Chapter 18

Makarov paled as he watched his guild do battle. It wasn't their usual brawl, no. It was war. All out war between three boys who got into a disagreement. What should he do? He didn't know how to handle them as well as Erza and Archer and it just so happens that the two went off on a mission again. That was around three days ago. Natsu went on his first mission with Lisanna just one day ago and earned some small money. Gajeel tagged along with Levy, Jet and Droy and came back today. The minute he returned a fight was started between him and his fellow dragon slayer. Soon after that,Gray joined when one of them hit him.

"That's the last straw" Gajeel said with a smirk as he aimed the silent boy in his arms toward Natsu. He kept switching from the dragon slayer to the ice mage.

"Oh yeah? "Natsu glared, his weapon in the form of a confused Wendy. He was also switching between his two opponents.

"It's on" Gray grinned brightly. Finally he had his own slayer weapon in the form of Sting. Of course it was not easy to get him to agree, but a bribe can change a mind very quickly.

"The guild" Makarov cried.

"Boys, Archer said not to use the kids as weapons" Lisanna warned from behind the safety of her table. Levy was accompanying her and nodding to her statement. She could already see the future destruction that was about to take place. Of all the times for Archer and Erza to be away on a mission.

"Well, I don't see her anywhere" Gajeel chuckled. "What she does not know won't kill her"

"I couldn't agree more" Natsu and Gray said at the same time and glared a moment later. "Stop copying me, you moron! "

Again they glared.

"You suck!"

"Shut up! "

"Dimwit! "

Suddenly they both turned to eachother, aiming their human weapons at eachother

"Eat this! "

"Fire! "

"Don't ignore me! Shoot! "

And just like that everyone's lives flashed before their eyes as they saw the magic circle form under the children. Makarov was quick to say his prayers and downed a cup beer. Levy and Lisanna hid behind the table shield they had formed together. Cana was under a hidden table, sipping on some beer she managed to steal. Elfman was admiring the manly sight when his sister cursed the idiots stupidity. Laxus seemed unfazed as he watched everything unfold.

There was a blinding light and most people in the guild closed their eyes. When they opened their eyes they found no damage done to the guild. I fact the three boys stood frozen, all color gone from their faces. They messed up and they knew it. In the middle of their face off stood the ever calm Archer and the stoic Erza. Archer had apparently handled two of the magic attacks while Erza had handled Rogue's roar. She had her Phoenix sword held in front of her, the sword was pulsing slowly, a brighter glow to it

"A-A-Arc-Archer" Natsu stuttered and immediatly put the still confused Wendy down. He then proceeded to laugh nervously and take a good step back.

Gray gulped and quickly dropped Sting, who seemed to be amused by the scene. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and walked away, ordering a juice by the bar.

Gajeel was very nervous and hid it with a scoff. He also put his human weapon down and watched Rogue walk off to the bar as well, he back tracked to bring Wendy along and the three kids sat watching them while they enjoyed some juice. Sting seemed to know exactly what would be happening and going by the satisfied look on his face he was very much alright with it.

"I remember saying something about using the kids as weapons"Archer started, pulling down her hood. "And what do I return to? "

"Gray! " Erza aimed her sword at the fearful boy. "I expected better of you"

"I'm sorry" he quickly apologized. "Please don't kill me"

Archer calmly approached the shaking Natsu and took him by the scarf, dragging him towards Gajeel, who she hit upside the head and took by the hair. She shot Gray a look and he swore he could die at that moment. He had no idea what form of punishment Archer could deal and he did not want to find out.

"I suppose Scarlet can handle you"

With that she left the guild draging the sorry boys with her. As they went they had a pleading look, but for some reason not one guild member looked their way. Everyone stared down at their table or hands in silence. Wakaba and Macao silently sipped their beer with a face that would make someone think there's been a passing.

There was nothing they could do.


Later that day Archer strode in The guild in her usual demeaner. Everyone glanced at her in curiosity. They all wondered what she had done to the slayers. A minute later Natsu and Gajeel came in after her in complete silence. Natsu was still pale and Gajeel could match his look. They didn't even look at any of their guild mates and just sat at empty tables.

"Are you alright Natsu? "Lisanna approached and asked softly. Natsu nodded slowly and face planted into the table.

