the minute she returned to Magnolia.

"Thank you for your generosity "

"Again, I deny your thanks. You're good kids and you helped me a lot. If I ever need something taken care of I will request your help again, if you do not mind"

"No, feel free"

"Splendid. I like to see this as a start of an interesting friendship"


Wendy was seated on Archer's lap on the train. She had placed herself there without a word. Archer hardly noticed. Both were staring out the train window with interest. Erza was opposite them and watching as she tended to do whenever she found herself on a train with Archer. The two acted like true siblings. Archer seemed very protective of the young girl. In turn Wendy likes being around her. On their trip to the train station Erza was lucky enough to watch the two walk hand in hand. It was a nice sight.

"Where are we going? "Wendy finally asked?

"Fairy Tail" Archer patted her head as she answered.

"What is that? "

"A wizard guild"

"Am I going to be a member? "

"Yes. It'll be fun. I'm a member and so is Natsu"

"Big brother Natsu is there?"

"Yup, he'll be happy to see you again "

"Did he burn down the guild? "

Archer chuckled at the question. Of all the questions she could ask. She had to ask whether or not the boy burned down the guild.

"No, he didn't "

"I believe there is a back story behind that question" Erza said unknowingly.

"Oh yeah" Archer was definitely amused. "Once Natsu burned down the house I had built. It was almost as big as the guild. I left him alone in the house for just ten minutes and when I returned it was in flames"

"He got into trouble with Aunt Anna" Wendy added.

"Yes he did, because he was a bad boy"

How did Natsu even manage such a thing? Erza couldn't think of anyway the boy could've started a fire and let it rage until the house was nothing but ashes. Could he not have put it out?

It was obvious that Natsu could not be left to live near a lot of people


The Fairy Tail guild was as rowdy as ever. The guild was a mess as a brawl was in the process of taking place. At the head of it were Natsu and Gray who had gotten into a fight for unknown reasons. The boys could not stand eachother and the guild learned to stay away from them when things got heated. One poor soul tried to stop the growing fight only to get thrown across the guild by the angry boys. So the rest knew to stay away and let things run their course.

And so a brawl took place.

Cana had thrown down a table and taken shelter behind it with Levy and Lisanna. They had no interest in getting harmed and hoped the table was enough to keep them save. Cana was mainly annoyed because they messed up her cards with their dumb brawl.

"Everytime" she grumbled as she counted her cards. She's missing one. "Those bastards. I swear if my missing card is damaged in anyway I will kill the dragon and the ice cube! "

Just then the guild doors were kicked open and everyone froze. Standing in the door were Archer and Erza along with a little girl all, but one person recognized.

"Wendy! " Natsu dropped the table he held above his head and practically teleported to the little girl. He laughed happily as he picked her up and held her in the air. "I missed you! "

Wendy was giggling as Natsu pretended to fly her around like an airplane. He would tilt to the side as if he was about to fall, but quickly fix himself and continue on like nothing happened.

"Natsu, be careful" Archer warned as she worriedly eyed the two. Natsu dropped Sting more than once, Archer didn't trust him with Wendy.

"Who is that kid? "

"Wendy" Natsu said brightly as he presented the four year old to the guild. "She's my little sister and a dragon slayer too. She's pretty strong for a baby"

"I'm not a baby"

"No way" Gray of course doubted Natsu's statement.

"Shut up stripper! " Natsu glared. "Wendy, roar! "

"Okay" Wendy nodded and took a deep gulp of air.

Natus grinned when a magic circle appeared under her and aimed the child at a now nervous Gray.

"Sky dragon... "

Archer sighed, already seeing the damage.


A massive gust of wind was directed at the sweating Gray who was quick to create an ice shield. That didn't save him for he was swept away by the strong wind. Everyone paled at the sight. Master Makarov dropped his beer when he saw the hole that Wendy had created with her magic. The money it would cost to be repaired.

"Good going Wendy" Natsu laughed proudly as he saw Gray groan on the floor. He still managed to get out with a few aches here and there.

"My guild hall! "

"Don't worry about it " Archer waved off Makarov's concern as she stepped over the broken wood. "Reverse "

At her word the wood drifted into the air and quickly returned to what it was. Everyone blinked in shock to see a completely fixed wall with no scratch whatsoever.

"See, everything is perfectly fine"

Makarov almost cried tears of joy upon realizing what a blessing Archer was. She saved him so much money, he would forever be grateful.

Archer then hit Natsu upside the head and took Wendy from him.

"What did I tell you about using Wendy as a weapon? "


"No buts" Archer flicked his forehead and headed towards the still shocked Makarov. She climbed into a barstool and placed Wendy on the bar facing the short old man. "She'll be joining the guild"

"How old are you, child? "

"Four" she displayed the said number on her hand.

"Such a cute little girl" Makarov smiled. "You're very strong little one"

Wendy was pink with embarrassmen, but smiled happily at the compliment.

"Welcome to the family, little Wendy"