Chapter 29

It was around eleven in the morning and Archer was still at home. She was seated in the back yard, snacking on some chocolate as she watched the scene before her. Erza's training had finally started and she was being treated the same as the first time. Athena's form of training at the moment was fighting the redhead until she landed a solid hit. Only then shall they move on to other forms of training. So far, Erza has only barely touched the goddess with her sword. The phoenix sword was stripped of its power for training purposes. For good reason. Erza was meant to land a clear attack without the use of any form of magic. She was no longer allowed to equip a second sword like the last. It was to help her swordsmanship improve.

Erza was great with a sword. In fact Archer had placed her in her top five or ten. She didn't really remember. What she did remember was that she was not tumher one. No, that went to Zorro. She was a big fan of Erza but she was also very fair and honest. In her opinion Zoro could beat Erza when it comes to the battle of swords.

Zoro has had years to train with his swords. He uses each of them skillfully, simply because it's the same weapon set. He's made it his goal to be the best swordsman of his world and as such challenges any other sword user on the daily. Erza is exactly what he's used to. That's nothing new. He could fight her. He could win. Erza is impressive but her skill in swordplay does not compete with that of Zoro simply because she wields many others. He focuses on the three he has while Erza has over a hundred sword. Each sword might need to be used differently. Plus there is is fact that she doesn't only wield swords.

Erza and Zoro are comparable in strenght, speed, durability and much else. But when it comes to their skill in wielding their weapons Erza does not stand above the mighty Zoro

Let's say Erza took the time to train her skill on wielding the multitude of weapons she had, she would come close to him. Each of her swords are different. Some have special abilities. They need to be handled differntly. The phoenix sword for example is very light and incredibly sharp. Using such a sword requires precision. There is little strenght needed due to it's sharpness and light weight. Speed would benefit in the use of this sword.

If Erza were to use her heavier swords, let's say the sword of the purgatory armor she has not yet acquired. That is one heavy sword and requires strenght of all things. Wielding it would be totally different to wielding the phoenix sword and therefore requires a different set of skills.

Archer already knew what Athena was going to do. She was going to let Erza fight her using each and every one of her weapons. One by one. That way she'll learn to use them better. Learn to adapt and change her style of fighting as fast as she can re-equip.

Archer was happy to watch her struggles. Of course she was not simply there for observation. Erza would fall soon enough and she should heal her. Or maybe she should just let Wendy do it. She should practice her magic more. But then she remebered that the dragons took their kids out for training, so she was left alone. Her siblings specifically told her to take care of the eggs.

That's why she's seated in the nest, her temparature slightly higher. She would be acting as their temporary heater until Natsu returns.

"When will you lot hatch, I wonder" Archer said to herself as she took in the eggs. Maybe a month or two. It was never said how long an exceed egg took to hatch. That was certainly information she could have used.

"You'll be seeing little cat creatures in a month's time"

Archer hummed and absentmindedly waved at Demeter. Of course she should have asked one of the gods. They know these things.

"Thank you for that bit of information"

"You're welcome" Demeter smiled. "I must say, the others are not so very happy with you taking your time in finding them"

"Even Aphrodite? "

"Yes, she seems more sorrowful than angered"

"Of course she is" Archer sighed. "Maybe I should hunt them all down today. It's not like I don't know where they are and I can just teleport"

"Why have you not done that since the very start? "

Archer chose to ignore the new presence. Poseidon wasn't her biggest fan as of late. He really knows how to hold a grudge that one.

"How have you been Poseidon? "Demeter asked kindly, not at all affected by poseidon's glare.

"We saw each other less then five minutes ago. You asked this already"

"Yes, but your mood tends to switch very often"

"He could put a teenage girl to shame" Archer jested.

"Your treatment of me is very disrespectful" Poseidon said with clear mirth.

"You are just a vengeful god who can not look past me being forgetful sometimes. You do as if I took days to summon you. And you do know that you can enter the world on your own, right? "

After that Archer did not listen to what Poseidon had to say. He can be very kind when he's not being his vengeful self.

Archer had focused on the closest pull she felt and easily used her magic to place herself in that area. The scenery around her changed very quickly and she was soon standing in a forest of cherry blossoms and beautiful flowers. She blinked, the colors asualting her for a moment. She didn't expect to find herself in such a forest. She didn't need much else to let her know who's key had lead her to the forest.

"Of course" she sighed as she followed the pull deeper into the odd forest.

"Aphrodite just had to be surrounded by all of this"


There was a sense of Déjà vu as Erza lay on the grass. She had failed to land a solid blow on Athena. She had hardly come close. It was far harder than the last time. Back then she could summon another sword. Now she was left with the one and had its power stripped. Now she was without any strenght and struggling to get the needed amount of oxygen.

Demeter came to sit at her side and wordlessly began to heal her. Erza noted a new figure nearby. A man with blue hair that was eyeing her with judgment.