"I'm still alive" he mumbled to himself as if in total disbelief.

Levy had asked Gajeel the same question and got the same response. Archer must've really done something if Gajeel was that pale. He didn't even wear his annoyed expression.

Gray was a safe distance away, watching the boys. He had gotten out of his punishment with a number of bruises and shivered anytime he saw Erza. Natsu and Gajeel had no injuries. They were perfectly fine and yet they seemed very shaken by whatever it is Archer did to them. He was relieved to not have ended up with them. It seemed that Archer's punishment was far worse.

He glanced at her. She was at the bar with Erza and Wendy. She had two keys in her hand and was observing then closely.

"Archy? "

"Yes, Wendy? "

"Can I come with you on your next mission? " Wendy asked, her eyes slightly bigger. The puppy eyes. A classic move and one Wendy can effortlessly pull off. The beauty of it was the fact that Wendy did not even know what she was doing. "Please ?"

Erza almost Let out a Coo at the face Wendy was making. She was so cute , Erza can't even handle it sometimes. Archer wouldn't say no, would she? She wouldn't disappoint the innocent child, right? Erza looked at her waiting for her to answer the question

"Sure" Archer pushed a plate of pancakes towards the happy child. "And one must use "may" in such a question"

Wendy nodded happily. "May I come with you on your next mission? "

"Good girl" Archer patted her head affectionately.

"Can Rogue and I come too? "

"May, Sting"

"Awe, answer the question"

Archer eyed the boy for a moment. She could bring him, but he's a troublemaler. It's best she bring the brothers along the next time.

"Next time"

"You promise? "It was Rogue who asked this time. If he spoke it meant he really wanted to be reassured

"Yes I promise, little dragon"

Rogue smiled and let Archer push his bangs away from his eyes.

"Mission! Yeah! "Sting cheered and fistbumped the air

"Mission" Rogue repeated with a weaker fist bump


"Let's play truth or dare" Mira demands as she placed a bottle on the bar in front of Archer. Archer eyed the bottle as if it was some oddity, before turning her gaze to the punkish Mira.


"For fun" Mira pulled Archer off her barstool and dragged her towards a round table where there were practically all of the youngsters seated safe for the youngest of them. Archer fell into a seat between Cana and Mira. Opposite her was Erza, who didn't seem very happy with being dragged away from her cake.

"Do we have to, Mira? "Levy asked.

"It'll be fun"

"Why do we have to olayy? "Natsu asked with a look of disappointment. "This is a girls game"

"No it's not"

"Maybe, but I don't want any part of this" Gajeel said and stood, only to be pulled back into his seat by Levy and Lisanna.

"If we're playing this then you are too"

"Our time could be spent on better activities" Archer stated simply.

"I hate this game" Gray grumbled, taking off his shirt in the process. Cana tapped tapped on the shoulder and pointed to the shirt in his hands.

"What the? "

He was quick to put it back on.

"Enough complaining, let's play" Mira said and spun the bottle. She brought up the game because she saw it as a chance to learn more about the the mysterious and confusing Archer. As the bottle spun she chanted the girl's name in her head and almost shouted in joy when the bottle landed on her.

"I don't get the purpose of this game"

"Truth or dare? " Mira smiled with glee.

The game was pointless to Archer. Truth or Dare. Either way things could end up screwing you over.

"Truth, I suppose"

"Why do you wear a mask? "


"Thats not a good answer" Mira protested.

"It's an answer. You never added any specifications"

Mira huffed and gave up. She would just have to await her turn again.

Archer stared at the bottle for a moment before spinning it. It landed on Gray and she saw the boy stiffen .

"Truth or dare? "


Why would he do that? He asked himself that. Truth would've been far easier. There was no telling what Archer would make him do.

"You discard no artical of clothing for the rest of this game. If you do otherwise you will be punished"

Gray cursed himself. He could not strip. How was he supposed to go up against that? Removing his clothes is something he does unconsciously.

"Fine" he mumbled and spun the bottle. He was instantly smiling when it landed on Natsu. "Truth or dare? I bet you'll punk out and pick truth"

"I'm not a coward like you" Natsu raised his voice. "Hit me with a dare"

"I dare you to be super sweet to Gajeel for the rest of the day" Gray grinned brightly. Gajeel mirrored his expression.

