When finding Gajeel Archer had expected a lot. She most definitely expected an iron club aimed at her. She alse expected an iron sword to be brought down upon her. She expected everything Gajeel did the minute they laid eyes on eachother. She knew Gajeel enough to predict his actions very accurately. Of course she was quick to shut him down with a simple kick to the chin. Just like that he was lying on the dirt, groaning in pain under her feet
"What did we learn? "
"Screw you" Gajeel scoffed as he got back on his feet and dusted himself off. He folded his arms with an annoyed look on his face as he took in Archer. "What's with the mask? "
"Precautions" Archer said simply.
"No one knows who the hell you are" Gajeel said and stomped past her. He had his sights set on Glacier who lingered nearby. He ignored the young boys that greeted him and instantly regretted it. Sting pounced and bit him for his ignorance." You little brat! "
Rogue looked very concerned and tried to pull Sting off the older boy. The last time he asualted Gajeel he ended up in a river filled with deadly animals and he couldn't swim. His brother tends to be very dumb sometimes and he's afraid his idiocy could get him seriously injured or killed.
"No fighting, boys" Demeter detached the angry Sting from an equally angry Gajeel. The boys glared at eachother before deciding to ignore the other's existence.
"Apologize " Demeter ordered.
"Why should I apologize to the brat? He bit me"
"Well you ignored me"
"Stop it" Demeter held them both apart an sighed. "You shouldn't have ignored Sting, Gajeel" Demeter said sternly and then looked to a victorious Sting. "And you should not have bitten him, Sting"
"No buts" Demeter patted them both on the back. "Apologize and shake on it like good little boys"
"I'm not a little hoy" Gajeel mumbled even as he shook Sting's small hand and muttered an apology
Sting didn't seem any happier. He mumbled something about stupid metal head, before apologizing for biting the older boy .
"Good boys"Demeter patted their heads. "You should both follow Rogue's example. He's such a well behaved child"
"It's like watching a mother discipline her children" Erza whispered as she watched the scene. Demeter really took everyone as her child. A true motherly figure that explained why Archer referred to her as mother natures more often than not.
"You should see her when we're all together. It's pure madness. I do not understand how she can handle us all. I admit to getting a bit caught up in their idiotic antics and somehow this woman never blew a fuse" Archer said, suddenly appearing at the redhead's side. "Her patience may outlast my own. I give her all my respect for that alone"
Erza hummed. "You'll all be together again now"
"Yes and the possibility of the guild being utterly demolished is very likely" Archer seemed very unconcerned by what she just said. That earned her a look from Erza. Archer tends to say some interesting things people wouldn't normally say with a casual and uncaring demeanor.
"I don't get you"
"You most likely never will" Archer said in such a reassuring tone it confused Erza to no end. She genuinely cannot understand Archer sometimes and she makes it worse by increasing her feeling of confusion around her and seems to take amusement in it. She just watched Archer march towards Demeter and the boys and motioned towards the silent Glacier who had just been watching.
"All aboard the dragon everyone"
"Where's Metal? "Gajeel asked as he passed her.
"The knowledge of his whereabouts is currently unknown " Archer replied.
"Why did you see the need to use those words"
"I have come to notice that my use of intellectual words highly antagonize you " Archer said simply.
"I hate you"
"I in turn do not match your level of resentment"
"Stupid Phoenix "
"Need I remind you of the time you were proppeled into the nearest mountain with as much grace as a drowning mouse? "
"You arrogant piece of sh-"
Demeter was quick to silence him with a scolding glare. "What have I told you about vulgar words? I blame that dragon for teaching You such disgraceful manners and words"
Erza had almost forgotten about Archer's incredible manners. She doesn't seem to use such a high vocabulary as often anymore which makes her curious.
"I noticed that you don't use intelecyoal words as often anymore"
"I tend to confuse or irk people when I do so. Apparently speaking that way makes others believe me to be some dotted rich child" Archer seemed confused by what she had said. "I cannot understand why they would think such a thing. I was merely trained to be a respectful member of the aristocracy"
Of course Archer would be confused about such a thing. She obviously came from a wealthy family. Her vocabulary and manners were a clear sign but the information she had just disclosed sealed the deal. She was from a very rich family.
