The guild was a ruckus again. Another fight was taking place and unsurprisingly it is Gray and Natsu standing at the center of it all. The minute Natsu stepped into the guild he picked a fight with the half naked Gray. Why, no one really knows. It just happened and soon the entire guild was pulled into it. Even Sting had joined the brawl and was happily taking down anyone he could.
"I'll kill you,you flame bastard! "Gray shouted as he came flying through the air with an icecannon at the ready.
"Id like to see you try, you damn stripper! "Natsu was on fire and seemed to be readying an iron fist.
Archer was nearby and watched the scene with a blank expression. She turned away from the scene and headed for a table in the corner of the guild, not at all caring about the collision that took place soon after. There was a crash and the sound of broken wood followed by angered shouts. All of that was ignored, although Archer did pity the old man who looked devastated. The old man couldn't stand to see his guild fall apart like this. Even though Archer can easily fix it up, it still hurt to watch. And Archer is unpredictable. What if she doesn't feel like fixing the guild? Usually she stops these fights but she was ignoring it at the moment.
Wendy was in the corner of the guild with some of the girls. They watched the brawl with worry while Cana dealt cards. The brunette didn't worry much. She managed to save her cards so she could care less about everything else right now. Lisanna and Levy on the other hand worried about the brawl spreading towards them. They really did not want to get involved in anyway. Erza didn't even seem to notice the brawl, seeing as she was too invested in her cake. That was another thing that worried the girls. If something happened to Erza's cake she'll get into everything and all hell will break loose. And if that happened Archer might finally step in and things could escalate even more.
"Why does this always happen? "Lisaana questioned as she watched her sister beat up a group of innocent guildmates for no apparent reason.
"This is fairy tail" Levy said absentmindly as she flipped through the pages of her book. She had learned from Cana that Archer's last name was Phoenix. She remembered reading something about that, but she couldn't remember the book. At the moment she had a stack of them in front of her and was quickly searching each with her glasses. She had a feeling it was something fascinating. Leave it up to her to forget about something like that.
"What are you looking for? "Lisanna asked as she took a look into her book.
"Archer's family"
Wendy made a sound at that and tried to look into the book as well.
"Why? "
"I just want to know. I had read something about them, but I can't even remember the book"
"What did you read? "Wendy asked.
"Something about them being considered godly creatures who did not bother themselves with us humans" Levy said.
"Seriously? "Cana suddenly took interest in this. "Why? "
"Archer said that there was no point to it since humans don't live as long as they do. So it's best to not interfere and risk getting attached" Wendy informed as she recalled what Archer had told her. "But Archy does get involved and I'm sure she's attached"
Levy stared at Wendy, a beaming smile forming on her face. Of course. Why was she searching through books while she had someone who knew Archer better than anyone rigt there with her.
"What else do you know? "it was Erza who asked this time. "Is Archer an actual Phoenix, or is she just a human with odd powers"
"Well-" before Wendy could finish her sentence Archer suddenly slid into the seat next to the child. Wendy brightened immediately and climbed into her lap.
"You were just about to make me less of an enigma, Wenwen" Archer said said amusement.
"I was? "
"Yes you were"
"Oh" Wendy seemed thoughtful. "Then I won't tell them"
Levy deflated and sulked in her seat while Erza sighed.
"Should've known it was too good to be true"
"Oh well, we tried" Cana shrugged while she let Archer pick some cards. The brunette took a liking to reading the other's fortune. It was filled with mystery and loads of adventure.
"Why do you keep secrets about yourself? " Levy asked in a whine. "I want to know more"
"It amuses me" was Archer's answer.
"You're not very nice" Lisanna pouted in her anger.
"Apparently I'm not the nicest of people"
"Can we at least ask one question? "
"I don't see why not" from the tone of her voice they were all certain there was a smile behind that mask. "Be careful, certain questions will receive no answer and you only get one try"
This was tricky for they didn't know what question would receive an answer. There was so much they wanted know but only very little Archer was willing to reveal to them.
While they were so deep in thought Archer took to entertaining Wendy and Rogue, who had approached her moments ago. She made dragon toys of both their elements and willed them to move with the twitching of her fingers. It was like manipulating a puppet.
"I've got it" Levy stood abruptly in her exclamation. "How are you capable of using so many different types of magic? "
"Smart question" Archer sounded a tad bit impressed or was it pride? They weren't sure. "I studied each form of magic I currently know and am still studying more at the moment"
"Yes but a wizard can only use two types of magic at most unless they use lacrima or other forms of magic implants" Levy pointed out.
"That is true, but I'm not like your everyday wizard. Therefore those rules do not apply to me" Archer replied in her calm demeanor. "That should be obvious enough"
"I guess that makes sense? "Levy wasn't too sure. "So, you knowing that many forms of magic is what makes you as strong as you are? "
"Yes and no" came the reply. "Yes,the many forms of magic I use are powerful, they do not make me powerful. There is a massive difference. The reason I'm so strong has a bit to do with who I am and which family I belong to while the other part is me putting my life in danger"
"Why do you say these things so casually? "Cana sweat dropped.
