Chapter 21

Everett Rourke found himself in a deadly situation. He was cowering before two ten year olds who he had encountered before. The minute he saw those red eyes he knew it was over. He remembered how easily she had taken care of him and now he was terrified.

Erza had him at the end of her sword, her gaze hard as the man shook in fear. Archer was nearby, leaning on a wall, staring at the frightened man. She had questions and he would answer. In reality she only had one question .

"I have but one question" She said her voice loud enough for him to hear "you answer correctly and no harm will come to you. At least no harm will be inflicted by me or my partner"

"I'll tell you anything" he was smart enough to know there was no getting out of his current situation. He hated the smile that woman wore as she watched the ten year olds reduce him to nothing but a quivering coward.

"That's what I like to hear" Archer pushed off the wall, placing her hands in her pocket as she approached the man. "Where is this dark guild of yours located? "

Everett froze at the question. That was the one form of info he was not allowed to disclose. The whereabouts of his guild were to be kept secret from anyone outside the guild. If he told he was guaranteed to die a slow and painful death. But if he didn't give Archer the information she wanted there was no telling what she would do to him. The look in her eyes was enough to let him know that she was not joking around and if she needed to hurt him she would. He never thought he would be this afraid of a child before in his life. He was in no Position to withhold info. A very sharp and very warm sword was being held against his neck . The longer he took to answer the hotter the tip of the sword got.

He didn't know what to do.

He debated with himself. If he told Archer she wouldn't hurt him and would most likely turn him into the council and proceed to hunt down and take care of his guild. If he somehow managed to escape his prison and Archer did not eliminate every member of the guild he would be killed . If she did take care of the guild and turned every member over he would most likely meet them again.

None of these were very pleasant.

"You sure are taking your time" Archer said casually crouching before him.

He winced when the tip of the word burned him. He tried to move away, but his head hit the wall behind him and the sword was held harder against his neck

"The guikd is located in the forest near Hunting village" he suddenly rushed out. His heart was beating out of his chest as he did. He felt the heat on the sword lessen when he spilled that set of info. "One of our members uses nature magic and helps keep the guild somewhat hiden "

"Thank you" Archer patted his head, humiliating him even more. "Tomorrow I will drop you off at the council and then handle that good for nothing guild"

"There is a request to defeat that guild, but it is ranked S-class" Lady Emerald informed, intructing her butler to do something. The man ran off immediately after and returned just as quickly. He presented a mission sheet to the curious Archer. "This mission was put out by the magic council and sent to every legal guild"

"S-class, huh? " Archer wore a broad smile under her mask as she eyed the mission sheet. "Five million jewels reward"

Erza stared at the mission over Archer's shoulder. They would get into trouble with master if he knew of what they planned on doing, but could do nothing if they complete it. Erza was sure they would. Archer was strong and hardly used her magic. A single arrow from her can paralyze a person for days. A slash from Erza's sword can damage someone's magic.

"Well" Archer folded the mission sheet and placed it in her pocket. "Seems we have another mission, Scarlet


Taking down a dark guild would do wonders for her reputation. It would get her noticed, bringing the title S-class far closer. Boy was she lucky to have stumbled upon this. This mission would be far too dangerous for Wendy so Archer decided to leave her with Lady Emerald until they returned. The woman was very kind to Wendy so it was perfect. She would summon one of the dragons to get them to their location faster than they normally would and the mission would be over in a day. As as easy as that. They just had to eliminate a dark guild and deliver them to the council. Would this get them in trouble with Makarov? Maybe.

He knows what Archer could do or at least knows how strong she could actually be, so he could not be very angry at her doing this.

"Do you know how many members are present in this guild? " Erza asked as the two wandered outside the mansion, taking to the forest to summon a dragon.

"No, I should've asked him that as well now that I think about it"

"Why didn't you? "

"Didn't see the need at the time. It hardly matters how many are present. It will end the same way" Archer said with a shrug.

"Very confident"

Archer chuckled. "Should I not be? I know what I am capable of"

"What are you capable of? "Erza asked in her curiosity. She knew Archer was strong, but exactly how strong was a mystery. She was hoping to get an estimation.

"Stronger than a dragon, that's for sure" Archer said very amused by the look of shock on Erza's face. "I once took on a dragon when I was nine years old. I didn't challenge the creature. I was on a little mission and I stumbled upon him. You know a dragon is ruthless when he does not hesitate to attack a child"

"What happened? "

"I defended myself quite easily. Once he realized who he was dealing with he was smart enough to retreat" Archer said at the memory. "I hadn't even used half my power to battle him and he was and is considered the strongest dragon"

The strongest dragon. It took Erza little time to realize what dragon Archer was talking about and when she did her look of shock said everything.

"You took on Acnologia without using half of your power? "

"That's what I just said"

Erza couldn't even wrap her head around it. Acnologia is the most feared dragon alive. Anyone dumb enough to go against him would surely die.

"I managed to snatch some scales from him and decided to wear it as a trophy" Archer chuckled indicating her scarf. She did say it was made out of the scales of a dragon along with the feathers if a phoenix. She was unbelievable. "I also managed to severely damage his left eye. He won't be seeing out of that eye anymore "

"You're unbelievable "

"You think I'm strong, wait until you meet the monsters that are my parents" Archer laughed in her amusement . "I'm not a matured Phoenix yet so my power does not compare to those older than me. I'm technically still a fledgling "

Archer was telling the complete truth. She was proud of her power and could not believe how much she had. Over time she got used to it and all. The only people to have defeated her in battle are her parents. And she had to use one hundred percent of her own power to go up against them.

