"That's a big egg"
"You don't say, Scarlet"
Erza ignored the comment as she inspected the eggs Archer and her siblings found. How did they just happen to crash into her backyard. That was very convenient. They were such odd eggs. She's never seen such before. She figured that maybe Levy would know, but apparently she didn't. The bookworm was just as clueless and was fascinated with the things. She had a notepad and pen as she carefully observed the eggs, scribbling anything she found interesting. Which was everything. From their sizes, to their design.
"Do you really plan on keeping them? " Erza asked her friend , who shrugged in response. She was currently toying with a yoyo and was very good when it came to manipulating the toy.
"I don't see the problem with it"
"Do you even know what type of eggs they are? "Erza asked with raised eyebrow. She knew Archer wouldn't be keeping the eggs if she thought they could cause any harm. She doesn't see them as dangers. So perhaps she knows what is being grown within. The girl was very knowledgeable and it was very obvious. If anyone knew what the eggs were it was her. And from the amused look in her eyes Erza knew immediately that she did indeed know what would be emerging from those eggs.
"So you do know? "
"Maybe" Archer had her eyes on her white yoyo as she toyed with it. "Yoyos or very entertaining"
Erza sighed at the comment and said nothing. Archer didn't seem to want to correctly answer her question. Whehter it be because she was amused by her curiosity or because she knew that the other already guessed right, Erza didn't know. The redhead returned to watching the others interact with the eggs. Natsu was placed in the middle of the self made nest, with the eggs surrounding him. He was on fire and seemed very happy with the job he was given.
"Natsu, you're going to drain your magic" Archer warmed, but didn't seem very concerned.
"You'll help me out when that happens, right big sis? "
Archer didn't answer and only focused on her yoyo. Natsu grinned, taking her silence as a positive answer.
"Are you sure that's the brightest of ideas? "Levy asked as she calculated the distance of the eggs and the heat Natsu was letting off. She was muttering to herself as she scribbled some thing down. "Natsu, lower your temperature a bit, you're too hot for the eggs"
Natsu nodded and did as told. He lowered his temperature until Levy was satisfied.
"I wonder what will come out of these" Lisanna wondered aloud.
"Why in the world would you just decide to nurse eggs? "Mira asked with a frown. "These things could be dangerous"
"Maybe, but big sis wouldn't let us keep them if she predicted any danger" Wendy pointed out as she sipped on some milkshake Archer had made. "Archer never let's us do things that could cause us any harm"
"Your vocabulary is pretty impressive for a four year old" Levy noted.
"Have you met her older sister? "Cana asked with an amused smile and eyed Archer. "You probably taught these guys everything they know"
"Oh yeah, Archer is the best teacher " Natsu cheered. "She taught me to read and write and how to behave around people and stuff"
"And yet you act a fool" Archer said bluntly.
"That's mean"
"It is the truth"
"Big brother is a fool" Sting snickered.
"You're as big a fool as him"
"Why do you have to be so mean? "
Archer ignored the look the boy was giving her. She would not fall for those eyes. The only one who could manipulate her with such eyes is Wendy. Sting was not as innocent as her and those eyes were big lies.
"How long do you think it will take for them to hatch? "
"I have no idea" Archer replied honestly.
"I have a feeling you can make those things hatch any moment if you wanted to"
"Correct you are" Archer chuckled even as her yoyo hit her on the head. That didn't dampen her mood one bit and she returned to trying out a complicated trick. "But I will not. One should not interfere with life, not like that. They'll hatch when they are ready"
Erza only hummed in reply and proceeded to drink the milkshake Archer had offered her. She recently learned that the girl was quite the cook. She figured it made sense if she was the caretaker of five younger siblings.
"Will we be going on any missions any time soon? "
"Im not sure to be honest. Perhaps I should just stay here until the eggs hatch. The idea of leaving my siblings with babies of any race is not very appealing" Archer had furrowed brows as she said that. Natsu did managed to raise Happy on his own and such but there was still a lot of other factors that were in play. She just didn't think baby exceeds would be very safe in a house with Natsu, Sting and Gajeel. "So in the mean time I might as well enjoy some time in the guild and such"
"I guess" Erza shrugged . It would be interesting.