"Having natural power is one thing but if you are not capable of controling it, it will tear you up from the inside out. That is basically what happened with me. I already had immense power, but it was painful to posses due to me having no control over it"
"Oh, well. I never thought of that" Levy admitted. "So you have control over it now? "
Archer nodded. "To a good degree. If I did not, my body temperature would be far higher than it is now to the point where no one around would be able to stand it" Archer admitted.
"When you say to a good degree, what does that even mean? "
"Exactly what it is. I don't have perfect control, but I have a decent amount that can stop me from being a danger to myself and anyone else "
"If you don't have full control, does that mean there's still a bit of pain? "
Archer didn't answer that. Instead she leaned back with a carefree air about her
"Who knows"
"And that's the end of that" Erza sighed. "Whenever she says that there's no hope of her telling us anything else"
"Well we got more than we expected" Cana said with a shrug. "It's better than nothing"
"I guess we did" Levy agreed with a content smile. "We'll try next time"
"I wish you luck" Archer said sounding very sincere while she returned to animating her created toys.
"Can I ask another question? "Lisanna asked.
"May"Archer corrected.
"Why care so much about grammer? "Cana asked
"It was drilled into me"
"May I ask another question? "
"Sure go ahead "
"You seem to like music, so I gotta ask. Are there anymore instruments you can play? "
"Why yes they are"
"Big sis can play a lot of instruments" Wendy said, gesturing with her hands.
Rogue nodded to the statement.
"Yes really "
"The guitar? "
Archer nodded and within an instant she held a guitar in hand. Wendy had slipped off her lap so that Archer could properly hold the instrument. Archer was already humming a familiar tune when she started to manipulate the strings of her guitar. She played the very same melody she played the other day with practiced ease. In all honesty the group of girls weren't too surprised. This is Archer after all. She's good at a lot.
"See, I can play the guitar" Archer said with a quiet laugh. "Along with practically any other instrument"
"Well geez"
Cana had a glimmer in her eyes. "Hey, ever thought about making your music a career? Let me be your manager, the money we'll make"
"Seriously, Cana? "
"What? "
"You know, I've never seen you in a dress of skirt, I wonder how you'll look in it" Lisanna said as she eyed Archer, picturing her in a dress. "Why don't you wear them anyway? "
"It makes my gender very clear. And if you all haven't noticed I take amusement in watching others try to figure it out".
"We already know you're a girl, so you can wear a dress" Lisanna smiled. "I think you would look really great in it"
"Little Archer looks absolutely wonderful in dresses"
The new voice drew everyone's attention to the smiling Demeter. Lisanna, Levy and Cana were very confused. As were everyone else who noticed her appearance.
"Hello Demeter" Archer and Erza waved.
"Hello lovelies. I've decided to spend some time with you today"
"Suit yourself" archer scooted over to make space for Demeter.
"Who?.. "
"I am Demeter. It is a pleasure to me you all. " the woman smiled her motherly smile as she greeted the girls. "You are all lovely little girls"
The three girls couldn't help but notice the motherly air around this woman. It was was very comforting and the feeling of security was very nice.
"Demeter, Archy let me help her make pancakes today" Wendy reported proudly.
"Is that so? I know you were the best little chef" Demeter had the girl in her lap and looked to the quiet Rogue. "And what of you little shadow? "
"We found eggs" he said. "We made a nest"
Demeter hummed in curiosity at that.
"You'll have to show me these eggs later"
Archer wondered how the girls managed to get her into the dress she found herself wearing. Each of them looked overjoyed as they inspected her, praising her look. Archer only sighed and let the girls treat her as a doll. What can you do in such a situation? Demeter was there as well and seemed just as amused. In fact she was the one supplying the girls with more and more dresses to put the androgynous girl in.
"Are you lot done with me yet? "
"Not even close" Mira smirked as she held up an outfit similar to her own. "Put this on"
"I really don't feel like continuing this. We've been at it for almost an hour now"
"You've got no say in this" Mira said firmly as she started to help Archer out of her current dress.
"But I really should have say in this. You're treating me like a doll"
"You're a very pretty doll" Lisanna complimented.
"Why not let her wear what she feels more comfortable in"Erza suggested. She had started to feel a bit bad about the situation. Despite her having a major part in It.
"Fine" Mira groaned.
Archer again sighed as she selectred what she would rather wear. It consisted of a dress shirt and a fancy looking jacket, its red the color of her eyes. Seeing as she had to wear a skirt she went with a high and low style, the color black. She of course had to wear the stockings she was given by the girls. She even retrieved a breton hat to top it off. She was adjusting the ribbon a her neck when everyone entered her room to get a look at her.
"I think this suits me for now" Archer said as she adjusted her hat on her head, tilting it to the side as she did.
"Okay, that really does suit you" Mira admitted with a look of wonder. "It really brings out that formal and polite part of you"
"Nicely said" Cana nodded. "Not bad"
"Oh you've got to dress like this more often. Ditch the pants for a whole. " Levy suggested.
"That takes away all the fun of it. "
"Awe come on. Just for this week. You already said you won't be going on any mission soon so what's the harm? "
"Fine, you win"
"You really do look good that outfit" Erza complimented.
"Thanks" Archer said as she tied her scarf around her waist in the form of a sash.
"Lose the mask! "Mira reached for the offending article and pulled it down, only to find another mask. "The hell? "
Archer laughed at the face she was making. She pulled a classic Kakashi on them.
"Why are you wearing two masks!? "