"You are a spoiled rich kid! "Gajeel shouted from his place on top of Glacier. "You're just too clueless to see that! "
"I doubt I'm spoiled" Archer didn't seem bothered by his accusation. "I did not always get what I wanted and I did not wish for much either. Money was never my only focus or even a priority . I spent more time in the forest with you lot than I spent attending any of the lavish balls that were held " Archer pointed out.
"Yes archer is not spoiled. Her parents would not allow such a thing" Demeter backed up. "This child was more focused on world changing discoveries than she was with the lavish lifestyle she had"
"See" Archer walked up Glacier's scally tail, tapping Gajeel on the head as she passed him. She again placed herself right on the dragon's head. "Alright, Glacier. We're homebound"
"Why not direct him to your closest key? "Gajeel asked.
"I plan on finding my keys on missions"
"You're just going to make things take longer"
"I do not care"
Arriving back at the guild, Glacier took on human form a decided to explore and maybe drop by and bother Igneel. Archer sighed when he did. She hoped they didn't get into a fight. That Would be disastrous. Sting made to follow the dragon, only for Gajeel to hold him back by the collar.
"I will be taking my leave ." Demeter announced. "I will of course return whenever you need me or whenever I see fit"
"Goodbye for now then" Archer waved and watched her vanish in a flash of light. With that she turned towards the guild and pushed the doors open only for a table to be sent her way. She stared unfazed and when it was just inches away from her it froze before being launched in the direction it came from.
"Ow! "
Natsu and Gray were under the now broken table, groaning in pain.
Gajeel snickered at the scene, immediately drawing Natsu's attention. The pink haired boy glared at the new arrival and shot up for under the broken table.
"Metal head! What's so funny huh? "
"You're face" Gajeel smirked.
"It's far better than your nailed up face! "
"You wanna go you pink bastard!? "
"I'll kick your ass, try me! "
"That's big talk for a boy with girly pink hair"
"It's not pink, it's salmon"
"Keep lying to yourself"
"That's it! I'm gonna melt your ass! "
Archer did not seem very amused when the two growled and but heads together. She sighed before walking up to them. She rested a hand on their shoulders, drawing their attention. They froze when they noted the air around her. The color left their faces impossibly fast and they stood straight and stiff.
"You do know that if this Guild is destroyed you will be punished, right? "
They nodded rapidly.
"And you do remember the kind of punishment you were dealt the last time right? "
Another rapid nod.
"Great, I suppose I've made my point"
She stepped away from them and they sighed in relief. They still glared at eachother but went their separate ways.
"Who are they? "Levy was quick to ask.
"Sting" Archer pointed at the small blonde who was already picking a fight with Natsu. "Rogue" said boy was sitting at the bar, drinking whatever juice was offered to him. "And that's the ever rude Gajeel"
"What did you say about me? "Gajeel raised an annoyed eyebrow and rested his arm on Levy's head unconsciously. When he realized what he had done he looked down at her with raised eyebrow . "You're short"
That irked the short girl and earned Gajeel and book to the side. He didn't seem very affected and only watched the bookworm storm off in her anger.
"What's up with the shrimp? " Gajeel asked.
"Well, It's not like you just called her short or anything like that" Archer rolled her eyes. "It's not something she likes to be reminded of"
"I'm just saying it like it is"
"Yes, very blunt" Archer spun the boy towards the bar where Makarov was seated. Does he ever go into his office anymore? "Go ask the old man to stamp you"
"Who said I wanted to join this stupid guild"
Archer kicked him towards the bar, ignoring his ugly words. She then made her way to the request board. She was planning on heading north this time around. Anything in that direction would benefit her greatly.
"So are all the boys dragon slayers? "
Levy was back at her side
"What type? "
"Sting is the white dragon slayer. Rogue the shadow dragon. Gajeel the iron dragon" Archer informed as she zeroed in on the perfect mission for her search.