"In the mean time you can train with Athena. She has already requested you and said training will start early tomorrow "
"At your house? "
"Yes of course" Archer nodded. "You're welcome to spend the night if you wish"
The offer was appealing for multiple reasons. One being the fact that Archer seems to be able to keep Erza's nightmares away. But of course she would be having her own room so her hopes of a dreamless night were immediately thrown away. She was thinking things over, hardly noticing Archer's observing stare.
"Do you wish to sleep with me? "Archer asked with true curiosity. "You seem to enjoy sharing a bed with me"
Erza glanced at her, but didn't reply to the statement. She just continued to suck on her straw, savoring the strawberry flavored drink.
"Do I bring you comfort? "
Erza found herself nodding before she could stop herself. Yes the girl did bring her comfort. But she didn't know why. It doesn't seem like Archer is even aware of it.
"I see" Archer seemed thoughtful. "Do I keep the nightmares away? "
Another nod and Archer seemed pensive. She wasn't completely aware of these things, but at the same time she was. She did know that Erza seemed to like her higher temperature, but that's about it. She didn't know she brought her comfort. Archer doesn't exactly know how to comfort people in the first place. She wondered why Erza took comfort in her presence. With that in mind she was staring at the redhead, trying to come up with a reason. Maybe it was because of her magic. She did help her mother carry her for around four hundred years. The girl must be used to her magic without even knowing. Seeing as she experienced her magic within the womb it would explain why Archer brought her comfort.
She nodded to herself. That was a valid reason for her attachment to her. Although she wondered how weird that must be.
"You can stay in my room with me then" Archer said with another nod.
Why did she seem so proud of that? Erza raised an eyebrow in question at that. Why was she proud?
"Hey Archer" Mira was suddenly approaching the girl with a determined look in her eyes.
Archer looked on curiously when the girl came to stand in front of her. They stared eachotbr down until Mira did the most unexpected thing.
She hugged Archer.
Archer was genuinely surprised by the action. So much so that her yoyo did not come back up. Why in the world was the takeover mage hugging her?
Mira sighed with a content smile.
"Look at that. You really are super warm"
"She is? "Lisanna asked with curious eyes. "Can I hug her? "
And just like that the youngest Struas was hugging a still confused Archer. The younger girl giggled in delight as she hugged the older.
"Wow, so warm. It's amazing"
Cana had a raised eyebrow and approached the two. She pulled Lisanna off the baffled Archer and hugged the girl. Cana seemed surprised by her warmth and sighed relaxing in her arms.
"She's like a cozy blanket" Cana murmured, refusing to let go.
"Uh" Archer stood motionless. She's never been hugged that much in a day and it was so unexpected. She had no idea what to do in such a position and just let things happen.
"Let me try"
Even Levy came to enjoy the warmth she emitted and didn't seem to like the idea of letting go.
Erza just watched with an unreadable expression. She continued to suck on her straw as she watched. She didn't know if she should be bothered by this display or not. It was adorable to watch so she decided to enjoy it. Archer looked like a confused puppy as she was used as a stuffed toy. The redhead was amused by the delighted squeel Lisanna let out when Archer hesitantly hugged back. And just like that everyone wanted to hug her again, just to feel her hug back. It was like a game that seemed to make everyone happy. Even Wendy and Rogue came looking for hugs. Erza couldn't help her amusement because Archer kept her confused expression the entire time. The entire situation baffled her to no end. She even looked to Erza, questioning her. Erza laughed quietly at the scene.
At some point the odd situation met its end when Archer tried to get away. They decided to leave her alone but promised to come back for more. Archer then moved to stand next to Erza, tugging on her scarf.
