Chapter 22

Erza sweat dropped as she watched Archer kick some poor bastard in the chest. He was sent flying into a near tree, his impact having broken the poor thing. He grunted in pain, blood dripping past his lips as he whimpered. Archer placed her hands in her pockets and easily dodged the magic attack that was sent to her from behind. She was letting off an air of complete casualness that Erza couldn't ignore. Of course she couldn't pay too much attention to Archer seeing as she had to defend herself. She twisted away from an odd looking whip and brought her sword down on her attacker. She sighed as she stepped out the way of a blade. She was handling things better than she thought she would. But then again, they didn't even arrive at the guild. They just wandered the forest and stumbled upon six guild mates who tried to rob them. When they found out they were in search of their guild they got serious and one thing lead to another. Archer is such an honest person. Even in the face of danger.

The six wizards were quickly taken care of. Again, Erza found it to be surprisingly easy.

"Well, they were weak" Archer said bluntly as she cast a disinterested gaze at an unconscious man. "Disappointing"

With her hands in her pockets as usual, Archer followed the scent that lingered on the men they had fought. It was the scent of their guild, most likely.

Erza was quick to follow after the other. She glanced up only briefly and caught sight of Weislogia soaring through the sky. It was hard to notice him if you were not in search of him. His color made him blend in easily enough. He would look like a drifting cloud to anyone else. Her gaze returned to the silent Archer. She was in a good mood. She's usually in a good mood though. Erza's never really seen her with a damp mood. She's always happy enough. She only then realized that fact. Archer is mostly cheerful and amused in her calm fashion. It seems to be her go to emotions.

"Something on your mind? "

Erza shook her head when Archer suddenly directed her attention to her.

"Are you sure? You were staring"

"Just thinking, I guess"

Archer hummed. "What about? "

"About your mood or personality I guess? I mean, you're mostly very cheerful and amused in such a calm fashion. I kind of just realized that"

Archer had a raised eyebrow and the familiar glimmer of amusement could be found in those eyes. She chuckled an returned her gaze to the forest ahead.

"You're not saying anything about that? "

"Nothing to say. I am always like this, there's nothing else to it"

"Why are you like that? " Erza questioned. "Does my question make sense? I guess you're like that because it's just your personality. I don't even know what I'm asking"

"I'm just like this. Cheerfulness and amusement are the first emotions I was introduced to, so I suppose that is why. My calm take on everything is just something that seems to run in my family " Archer answered honestly with a shrug.

"Your first emotions? "

"Yep" Archer said, popping the p.

"Did you have trouble experiencing emotions? " Erza was now very curious. It was hard t believe Archer had such a problem. She's displayed emotions like most people. Although she never saw her angry or annoyed or anything like that. Does she have struggles with those emotions as well?

"You can say that" Archer seemed in thought. "I was born without emotions, to put it plainly"

"How were you born without emotions? Is it an illness? "

"No, I can't suffer any illnesses" Archer admitted. It's a cool pro about her family. "It's just how it is in my family. We just learn to experience emotions. We don't have to, though. We simply do what we want. I for one like to observe and human emotion was alluring"

"I'm starting to think you're not human the longer I spend time with you" Erza sighed as she processed what was said. She could actually be a real living phoenix. She was friends with a phoenix. But she could be human who has an interesting family and way of seeing the world.

Archer was staring at her when she said that. "Do you now? "

Amusement again.

"Yes I do"

Archer stared down at her hands. "But I have the appearance of a human, do I not? "

"And so do the dragons"


"Am I right? "

"Are you? "

"I'm asking you" Erza groaned.

"And I take amusement in your confusion"

Erza sighed, deciding not to press forward. She decided to ask more about her experience with emotions, but could not at the moment. They stepped past a group of trees and came face to face with a wooden structure. It was impressive to say the least. It blended in with its surroundings. It wasn't expertly hidden, however.

"Bleeding heart" Archer muttered as she stood before the doors. The members within were obviously enjoying a small party by the sounds of laughter and the smell of alcohol.

"Do we have a plan? "

"I kick the door down, go in there and inform them of my mission. They laugh at me because I'm a child and then I kick one of them through the roof. They take me slightly more seriously and all hell breaks loose" Archer said in her casual tone.

"You're serious"

Archer laughed with a nod.

"Hopefully they won't be a bore" a voice said from nearby.

Skiadrum was approaching them. He was still shirtless apparently.

"May I handle them for you? "He asked.

"That would not be be fair, this is our mission after all"

Skiadrum shrugged. "I'll just have a bit of fun then. Humans are entertaining creatures"

"I agree completely" Archer nodded. "The inner workings of their brain fascinates me"

Erza was very sure Archer was not human. The way Archer spoke of humans was a give away.

"These do not smell very pleasant" Skiadrum admitted as he scruntched up his nose in disgust.

Archer nodded to his statement. Their scent left a bad taste in her mouth.