"Fine. I'll show you"

"Have I ever told you how stupid you sound? "Gajeel decided to see if the boy could really pull it off.

He glared and was about to speak before shutting up and smiling.

"Sorry for bothering you then . I'll try not to be such a pain" he said in his sweetest tone.

Archer's amused smile was hidden behind her mask. She never saw either of the boys smile kindly at eachother before. The sight was ridiculous enough for her to want to laugh.

Natsu grumbled and spun the bottle, watching it pass everyone until landing on Cana.

The two stared at eachother for a moment. They never really talked to eachother.

"Truth or dare? "

"Dare" Cana said with that smirk of hers. "Let's see what you've got fireboy"

Natsu seemed in thought for a moment. And then he suddenly perked up.

"I dare you to be the Popsicle for three turns"

"Good one" Mira nodded.

"I could've done far better than that stupid pyro" Cana said herself while taking off the shirt she had on. Everyone at the table seemed amused by that. The exception being Gray who seemed a bit annoyed.

Cana then spun the bottle and it landed on the ever innocent Lisanna.

"Truth or dare"

"Truth? "

"Do you prefer your idiot brother or the evil sister? "

Gray smiled a bit proudly. That was exactly what he would've called the two despite the dangers of suffering Mira's wrath.

"Um, both? " Lisanna fidgeted. "I love both my siblings "

Mira beamed happily at that and Cana sighed. The bottle was then spun, while everyone shared a snicker when Cana "unconsciously" took off her pants.

The bottle landed on Gajeel, who adopted a scowl. Lisanna looked at him nervously.

"Truth or dare? "


"Huh, I was not expecting that" Levy muttered.

"What are you trying to say , shrimp? "Gejeel said gruffly.

"Stop calling me shrimp"

"What's one of the most embarrsing yet scary things Archer has done to you? "

Gajeel almost growled at the memory it brought up.

"That good for nothing thought it was a good idea to throw me into a mountain completely naked. I had to make it back down all by myself, with no protection against the cold or anything. And I would have to pass people who were scaling that stupid rock. When I got back she made me go through the day butt naked"

Natsu had to stop himself from bursting out in a fit of laughter. Gray did not hold himself back, however. He was hardly breathing with the amount of laughter that shook his body. Gajeel only glared at everyone. The girls were giggling minus Archer. She was however very amused and Chuckled.

"Shut up" Gajeel ordered and spun the bottle. "Alright, she devil. What will it be? "



Archer sighed as she crashed into her bed. She was never playing that game with any of them ever again. It was a disaster right after Mira's dare. One thing lead to another and soon there was the usual brawl. Things had started out innocently enough. A jab was thrown at Erza for not picking dare. Natsu finally snapped and broke his nice act towards Gajeel. Gray was suddenly completely naked. Cana was having a blast. She seemed to be enjoying it far too much. She could've been a bit drunk. Archer saw her steal Wakaba"s drink when he wasn't looking. Erza and Mira got into a fight again.

She sighed. She needed sleep. The minute she returned to the house she had built she made sure every slayer was washed up and in their own room. She was the last to take a bath and now she was just relaxing. She had on a long sleeveless shirt and some shorts. Her hair was still a little wet but she didn't care enough. Again she was idely tonging her sharp teeth until she cut her tongue. She had another mission tomorrow.

"Ah, I forgot to summon Metal and Poseidon " she muttered to herself. "Tomorrow"

She had acquired the two keys on her last mission. One was located in an interesting cave while the other was literally at the bottom of a river, being protected by all kinds of under water creatures.

"What a day" she closed her eyes and sunk into her bed. She was sure to fall asleep anytime now.

There was a knock at her door.

She sighed again.

"Come in"

She was hardly surprised to find Wendy, Sting and Rogue. They each had a pillow in hand and climbed into her bed with her.

"You have your own rooms" Archer mumbled even as she let the kids snuggle closer.

"We want to sleep here " Wendy informed. "You're warm"

"And you smell nice"

"Safe" Rogue muttered, already half asleep.

"Fine, just for tonight" Archer said. "You sleep in your own beds tomorrow "

She got no reply.

"Seriously "