Knowing this a couple of questions might arise.

First being why the phoenix didn't just end the whole war? They could've easily killed Acnologia. Why not just defeat the dark wizard zeref before he caused more destruction?

There was a very simple answer to that.

It was none of their business.

Yup, that's it. They didn't do anything because it was not their problem. They didn't start a war. They did not have anything to do with Zeref. Everything that happened was the humans and dragon's business. They had nothing to do with it. All they do is observe. They may interfere if they want to and sometimes do, but they mostly let things run their course. The world could be destroyed and they wouldn't bat an eye


Multiple reasons. Reasons we shall not get into at the moment.

So since they don't tend to poke their noses in other people's business it's a wonder they helped Anna and Irene in their little project. They helped build the eclipse gate and dispatched Archer to help out with anything else they would need. Archer helped the good dragons in their fight against the bad dragons. She helped the chosen dragons train their slayers. She created a cure for the dragon seed that was growing within them, succesfully preventing the need for the dragons to reside within their slayers. She along with Irene and Anna found a way to create keys and summon the dragons from them. With the help of her parent's knowledge she created a realm for the dragons to reside in. She had fourteen keys because of the fourteen dragon kings and queens. There were more than fourteen dragons present in the realm she created. Also by creating the cure she helped Irene with her own dragon transformation. The woman would not have to suffer through the pain of changing and would not lose herself. So she was not the messed up Irene she knew in the anime.

Also she made sure to take care of the bastard of a husband who decided to lock up his wife when it was discovered that she was taking the form of a dragon. She was angry when she learned of it but had to keep her emotions in control. Why would you do that to the love of your life. It was obvious he did not love her as much as he said he did. He didn't believe she was pregnant because she didn't give birth in the nine month span. And even before that. Of course she wouldn't birth her child in the cage she was trapped in.

Archer got her out of there and helped her. As for that bastard king, well she gave him a taste of the famous phoenix flames. He was a cowering fool when he came to learn who he had angered by betraying his wife.

That was his last day alive.

Archer regrets nothing.

There was nothing anyone could do, because Archer dared the fools to try something and see if they wouldn't end up in the grave like the pathetic king they were so loyal to.

Irene became the primary ruler after that. She could've given birth to Erza in that age, but she had different plans. Archer respected that and as such she infused the woman with some of her magic taking all the strain off her. Withholding the birth of a child can be very strenuous.

It was because of this magic that was infused within the womb that Erza felt familiarity around Archer.

We got off track. Let us continue to follow Archer and Erza on their journey to defeat a dark guild.

"I think this is a good enough spot" Archer decided once they stood in a clearing . "Who should I summon? "

She decided to summon both. They were practically brothers.

Erza was used to the bright glow by this point and was not at all fazed to find ome of the human form dragons shirtless. It appeared as if the men preferred to walk around shirtless.

It was clear enough who was who. Weisslogia had long white hair that was styled in a traditional pony tail. His eyes were a deep gold that glimmered with wisdom. He had the same small pointed beard he always had as a dragon. Unlike Skiadrum he was decent enough to have on a shirt. He dressed formally. A gold dresshirt under a white vest and some white pants.

Skiadrum had equally long hair that was also pulled into a pony tail. His eyes were blood red with slitted pupils. Unlike Weisslogia he was very tan skin and was riddled with old battle scars. He also had a little pointy beard. He was shirtless for some reason, dressed in some knee length pants and combat boots.

"Why are you shirtless Skiadrum? "

"I lost my shirt" he said simply and folded his arms over his chest.

"How could such a thing happen? "

"He participated in a childish game with Igneel, Glacier and Metalicana. Surprisingly Elicius joined this game as well" Weisslogia informed.

"He did, huh? " Archer gave Skiadrum a pointed look to which he just shrugged. "I suppose you're perfectly alright with being shirtless"

"Yes I am"

"Very well"

"May I ask how young Sting is doing? "

"He tries to fight everyone and everything. He's stubborn and likes to compete. In other words he's doing very well"

"And Rogue? "

"Quiet and reserved. Well behaved and mannered"

Skiadrum smiled. "I taught him well"

Suddenly both dragons eyed the quiet Erza as if only then noticing her. Instant recognition flashed through their eyes upon seeing her.

"And who might you be? "


"Friend with the ever mysterious Archer I see" Weisslogia had a knowing smile as he said that. He knew how the girl can come off and how much she confuses others.

"Enjoy the trip of getting to know her" Skuadrum added. "It will be very long and very entertaining"

Erza glanced at Archer who was quietly laughing at their words.

"Since we've gotten all of that out of the way, I would like to ask one of you to transform into a dragon"

"You need transportation" Skiadrum stated. "Why don't you just fly yourself"

"Mutilple reason Skiadrum"

He shrugged.

"I shall help you" Weisslogia said, ever the kind dragon.

"What is it you two plan on doing? "Skiadrum asked in interest as he watced his friend transform in the distance.

"We plan on eliminating a dark guild"

"Interesting" Skiadrum grew a small smile. "May I assist you"

"I don't see why not"