"Let's get this over with"

Archer returned her hands to her pockets and kicked the doors open. There was a bang as the doors almost flew off their hinges. All attention was immediately on her. Erza placed her hand on her sword hilt, eyeing every member she could see within. She was suddenly nervous about what would be taking place. She would be facing an entire dark guild this mission is ranked S. She could get hurt. Seriously hurt. Was she skilled enough to take on such a task?

She let out breath, gripping her hilt tighter.

She'll just have to find out wouldn't she?

"What the hell? "

"Good day everyone" Archer said calmly. There was a hint of excitement in there. "My name is Archer and I represent the Fairy Tail guild . I've recently took on the mission of eliminating you lot"

"Eliminate us? " one of them laughs. He was obviously drunk. "You? A kid? "

"Seriously kid. you may be be a member of the strongest guild, but you don't stand a chance against even one of our members let alone the entire guild"

"Looks are very deceiving" Skiadrum finally spoke. It was only then that the men within the guild took notice of him. They were immediately on guard. "Calm yourself. I will do nothing until Archer starts things off"

"Seriously? "


"You're a delusional fool then" they laughed.

"What's she going to do? Politely talk us to unconsciousness? "

"Jest if you must" Archer spoke as she stepped deeper into the guild. "I have already made my intentions clear"

As she said that she swiftly kicked an unsuspecting member in the gut, sending him flying through the roof as she had told Erza. She really keeps her promises.

There was total silence. Every member of the guild stared in shock at the hole in the roof. They couldn't believe what they just saw. A kid just kicked one of them through the roof.

Their opinions on her changed immediately and they looked ready for a fight.

The first to charge came up from behind the unmoving Archer, only to feel an overwhelming pain register through his entire body. Something was not right. He stumbled to the floor, all energy leaving his body. He was on the verge of unconsciousness. What happened to him?

All eyes were then on Erza, who held her sword before her. She had a smile of success on her face as she watched the man crash to the ground.

"Two members have already been handled by us kids" Archer said a smile on her voice. "I see no more jesters"

Someone growled, a magic circle appearing under both Erza and Archer. Before the man could complete whatever it was he was trying to pull off, Skiadrum was before him and kneed him in the face.

Everyone started to take things very seriously now.

Archer chuckled.

"Feel free to be my entertainment for today "


A whimper of fear left the lips of the supposed guild leader as he's tossed against a tree. He could do nothing as his guild became one with a raging fire Archer had created. The members of his guild were scattered across the dirt in the same pathetic state as him. He didn't take the kid seriously. Not her. Not the redhead. They were kids. One may have sent a member through the roof and the other may have practically crippled another with the slash of her sword,but they were still kids. They were just very lucky kids. He told himself that. The main danger was the man who came with them.

How wrong he was.

Turns out those kids are very powerful. He never should've underestimated them.

"Alright" Archer dusted off her palms, despite there being no dirt. "That's taken care of'

"What is to be done with these fools? "Skiadrum asked as he lightly kicked one of them in the side. The poor man groaned in pain, blood pooling beneath him. "I'm convinced this one will bleed out"

"You weren't supposed to cause that much damage" Erza said with a slight grunt as she tugged on the rope she had used to tie a group of men together.

"His shadows were disgusting. He's a disgrace to all shadow wizards"

"Horrendous" Archer said in mock outrage as she stepped towards the man. She located the bleeding wound and added pressure. The man let out a wail of pain. She hummed before willing some fire onto her hand. She transfered the flame to the wound, watching it spread to engulf the gash.

"He'll live"

Skiadrum kicked him again before producing some rope and getting to work.

"Why must they live? "

"Council orders"

Once everyone was tied up Archer towered over them. Her hidden smirk would've made their fear of her far worse at the moment. She hummed as she crouched before them, placing a hand on the ground

"What do you plan on doing? "Erza asked.

"Nothing much" Archer shrugged as a colorless magic circle appeared under the tied up men. There was a bright glow that Erza's eyes could not handle. She closed them, shying away from the bright light. When it faded and she dared open her eyes there was nothing there. She looked to Archer, who had a tiny flame between her fingers.

"What did you do? "

Archer stood and moved towards her. She held up the little flame, giving Erza a good view. Erza furrowed her brows as she gazed within. She blinked when she noticed the small fiery ball within the flame. It contained the same men that were cowering before them just a few moments ago.

"That's very useful"

"I'm glad you think so" Archer rolled the flame between her fingers. "It's harmless despite what one may think. The flame does not burn"

"Since that's taken care of, let us retreat" Skiadrum said before jumping with enough force to create a small crator.

Archer shrugged and started heading back the way they came. She saw Weislogia fly by, Skiadrum already on his back.

"Your fire is very versatile "

Archer raised an eyebrow. "I suppose"

"Does each color flame do something different? "

"I don't know"

"Yes you do"

"I do not wish to tell"

"You're a bother sometimes"

"I'll take that as a compliment"