"Were they all trained by dragons? "Levy asked. "Yes, but the twins also had lacrima implanted, making them stronger than they normally would be" she pulled the mission sheet off the board.
"Oi, Archer. I don't have a place to stay" Gajeel brought up.
"Don't worry about it. I'll have something set up by the end of the day" the mission was pocketed. "I'll be gone for a while "
"Can we come? "Natsu asked excitedly. He was holding Wendy in his arms and something told Archer he planned o using her as a weapon again
"Natsu, what did I say about firing Wendy? " the girl was retrieved from the boy.
Archer sighed, but then spotted Gajeel doing the same thing with a passive Rogue.
"Gajeel, put the boy down"
The elder freezed. He growled in annoyance before putting Rogue down. He folded his arms and leaned against a wall while munching on a spoon.
Another sighe and she spotted Sting holding a table above his head.
"Sting! " flames were aimed at him, climbing up his body and holding him where he was. He whined his disappointment as Archer approached and took the table away from him. The flames faded after that and Archer slung him over her shoulder.
"I can't leave you guys alone for a minute" she picked up Rogue and Wendy while eyeing Natsu and Gajeel "You're all coming with me. It's the only way I can keep an eye on you lot"
"Awesome! "Nays raced out of the guild in his excitement.
"And you ended up with us, how ? "
For some reason Erza ended up on the edge of the town with the slayers. When asked why she came along no answer was given. Maybe she didn't know either. Maybe she was just curious as to what would happen. Maybe she found the group amusing. Either way she ended up coming along and found herself carrying Wendy. Apparently the girl took a liking to her.
"Why are we here? "Natsu asked as he fought off Sting who was in his small arms. "There's nothing here"
"Exactly " Archer took in the massive empty land. "I had a little talk with some people and managed to buy this land for a very cheap price"
"So you're going to build a house on it? "Gajeel asked.
"Can you do that before nightfall? "Came Erza's question.
"Yes" Archer stood in the middle of the land. "I planned on taking my time, but I refuse to house everyone within fairy hills. The entire apartment complex will not live to see the sunrise"
Archer always spoke in a way that let Erza suspect the entire group is a rowdy bunch. After seeing them together for just a few minutes and the things they already planned on doing it was very easy to believe. Natsu always fires Wendy as a weapon and Gajeel seemed to do the same thing with Rogue. Sting likes to pick fights with everyone and everything. The only ones not out of control are Wendy and Rogue, but they are constantly used as destructive forces.
"So you'll construct a house before nightfall? "
"Yes of course, Scarlet. These guys need a place to stay"
"What about your apartment? "
"I'll find a use for it"
Archer retreated to stand near the others. She seemed to be picturing something, the house obviously. In all honesty a mansion would be amazing. Each of them would have the own room and it would indestructible. She didn't need her house to suffer the consequences of their fights. There needed to be a kitchen of course. A bath in each room along with one upstairs and another downstairs. A living room. And... Well that would be sufficient . If she found that anything else needed to be added she could easily do it.
"Seems good enough" she muttered to herself and crouched, placing her palms on the ground. With a simple word a massive magic circle appeared in the open space and blazing flames erupted from it. The Phoenix flames climbed into the sky, taking the form of a house. To anyone else it would look as if the child set a house on fire with little struggle.
"Fire! "Natsu made a move to run towards the house, but Erza held onto his scarf, keeping him in place.
Another word was muttered and the flames quickly changed in color. It was burning blue within a second before losing all color soon after. Slowly, the fire faded. With it absence of revealed more and more of the house Archer somehow constructed out of flames.
"I'm not even going ask how you constructed a house out of flames"
"Suit yourself, I actually would've told you"
"You would? "
"Yes, but you aren't going to ask, so"
"No, I want to know now"
"It's too late. Better luck next time"
"You're not being fair"
"Have you met me? "Archer had her hands in her pockets as she asked the question. She seemed very amused.
"Fine, I won't ask"