"What just.. I am so confused. Was I just used? I mean, they only sought my warmth? I'm not sure what just happened or what to feel about it" Archer said, still pulling on her scarf. "I've never been hugged so many times and it's odd"
Erza tried not to laugh. She really tried but she couldn't stop herself. This earned her curious look from Archer who was trying to decipher what just happened.
"Why is this funny?"
"It just is, okay? "
Archer went quiet and let Erza get it out of her system. The redhead sighed once she recovered, still giggling every now and then.
"Should I hug you too? "Archer asked as she faced the girl.
"Why would you ask that? "
"Because everyone else hugged me" Archer said. It seemed logical.
"So you're offering a hug now? "
Archer nodded.
Erza stared at her for some time, before taking her up on that offer and hugging her. She sighed into Archer's scarf, enjoying her comfortable heat. She would never get tired of this.
"So, will you be spending the night? "
Erza nodded, not releasing the other. She could just feel the amusement rolling off Archer at the moment and hardly cared. She could just melt at that moment.
Cana and Mira sat in a corner watching the two hug. Both of them had massive smirks on their faces as they did. Oh this was good. Mira chuckled darkly, a dark aura surouding them.
"Oh, yeah" she muttered quietly. "Definitely "
Cana nodded, glancing at her cards. Doing that only made her smirk more devious.
"They are totally getting together "
"Totally" Mira grinned as she glanced at her friend. "Should we interfere? "
"I don't know" Cana seemed thoughtful. "Should we? "
"This is gold I tel ya. The best pairing of this damn guild yet. We must make it happen" Mira said determined with an evil grin
"You'd think that your dislike for the redhead would make you hate this"
"Why? "Mira raised an eyebrow. "A ship is a ship and I will make it sail"
"That's some devotion right there" Cana chuckled.
"In all honesty I think they would be great together. Just think about it" Mira observed the two. Archer seemed to be trying to escape Erza's grip but the other wasn't having any of it. "Archer is the first and only one to bring Erza out of her dumb shell. She's the first and only person to convince her to go on a mission with her. And they are now an actual team. And while this is just a hunch, I believe Erza takes full advantage of Archer's amazing warmth. Do you think they sleep together? "
"I need to see that"
Cana sighed. "Don't do anything to rash"
"I won't"
"That's a big fat lie"
"It's not like you'll do anything about" Mira said with a shrug and her smile was quickly returned as she stared at her brunette friend . "You know I still don't have someone for you. I paired you with Gray at first but that didn't workout"
"You do realize that we're just kids right? "
"So, that's not gonna stop me"
"You're a dangerous romantic"
"Whatever you say" Mira smirked and continued to stare at Erza and Archer. "I'll find you someone soon enough"
"Give it your best shot. I don't have a crush on any of the idiots in our guild"
"I doubt it, you must like someone. Everyone has crushes "
"Yeah, no"
"Oh come on. There's no one? "
"Not at all"
"Don't lie to me"
Cana said nothing and proceeded to gather her cards. She didn't see the point of all of this. Arent they too young to be thinking about these things? What's the point of a crush. It'll fade at some point. And crushes are pretty shallow. She didn't know why Mira believed there was such a thing as romantic love between kids their age. They weren't teenagers yet after all. That's when things get really interesting.
Even so, she enjoyed listening to Mira go on about these things. And she didn't mind helping her execute her plans. It's was fun.
She just liked hanging out with Mira in general.
"So what do you have planned, she devil? "
"Nothing yet but I'll make it work"
"Is that so"
"Give me a couple of days and then five hears"
"You're serious? "
"Yeah, like you said we're kids. There's nothing too interesting right now. At the moment all we can experience is a "like like". But when we're teenagers, that's when things take a fun turn. That is when these two will become official. I will see to it, if it's the last thing I do"
"You're being too dramatic"
"I shall dub this ship ScarletPhoenix"
"Why? "
"Because of the nickname Archer uses and because of Archer's last bame"
"How did you find that out? "
"Natsu talks to my little sis and my little sis talks to me" Mira said proudly. "Plus I'm a pretty good detective "
"Great" Mira grinned. "ScarletPhoenix will become a reality"