"She is your chosen student? "He asked Athena who had retrieved Erza's fallen sword.

"Yes, I deem her Worthy"

Poseidon said nothing and continued to eye the redhead. Athena took her as student. He was not expecting her to take anyone as a student. The redhead must actually be special. What could be so special about her? He continued to stare in thought. Athena must see a warrior in her. The child appeared to be knight so that must've played into it.

What would he know. It's not like he cared about what his fellow deity was occupying her time with. However it did make him consider taking a student as well. Although humans don't tend to have the qualities he's looking for. In fact they don't tend to have the qualities any god is looking for. It is rare that a deity took a human as a student.

Erza was soon back on her feet and had her sword back in hand. She would go at it again. She didn't see herself winning this anytime soon, but she sure as hell was not going to give up.

"Why has Archer not given you the armor yet? " Athena asked as she took in Erza's form. "It would benefit you greatly "

Erza almost forgot about the armor. She supposed Archer forgot again. For someone like her she tends to be a bit forgetful.

"It must have slipped Archer's mind again"

Athena seemed very unamused. "That child" the woman sighed in her disappointment.

"She tends to be forgetful" Demeter said with a small giggle.

"It's hard for me to comprehend how she can remember practically everything she reads, but forget about the armor"

"She's Archer. She does many questionable things "

"Why are you guys talking about me? "

All eyes were on her soon enough. She had a question in her own as she pocketed two keys.

"Why do you not give your knight the armor" Athena asked as she pointed her sword at the unaffected Archer.

"I forgot" Archer was smiling sheepishly

Erza still questioned why Athena referred to her as Archer's knight. It was a bit embarrassing when she thought about it.

"You remember now, don't you? "

Archer nodded her smile remaining as she walked up to Erza. Without a word she placed both hands on her shoulders, confusing Erza for a moment. The redhead soon decided it was best not to be confused or shocked even when she was surrounded be a glow. She could feel Archer's magic and it felt very familiar. Maybe it's simply because she seemed to be using a form of re-equip magic. Erza never tried using her magic on someone else. She didn't even know her magic could be used that way.

When the glow was gone Archer stepped back, her brows furrowed. She proceeded to circle Erza, taking in her appearance. Judging and observating. At some point she stopped and nodded in appreciation

"Welp, it fits you well enough. Though that never would have been an issue" Archer said more to herself than anyone else. "How does it feel? "

"Light" Erza took in the red gloves she adorned. They werent metal. At least they didn't look or feel like any form of metal. They felt more like leather than anything else. She flexed her fingers easily enough. It was as if she didn't have gloves at the moment. The entire armor allowed maneuverability. "What's with this metal? "

I was very odd. The armor was half plated, with a leathery fabric beneath. The parts that were metal were her boots, leg and arm braces along with her breastplate. Unlike her formor armor it was not stiff at all. She felt like she could actually bend the metal. Could she?

"One I created. Super light so you can move around freely. You shouldn't feel stiff or constricted in anyway. Despite all of that, it is pretty strong armor.

"Are the gloves metal? "

"Yup, don't feel like it do they? "

"Not at all. Feels like leather"

"Yup and you got to keep your blue skirt you seem to love so much"

"Why does that amuse you? "

"It just does" Archer grinned. "Heads up"

Erza yelped when Archer manifested a katana and came straight at her. She was fast enough to draw her sword in time. The speed with which she moved surprised her.

"I thought you weren't into this"

"I only said I'm not a sword person" Archer corrected. "That does not mean I can not wield a blade"

"A sword and katana are not that different"

"Swords are designed to have flexibility so that users can handle them easily. And their blades are designed to be able to chop things by power.Adjusting these purposes, some swords were made lighter and more flexible so that users could handle easier; some other swords were made heavier so that users could easily put more power and chop bigger/harder things easier" Archer explained very casually. "Plus I'm sure swords are double edged while Katana's are not"

Erza raised an eyebrow, seeing as Archer had lowered her weapon. The redhead did no such thing because Archer can be very unpredictable. Most likely even more so with an actual weapon.

"On the other hand, katana, Samurai's swords were designed to have higher cutting quality and solidity.Because Samurais were not tall and not physically tough like knights, they needed to have blades which enable them to cut things easily with less power.Therefore, swordsmith had developed a method to forging steels by hammering numerous times, and sharpen the blade by natural stones.Thus, katana, very thin and multifold razor-edge steel blade, were invented" Archer continued while she ran finger over her blade. "Maybe it really isn't much of a difference, but I like to be a samurai"

"Of course you do"

"Plus a katana is curved, which I find very impressive. I'm also a fan of the long and round hilt"

"At least I learned something new about you today" Erza decided to see the bright side of her day.

"Yes and you'll find out just how skilled I am with this amazing blade"